i can eat tips

Chapter 457 Death Swamp

Chapter 457 Death Swamp
There are nearly ten black-clothed warriors in the armored vehicle. There are two people in the driver's seat in front, and the rest are watching Lu Shaoxi. All the guns in their hands are loaded and their safety is turned on, aiming at Lu Shaoxi, as if to prevent him from violently hurting others. .

Their movements are silent, showing well-trained.

Lu Shaoxi frowned. These warriors in black seemed to know his strength quite well, and they didn't show any gaps or flaws.

The armored vehicle was getting more and more remote, and the surrounding area was getting more and more dense and leafy.

Lu Shaoxi secretly wondered, could the headquarters in black be in the deep mountains?Combined with his clairvoyant eyes, his consciousness spread far away, and he soon discovered something was wrong.

There was no building similar to the base on the ground ahead, but instead a swamp and ruins covered in black foam for several kilometers!
In the ruined swamp, there are countless strange beasts with strange shapes and amazing strength!

How is this going?


"Muzi, something is wrong, they are not going to the 'Black Headquarters'."

In the dense forest, the face that has been following the off-road armored vehicle whispered to Mu Mu next to him.

"Are you sure?" Mu Mu couldn't help but startled.There are not many people in Qianlong who have been to the black-clothed headquarters, and Facebook has the oldest qualifications, and has been there once, so this time Xu Yuanbing sent him and Mu Mu to go out together to track down the whereabouts of these black-clothed warriors.

The Facebook face looked solemn: "Yes, if you are going to the 'Black Headquarters', you should turn left at the intersection just now, but now they turn right, and the right is into the barren hills, and the 'Death Swamp' area is five or six kilometers away .”

Dead Swamp!

Mu Mu took a deep breath. It used to be a genetic biology laboratory. Later, some drugs leaked for unknown reasons, causing a large area of ​​pollution. Therefore, it was designated as a no-entry area within a few kilometers. Spray some chemical mist inside to neutralize the pollution inside.Now there is heavy fog, mud and swamps everywhere, normal animals and plants are almost extinct, only some bloodthirsty monsters are left, so it is called "Death Swamp", and ordinary alliance warriors dare not and will not enter it.

What is this armored vehicle going to the Death Swamp instead of returning to Heiyitong headquarters?Do you want to kill Lu Shaoxi?
The two followed for another two or three kilometers, and saw a strange mist in the distance under the night, and there was a disgusting smell in the air, and the two stopped quickly.

Mu Mu took out the gas mask from his small backpack and asked, "Facebook, do you have a gas mask?"

Facebook said angrily: "No, I only brought Yi Rong's tools. I didn't expect to use a gas mask." Qianlong instructors have different specialties. Mu Mu is good at tracking and searching and shooting and assassination. To disguise as a hidden spy, the tool kits they always have are naturally different.

Mu Mu was afraid of losing the armored vehicle, so he hurriedly said: "How about this, you give me the tool bag, and then stay and report to the higher authorities, waiting for support, I will follow up to see first, let's maintain wireless communication."

"Okay." Facebook knew that Mu Mu was a superpower, and he was far faster than himself in terms of tracking and running, so he nodded decisively and agreed.

Mu Mu didn't say any more, took the Facebook kit and put it in his backpack, and hurriedly followed the traces left by the armored vehicles.


"Hey, are you sure you can track down those Tony ninjas?"

At the same time, after reuniting with Yan Hong at Jinxiu Mountain, Rin was looking suspiciously at the thin girl with an unusually fair complexion beside her.

The two are now standing in a park that Lu Shaoxi reminded earlier.

Yanhong's whole body was still wrapped in a large black cloak, she whispered: "It should be possible." She was good-tempered, but Rin's attitude was not that good, but she didn't mean to be angry.

"Should? Are you sure?" Rin was anxious and murderous.

Yanhong still said softly: "Anyone who uses the Dunjia technique will leave some traces, but the 'Dunjia' in Tony's ninjutsu is somewhat different from what I have learned, so I need to spend a little more time."

Lin didn't know anything about these strange dungeon techniques, and she didn't even notice the Dongni ninja who framed Lu Shaoxi. At this time, she could only rely on the power of Yuhong, which made her anxious and inexplicably unconvinced.

Yanhong held a few Taoist talismans in his hand, and muttered something, and then a strange formation pattern appeared under his feet.Rin has been by Lu Shaoxi's side all the time, knowing that the formation should be activated through the formation talisman, and seeing that Yunhong does have some skills, Rin let go of his anxiety.

After nearly a minute, "I found it!" Yanhong raised his black cloak, and rushed to the southeast first, and Rin immediately followed.

Yan Hong didn't run fast, and the few Taoist talismans in his hand kept emitting a faint light, and he had to stop for more than ten seconds at every intersection to judge the position of the next step. Beads of sweat, obviously this tracking work is quite exhausting.

Seeing this, Rin's hostility towards her eased a little.

The two little girls ran for nearly ten kilometers before stopping outside a sushi restaurant of Tony.This is a relatively remote alley, the sushi restaurant is not big, but there are many customers in it.

Lin crouched on a rooftop more than a hundred meters away, pointed at the sushi restaurant and asked, "Are the Tony ninjas here?"

Yanhong panted slightly: "Yes, the person who framed Big Brother Lu should be in the back yard."

In front of the sushi restaurant is the front shop, but behind it is a courtyard house.

Rin's consciousness spread out, and he immediately found that there were indeed more than a dozen strong men in the Core Condensation Realm, and even a super strong man in the Meridian Realm, whose strength may not be inferior to hers.

But Lin missed Lu Shaoxi in his heart, and was even more annoyed that these Tony ninjas plotted to frame Lu Shaoxi, so he couldn't hold back: "You stay outside, I'll go in and arrest people!"

The murderous look in Rin's eyes suddenly intensified, and a blood-red light appeared faintly.She took off the hammer-shaped pendant that had been hanging around her neck, and with a wave of her small hand, the pendant immediately turned into a black long-handled giant hammer.

Yan Hong hurriedly said: "Wait, there is a psychedelic formation inside, I will go with you."

Rin was still a little apprehensive about these formations, so he nodded: "Okay!"

The two little girls jumped straight from the roof towards the courtyard like birds flying into the forest.

There are Tony ninjas ambushing guards around the courtyard, and when they see two strangers breaking in, they immediately release hidden weapons from the dark to attack.

Rin's whole body glowed with ice-blue light, and the sledgehammer swept across thousands of troops. The invisible vigor immediately smashed the courtyard wall into pieces, sending bricks, stones and snowflakes flying.

Not only were all the hidden weapons deflected away, but the three Tony ninjas in ambush were either killed or seriously injured.

The Tony ninjas in the house came out after hearing the news, everyone was holding a Tony katana, staring vigilantly at Rin and Honghong who fell into the yard.

As soon as Rin fell into the courtyard, he felt that the scenery around him was constantly changing, and he couldn't see where the enemy was at all, so he couldn't help but secretly startled, but fortunately, Rin Hong threw out a few formations, and softly shouted: "Break!"

The array was radiant, and the changing scenery immediately returned to normal.Yan Hong pointed to one of the masked ninjas with a mole between their eyebrows and said, "I found it, it's him!"

The blood red in Rin's eyes became a bit thicker, and she stared at the ninjas coldly: "Are you going to catch them without a fight, or are you going to die?"

Murderous aura filled the air, and the entire courtyard was sealed up by frost!

(End of this chapter)

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