i can eat tips

Chapter 445 Layout of Yandu

Chapter 445 Layout of Yandu
Tony ninjas, like Long Xia warriors, are divided into nine levels, with the ninth level being the strongest. The strength is generally above the fifth level of condensed core, and they are proficient in ninjutsu, which should not be underestimated.

"Oh? Masashi Iga didn't come in person?" Lu Shaoxi was a little surprised.

"There's no news about him yet, but he showed his face in the north of Dongni two days ago, so he shouldn't come to Longxia so soon." Mu Mu's voice was stubborn, as if he was a little displeased with providing information for Lu Shaoxi.

Lu Shaoxi doesn't care about her mood, Iga is too mysterious, Zheng Hai's information is limited, Lu Shaoxi still wants to get as much information about Iga as possible from Mu Mu.

"Has Masashi Iga broken through to the God Transformation Realm?"

The peerless powers of the God Transformation Realm are not allowed to enter the territory of other countries without their consent. This is the default rule of all countries in the world.Although the peerless powerhouses of the God Transformation Realm are not as rare as the rare ones, they are by no means numerous. Even in a powerful country like Long Xia with prosperous martial arts and a world-renowned Jingwu Alliance, there are no more than fifty registered God Transformation Realm experts. bit.It is very easy to cause misunderstandings when the God Transformation Realm suddenly enters another country, and it will be besieged and wiped out by the God Transformation Realm of other countries on the grounds of trespassing—no matter for any country, the God Transformation Realm is an extremely important strategic resource that can destroy Losing one counts as one—this is also the origin of the rule above that the God Transformation Realm is not allowed to trespass into other countries.

Lu Shaoxi naturally thought of this rule when he asked this question. If Masao Iga dared to sneak into Longxia territory in the realm of transformation, Lu Shaoxi didn't have to worry about it at all. The leader stays in Long Xia forever.

"Probably not, but he is called 'No.1 in the God Transformation Realm' in Tony."

No.1 in the God Transformation Realm?I don't know who is stronger than the adoptive father, Dean Xia?Lu Shaoxi thought for a while, and then asked tentatively: "Even if he is not in the state of transformation, if such a powerful person enters Yandu, will Qianlong make a move?"

"Massaga Iga has a special status in the Dongni martial arts. If Qianlong doesn't have enough reasons, he won't attack him, so as to avoid triggering more intense confrontation between the martial artists of the two countries." The relationship with Qin Ruxuan is still brooding.

Lu Shaoxi frowned slightly.He already had a better understanding of the current situation of the Jingwu Alliance, and Mu Mu's words made him more convinced of his guess.

In the current Jingwu Alliance, the Huairou faction has the upper hand, advocating that the enemy will not attack us, and I will not attack the enemy. As long as Masaichi Iga is not in the state of transformation and no major incidents occur, even if he sneaks into Yandu, the Jingwu Alliance will not easily move him.As for the eight great aristocratic families and six sects, they would not casually intervene in the affairs of foreign warriors, for fear of violating the taboo of the Jingwu Alliance.What's more, there is no benefit in touching Masao Iga. Even if Masachi Iga is killed, he will have to face the endless revenge of the Iga clan ninja afterwards, which is even more mire.

Is it No.1 in the God Transformation Realm...

The fighting spirit in Lu Shaoxi's eyes is ignited, so come on!It happened that he had comprehended the new martial arts with the word "heaven", and he happened to practice his hands with Masamune Iga!


While Lu Shaoxi was thinking about how to deal with Masashi Iga's lifelong rival, countless people in Yandu were digesting the shock he brought.

The new super teacher of Tianxia College cleared the customs and walked around the entire library in less than an hour, making Vice President Wu suffer a lot, and the courses are very popular among students...

The name Lu Shaoxi soon appeared on the desks of many important people, together with his various brilliant achievements.

Especially when the students contacted their families and recounted the content of the class to the elders, those parents who were somewhat disapproving were shocked. On the one hand, they instructed that they must listen to the class carefully and record Lu Shaoxi's class verbatim. On the one hand, I also started to move my mind and prepare to poach corners.Some even tried their best to send more nephews to Tianxia Academy, even if they could go in and attend Lu Shaoxi's class.

