i can eat tips

Chapter 459 Changes in the Ruins

Chapter 459 Changes in the Ruins
The speed of the car became slower and slower, and finally stopped.

The leading man in black looked at Lu Shaoxi, who was drowsy, and pushed him with his hands: "Hey, we're here, get out of the car!" He was wearing a gas mask, and his voice was a bit aggressive, but Lu Shaoxi He seemed to be out of spirits, and he didn't hear any abnormalities, and let the two black-clothed warriors pinch him from left to right to get out of the car.

The night is getting dark, it seems that even snowflakes cannot fall here, the light is extremely dark, there are no tall trees, only some low bushes can be seen occasionally.

The ground was wet, soft and sticky, emitting a stench. In the mist, several dim light pillars were faintly seen, and there were strange-shaped rocks everywhere. There were some creepy growls and hisses in the darkness from time to time. .

The warriors in black led Lu Shaoxi forward for a few minutes, and came to a ruin.The ruins occupy an extremely wide area, and it can be vaguely seen that it used to be a huge research institute, but now it has become broken walls and ruins, showing signs of decay and dilapidation.There are also countless faint green lights coming out from inside.

The closer you get to the ruins, the more wet and sticky the ground is. Lu Shaoxi's boots have sunk nearly an inch in the mud. Fortunately, he is wearing Qianlongfa's special reinforced boots. Not only are the materials extremely hard, but they are also very waterproof, otherwise his feet would have been black swamp flooded with water.

The warriors in black walked cautiously, and finally stopped in front of one of the relatively well-preserved buildings.

As if they had pinpointed the timing, the group of people just stopped when the door of the building was pushed open, and a few men walked in with them.

Surprisingly, none of these men were wearing gas masks!

The person in front was wearing a white coat, with a hunchback and thick glasses. His face was surprisingly elongated, and his eyes were even thinner like a slit, like a mad scientist obsessed with research.

Next to the scientist in the white coat was a middle-aged man with a stern face like a knife and an axe, with a shuddering chill in his eyes, like a judge of the underworld who regards human life as nothing.

Behind the two of them were four sturdy fighters, everyone walked steadily, and they were all super strong in the meridian state!
The scientist in the white coat didn't look at the black-clothed warriors at all. His eyes were completely attracted by Lu Shaoxi, as if seeing some treasure, a crazy light flashed in his eyes, and he muttered: "Oh, I finally saw you." See you at last."

He took out a scalpel from his body, and walked straight towards Lu Shaoxi, with madness written all over his thin face, he looked as if he was about to dissect Lu Shaoxi on the spot.

The male judge said: "Professor Fei, it is easy to get infected with bacteria if you do it directly here, don't waste such good research materials."

The white-coated scientist named Professor Fei stopped reluctantly.

The judge man passed him and said to the warriors in black: "Just send them here, thank you for your hard work."

"Should be!" The leading man in black took out another handover slip and said politely, "Mr. Qu, please sign to complete the handover procedures, so that I can report back to Deputy Chief Qi when I go back."

Mr. Qu, the judge man, suddenly grinned, his expression was indescribably gloomy.

"no need."

"But... if this procedure is not completed, we will be punished when we go back..."

"You don't have to go back either."

As soon as Mr. Qu finished speaking, the four superpowers behind him had already made a sudden move and rushed towards the black-clothed warriors. Their movements were clean and neat, and their methods were even more brutal. Killed most of them.

The leading man in black turned pale with fright: "Mr. Qu, this is—" Before he finished speaking, a super strong hand had already inserted into his heart, and blood spurted wildly.

In just two or three breaths, all the well-trained warriors in black were slaughtered!

Lu Shaoxi seemed to have been stunned by the accident, or perhaps he was not clear-headed yet, so he just stood there dumbfounded.

The four superpowers threw the warriors in black back to the armored vehicle in the distance, and then drove the armored vehicle into the swamp. After the armored vehicle was nearly half buried in the mud, they broke out through the window and returned to Mr. Qu.The whole process was extremely quick and decisive, as if it had been drilled or practiced countless times.

Mr. Qu said to Lu Shaoxi with a smile: "Lu Shaoxi, don't pretend, you are not poisoned. I have been here for 15 years. I can't hide from me whether a person has been poisoned by this miasma." Not suitable for laughing, this smile looks extraordinarily ferocious.

Lu Shaoxi looked at his face and knew that he was telling the truth, so he sighed: "This Mr. Qu, you really worked hard to invite me here, and even killed the man in black. Are you afraid that the black clothes will trouble you?"

"Lu Shaoxi, you are so smart, why bother to ask questions knowingly? You don't think that the chief and deputy leaders in black are not involved in this matter, do you? And... you were the one who killed them."

Mr. Qu stood with his hands behind his back, as if he was not worried about Lu Shaoxi's escape at all.

"You mean, if I leave here, I will become the murderer of the warrior in black and be wanted by the Jingwu Alliance?"

"That's right. Of course, if you can stay and cooperate with us, we guarantee that you can leave safely, and the black clothes will never hold you accountable for killing these black-clothed warriors."

Seeing that Lu Shaoxi was still glancing left and right to observe the surrounding terrain, Mr. Qu smiled cruelly again.

He clapped his hands, and one of the superpowers standing behind him immediately took out his flute from his pocket and played it a few times. Dozens of monsters immediately appeared in the darkness, blocking Lu Shaoxi's retreat.

These monsters vary in size from animals to spirit beasts. They are fierce and weird in appearance. Some are like cheetahs with bat wings, some are like bull-headed bears, and some are like eight claws. The boa constrictors... are all weird existences that did not exist in the world.What's even more chilling is that they are not weak, and they emit a stench.

"They are covered with poison, even if they are killed, if they are stained with their blood, even gold will be corroded and melted."

Mr. Qu stared at Lu Shaoxi with all-seeing eyes: "We have studied all your experiences in the past six months, including your strength and scheming, don't do any more futile actions, just follow us obediently. Since you have seen the secret here, without our consent, you absolutely cannot leave here!"

Lu Shaoxi sighed: "I'm a little curious, why are you looking for me?"

"You have been practicing martial arts for less than two years, but your current strength is enough to rival the world-renowned super strong Anaconda. This speed of cultivation really makes us curious. Don't try to use any nonsense that you have been hiding your strength or that there is something hidden behind you. The lies of the Xiu Da Sect came to prevaricate us. Your strength increased rapidly around the time you met Miss Qin Er for the first time. After the analysis of our think tank, unless you have the inheritance of Qin Yang, Emperor Shiwu, and the blood of the fox, Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to raise the strength to such a level in a short period of time! And Qin Yang's inheritance and the blood of the spirit fox, I am afraid that only the Gu Qin family has it? You are so powerful that you have mesmerized Miss Qin Er."

Lu Shaoxi understood, and he smiled lightly and said, "So you think it was Miss Qin Er who gave me Qin Yang's inheritance and the blood of the spirit fox? You dare not attack the ancient Qin family, but you want to ask me about the inheritance and the blood of the fox. The secret of the fox's blood?"

"That's right, you're really smart. So, if you're as smart as you, do you take the initiative to confess, or do you want us to find out in some way?"

(End of this chapter)

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