i can eat tips

Chapter 455

Chapter 455
Dean Xie is well-known in Yandu. As soon as he appeared, the warriors in black even though he belonged to a different department, still respectfully said: "Hello, Dean Xie!"

"I already know the matter. What's the matter? Now that 'Black Clothes' is going to take away the special-grade teacher of our college, he doesn't even bother to call me?" Dean Xie has no expression on his face, but he is not angry!

The man in black at the head hesitated for a moment, but still stepped forward and said: "Dean Xie, since Lu Shaoxi is a special-grade teacher of the college, he is a member of the Jingwu Alliance. As a member of the Jingwu Alliance, he killed and wounded warriors in the alliance for no reason , 'Black Clothes' has the right to intervene and request to take over the case, thoroughly investigate this matter!" After speaking, he took out an arrest warrant from his pocket and handed it to Dean Xie.

"We received an order to send Lu Shaoxi back to the 'Headquarters in Black' for investigation. Please forgive me, Dean Xie."

Dean Xie took it, seeing that the seals and signatures on it were complete, and it was signed by Qi Jitang, the No. [-] leader of the "Black Clothes", he couldn't help frowning.

Qi Jitang's rank and strength are not below Dean Xie's. He is gloomy and fierce. Once he bites the target, he will never die. Some rats.

"There must be a misunderstanding. Although Mr. Lu has just joined our Tianxia Academy, he has an excellent character and reputation, and he is a student below..." Dean Xie pointed to the ground, indicating that Lu Shaoxi is a "hidden dragon", Continued: "This incident is a bit strange, why don't we investigate it inside the academy first, and I will give an explanation to the 'black clothes' at that time, how about it?"

Although Dean Xie didn't know the details of the matter, the two exchanged glances just now, and Lu Shaoxi signaled his innocence, and Dean Xie knew it.He understood Lu Shaoxi's strength and mentality. Lu Shaoxi really wanted to deal with these Tony students. Naturally, there were countless ways to achieve his goal without anyone noticing. He would never openly kill people in front of so many guards.

The man in black was silent for a while, then said: "I want to ask my superiors for instructions. Please thank the dean for your understanding."

He took out a small encryptor and whispered the situation to the other end, but the other end only replied with five words: "Bring the person back."

The man in black apologized to Dean Xie: "I'm sorry, Dean Xie, the superior ordered Lu Shaoxi to take it back. If Dean Xie disagrees, let's save our lives." After finishing speaking, he waved his hand: " Take people away!"

Several black-clothed warriors under him stepped forward to detain Lu Shaoxi without hesitation.

Dean Xie recognized that the voice at the other end was Qi Jitang himself, and was immediately in a dilemma.

The two leaders of "Black Clothes", Han Jun and Qi Jitang, are notoriously ruthless characters who won't give anyone face. Qi Jitang even has inextricable friendship with Dean Xie's arch rival, Vice Dean Wu Haijun. The dean naturally saw how deep the water behind this matter was.

If he insists on keeping Lu Shaoxi behind, he will definitely have a conflict with the "black clothes". If he openly confronts the "black clothes" or even injures and kills the black-clothed fighters... Even with Dean Xie's qualifications and contacts, it will be difficult to get them The advantage is that Vice President Wu will seize the opportunity to stab him a few times afterwards.

Dean Xie weighed the pros and cons, and finally said: "Okay, I can let you take him away, but if 'Black Clothes' dares to punish him or kill him without telling him, don't blame me for being ruthless and going to the headquarters to make a fuss It's a game!"

In his position, it was the most serious warning to make the words so clear.The man in black didn't dare to answer, so he could only say: "'Black' has always followed the rules."

Lu Shaoxi exchanged glances with Dean Xie again, then followed the black-clothed warriors and left the security room.


Huahai Province has the "Huahai Martial Soul" APP as the news release and source of news for warriors. Yandu naturally has several similar apps, among which "Yandu Wulinlu" and "Longxia Heroes Altar" are the most famous, and the audience is wide-ranging. the widest.Yan Tianbei's battle with Han Jun and Shen Yi's peerless powerhouse was not spread because of the alliance's news blockade, but the incident that happened outside Tianxia Academy was announced at an extremely fast speed.

"The Youngest Special Teacher in Tianxia Academy Is Born!The classroom is hot! "'s headline was quickly removed and replaced with:

"The Newly Appointed Super Teacher of Tianxia College Kills Tony's Student!Is it arrogance or something hidden? "

"The super teacher was besieged by Tony's students, causing conflicts, four dead and one injured!" "

"Is it a respectable young teacher, or an impulsive and violent cold-faced killer?"Please pay attention to the in-depth report of "Longxia Heroes Forum" tomorrow morning! "

Countless warriors who were lying on the bed and ready to fall asleep were all startled by these news, and countless messages appeared under the news for a while.

Some people think that this special-level teacher is too young, and he is easy to be arrogant when he has achieved something. The exclusion of foreign students in the classroom is an example. It is not surprising that he killed Tony's students this time.

Some people think that it is wrong for Tony's students to besiege the teacher, and it is their own fault for being killed.

The Dongni fighters and Dongni exchange students in Yandu were angry. They made a banner overnight, and gathered hundreds of people to protest in front of Tianxia College, holding up "severely punish the murderer, and give justice to Dongni students!" , "The murderer pays with blood! Tianxia Academy publicly apologizes!", shouting loudly.

The students of Tianxia College also heard about this matter, and of course they supported Lu Shaoxi without hesitation. The two sides scolded each other through the wall. If there were no guards and teachers present to control, it would even lead to a large-scale fight.

Tony Wulin sent several protest letters and telegrams to the Longxia Jingwu Alliance, demanding that the Jingwu Alliance hand over the murderer, hold the relevant teaching staff accountable, and so on.

For a while, the martial arts inside and outside Yandu were full of quarrels, and the incident became more and more troublesome.


It was past eleven o'clock at night when Shen Mengyao finished practicing the piano. She was about to go to bed when she accidentally found a text message from Lu Shaoxi on her mobile phone.

There are only a few words on it: "Don't meddle in this matter." The text message was sent an hour ago.

Miss Shen was stunned for a moment.

Lu Shaoxi, what does this mean?
Since returning to Yandu, she decided not to have any contact with Lu Shaoxi, but for some reason, she couldn't bear to blacklist Lu Shaoxi's phone number.

During this period, Lu Shaoxi also called several times and sent her a lot of text messages. She didn't answer any of the calls, but read all the text messages verbatim.From time to time, Lu Shaoxi sent a sentence or two, "I miss you", "Are you asleep? Don't practice the piano too late", "I'm here in Yandu, can we go out for dinner together when you have time?"

She read these text messages countless times and wanted to delete them, but she couldn't press her finger on the "delete" button.

Shen Mengyao, Shen Mengyao, this flirtatious guy is already your sister's boyfriend. Don't tell me you can't grab it with your sister?Even if you succeeded in robbing, how could Qin Moshou agree with you to be with a worthless commoner?Didn't it hurt him and Qin Ruxuan in the end?

Miss Shen knew it in her heart, but she couldn't control her emotions.

Just like seeing these thoughtless words now, she couldn't help but get nervous.

This guy, won't cause trouble again, will he?
(End of this chapter)

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