i can eat tips

Chapter 451 Meet the Strong!

Chapter 451 Meet the Strong!

The Jingwu Alliance has one chief and two deputy leaders, who are the highest commanders of the entire alliance, and the lower ones are envoys of various ranks, and the upper supervisor is the highest level.

Longxia has a vast territory, and the Jingwu Alliance has set up provincial departments in all provinces and major borders. Each provincial department takes the "Silver Star Elite Martial Guard Regiment" as the main force to deal with conflicts and crises in Longxia. The leader is the middle governor; On the other hand, Border Gate uses the most powerful "Meritorious Knights" as the main force, mainly dealing with foreign invading warriors.However, the "Hidden Dragon" has the smallest number of knights, and they are permanently stationed at the Yandu Gongwei headquarters. The "Hidden Dragon" is a reserve and seldom actually goes to the front line, so in fact, the "Flying Dragon" is the main force at the border.The leader of the border branch is basically the rank of middle governor, and only a very small number of people who have made great contributions and have a record as strong as Yan Tianbei will be awarded the rank of upper governor.

In addition to these provincial and border branches, the headquarters of the Jingwu Alliance has also set up two supervising agencies with great power. One is called "Black Clothes", which is responsible for law enforcement and punishment. As "Tsing Yi", he specializes in secret inspections and has the privilege of reporting when he hears about it.The leaders of these two organizations are directly in the rank of governor.

With a higher rank and the great power of supervision and punishment, the "black clothes" and "green clothes" naturally feel that they are superior to the provincial and border branches.But which leader of the provincial department and border branch of Mushou's side is not a proud person?Therefore, the relationship between the two parties will naturally not be too harmonious.

The relationship between Yan Tianbei and Han Jun is also not good. It is not a secret within the Jingwu Alliance, and everyone is not surprised at all.Guan Zhengyao saw that the two of them wanted to fight as soon as they met, and if they really could afford it, it would be fine, not only the whole Yan was shaken, but even the whole Longxia would be shaken!At that time, Yan Tianbei's major affairs will be troublesome.

Knowing that Yan Tianbei's nature was like a raging fire, he would never open his mouth to explain, so he hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Supervisor Han, Superintendent Yan just came to see his only son, and has no other intentions."

Han Jun stared, his already fierce appearance was even more terrifying, as if Zhang Fei had come back to life, he didn't even look at Guan Zhengyao, and said coldly to Yan Tianbei: "Leaving the station, you have to submit an application to the headquarters. After the headquarters approves Only then can we leave, Yan Tianbei, you left the border without authorization and intend to infiltrate Yandu, are you afraid that you have some evil intentions?"

Yan Tianbei's long and narrow eyes opened a little more, the beard on his face stood up, and he exuded the majestic aura of commanding thousands of troops. The snowflakes falling from tens of feet around seemed to hit an invisible barrier and scattered open.

He looked directly at Han Jun, and said word by word: "When did Yan do things, why did he hide his head and tail? If Yan hadn't deliberately released his consciousness, Han Jun, do you think you can find Yan with your strength?"

Han Jun's face was a bit ugly, and he snorted coldly: "What a big tone, Yan Tianbei, you underestimate the heroes of the world!" He clenched the hand holding the knife handle slightly, and his whole body was full of momentum.

The tit-for-tat confrontation between the two peerless powerhouses, the world is in a strange state, the situation is changing, and the earth is shaking!
At the critical moment when the situation was on the verge of breaking out, a peaceful voice suddenly came from midair.

"Supervisor Yan, the situation in Yandu is turbulent now, and the voices of the two factions within the alliance are not giving in. Why are you wading into this muddy water at this time?" It seems that they all have magical powers, and people can't help but believe him.

Yan Tianbei's face was calm, but his hands behind his back were slightly clenched.

There are not many people who can make dignified Yan Tianbei raise his vigilance, there are at most three in Yandu.

This guy is one of them.

The person in mid-air raised his footsteps and stepped on the falling snowflakes.

The snowflakes are as light as cotton wool, but he seems to be lighter than that cotton wool. When the cloth shoes step on the snowflakes, the falling trend of the snowflakes does not change at all, and it still falls gently.

His steps are not big, and each step happens to step on a snowflake.

One step at a time, he walked down the snow from a height of several tens of feet, as if walking in a garden.

The cold wind howled, but the simple green clothes on his body only swayed slightly and naturally, accompanied by his footsteps in the snowflakes in mid-air, indescribably free and easy and elegant.

When the snowflakes fell to the ground, he also landed lightly on the snow, walking slowly towards Yan Tianbei.

There is no dust on the snow, let alone the slightest footprint.

This is the real stepping on the snow without trace.

The visitor has a white face and a short beard. He looks very young, about 30 years old at most, but his eyes are extremely peaceful, like a quiet pool, without the slightest waves, like a monk who has practiced for a hundred years—this is definitely not 30 years old. As for the state of mind that Li Zhinian can achieve, in fact, this person has indeed practiced in the world for more than a hundred years—to a high level, some people rejuvenate and become younger, and some people have the same appearance as if time has stagnated. This person is naturally the former.

Most especially, his hands were as crystal clear as jade, smoother and more beautiful than a baby's hands.

But both Yan Tianbei and Guan Zhengyao knew that there were not one thousand but nine hundred warriors who died under the hands of these white and tender warriors.

Yan Tianbei looked down upon the heroes of the world, but he had to hold back a little bit of arrogance when facing this man, and clasped his fists and said, "I didn't expect Shen Shangdu to come out to meet him in person, it's Yan's honor!"

The person who came was the leader of "Tsing Yi", the superintendent Shen Yi, nicknamed "Taxue Wuhen", ranked third among all the gods in Yandu, second only to the leader of the Jingwu Alliance and the man who was called "the closest to God" "The "Old Ancestor" is one of the three "Dinghai Shenzhen" in Yandu.

His lightness kung fu has reached a state of perfection, and his palm technique is even more unpredictable. Unfortunately, most of the people who have seen him strike are no longer alive. His strength is more like a legend.

Shen Yi is now more than 150 years old, but the time he joined the Jingwu Alliance is not too long, even shorter than Shen Jianfei. Shen Yi, who has just stepped into the realm of transforming gods, officially joined after decades of battles between Long Xia and Tony. He joined the Jingwu Alliance and was ordered to guard the Northeast Frontline. At that time, he had single-handedly blocked the sneak attack of Dongni's three god-turning realms, turned the situation in the Northeast in one fell swoop, and made great contributions to Longxia Wulin's victory over Dongni Wulin.It can be said that without Shen Yi's participation, the history of Long Xia Wulin might have to be rewritten.

It is said that he once had the opportunity to become the leader of the Jingwu Alliance, but Shen Yi refused, and instead chose the most hated position as the leader of "Tsing Yi", and he did his best to maintain the internal discipline of the Jingwu Alliance, rewarding good and punishing Evil, this is really admirable.Therefore, there are many people who dislike Han Jun in various provinces and border branches, but very few people who dislike Shen Yi.

Shen Yi cupped his fists at Yan Tianbei to return the salute, and said in a calm voice: "Supervisor Yan, go back."

Guan Zhengyao's palms were sweating, no matter how confident he was in Yan Tianbei, Yan Tianbei had no chance of winning in the face of the siege of two peerless powerhouses, Shen Yi and Han Jun!
(End of this chapter)

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