So Dean Xie's phone kept ringing, but the old man excused his poor health to push all the calls to the Academic Affairs Office.It was only the dean of the Academic Affairs Office who suffered. The status of the person on the other end of the phone became more and more prominent, and his pressure was also increasing.

Shen Jianfei, the old leader of Qianlong, laughed triumphantly when he heard about it, and after drinking two glasses of white wine, he took out a photo secretly taken by someone who didn't know where, and laughed very strangely.

In the photo, Lu Shaoxi was lying in a coma on the hospital bed, while Shen Mengyao endured the sleepiness and wiped Lu Shaoxi's sweat with concern and worry.

As long as you are not blind, you can see that Shen Mengyao's attitude towards Lu Shaoxi in the photo is not normal.

"Grandpa, why are you drinking again?"

In a slightly cold and reproachful voice, Shen Mengyao, who was wearing pajamas, came down from the second floor: "Didn't the doctor tell you that you can't drink alcohol?" She was still holding a piano score in her hand, and it seemed that she had just practiced the piano.

Shen Jianfei retracted his wrist into his sleeve, and when he stretched it out again, the photo had miraculously disappeared.He laughed and said: "Girl, it's cold today, drink some wine to drive away the cold, it's fine."

Seeing that Shen Mengyao still looked unhappy, Shen Jianfei immediately changed the subject: "By the way, girl, do you still remember Lu Shaoxi?"

The name really had a remarkable effect. Although Shen Mengyao's expression did not change at all, Shen Jianfei could clearly hear her heart beating suddenly.

"Well, didn't you ask him to protect me in Yuanzhou? This guy is still loyal to his duty. What's wrong with him..." At the end, Shen Mengyao's voice was a little strange.

Shen Jianfei pretended not to notice the strange behavior of his granddaughter, shook his head and said: "This kid has come to Yandu, he caused trouble right after he arrived, and severely injured the only seedling of the Wu family. Someone stabbed this matter to me."

Shen Mengyao was secretly anxious when she heard this, this guy is really worry-free!Yandu Wu's family is not easy to mess with!

"Oh, if he bullies the weak and hurts others for no reason, how should he deal with it? Grandpa can't do favoritism just because he has protected me."

Her words were indifferent on the surface, but she was actually trying to excuse Lu Shaoxi in a disguised form.

Shen Jianfei is a human being, how could he not know it, he smiled and said: "The other party made the fault first, that kid is just defending himself, it doesn't matter."

"Oh." Shen Mengyao's expression was still indifferent, but her frowning eyebrows relaxed.

"But this kid has no taboos in his words and deeds. I want to invite him home and beat him up. What do you think, girl?"

"What?" The score in Shen Mengyao's hand fell to the ground.


After treating Granny Yinhua's injuries, Lu Shaoxi took a look at the villa in Jinxiu Mountain.Thanks to the ten housekeeping robots airlifted from Huxin Island in Yuanzhou, these villas have been cleaned up and tidied up. They can only be ventilated, and the musty smell can be removed for people to live in.

Lin took Lei Lin to inspect the "site" around, while Lu Shaoxi stood on the top of the mountain, looked around, once again feeling the good geomantic omen here, containing mountains and rivers, where wind and cloud meet, it is indeed a rare treasure!

He was thinking about how to set up a nine-rank four-spirit vitality formation, "Brother Lu." Lu Hong appeared beside him like a shadow, and thanked him again: "Thank you, I have troubled you to come here every day to heal Master poison."

The girl's face was a little pale after not seeing the sun for a long time, but the smile on her face was pure and innocent.

Lu Shaoxi looked at the green smiling face icon on the girl's head, and with a thought, he immediately smiled and said, "It's okay, we are all here to deal with Zhang Xuanhao, it's an alliance. By the way, sister Yunhong, are you also quite good at fighting? For proficiency?"

"Well, it's okay, not as good as Master." Yun Hong smiled shyly.

"I want to set up a big formation here, but I just need someone to help. If you have time, can you help me out?"

Lu Shaoxi had to attend training during the day and give lectures at night, so he really didn't have time to set up the formation. This Lu Hong usually stayed on Jinxiu Mountain for nothing, so he was a suitable candidate.

Yan Hong was surprised and said: "A large formation? What kind of formation do you want to set up?"

 I recommend "The Assassin" by the author's friend "Dream of the Sunset".


(End of this chapter)

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