i can eat tips

Chapter 467 The True Face of Professor Fei

Chapter 467 The True Face of Professor Fei

Next to Professor Fei, there are three biochemical experts who look like beautiful girls, and they are staring at Lu Shaoxi, but the complexion of these three girls is wheat-colored, the muscles of the fighters are obvious, and they exude a murderous aura.

After a while, Professor Fei finally turned his head and grinned at Lu Shaoxi: "Yes, the concentration of poisonous gas released at this level is enough to poison ten thousand elephants, but you are not affected at all... It seems that the blood of the spirit fox The rumor that a person is invulnerable to a hundred poisons is true!"

"I really don't know what the blood of the fox is." Lu Shaoxi shrugged and said haha: "Maybe your poison has expired?" His clairvoyant eyes can't even see through - the clairvoyant eyes only show that Professor Fei is the peak strength of the tenth layer of condensed alchemy, but according to Lu Shaoxi's intuition, this Professor Fei's strength is no less than that of Mr. Qu just now!
Among other things, just seeing through the perspective eye to see the density of its muscles and the expansion of its meridians is no small matter.

Professor Fei was still laughing wildly, showing his scorched teeth, like a typical Frankenstein: "Hahahahaha, it's so interesting, one day I will catch you and find out the secret! "

Lu Shaoxi smiled and said: "If you want to catch me, you and your three subordinates will still have a high success rate if you attack together. Why wait later?"

While talking, Lu Shaoxi roughly counted these training cabins, and found that there were no less than three hundred of them.

It goes without saying that these training cabins should be full of biochemical monsters, and they are located at the bottom of the entire underground research institute, and they are personally taken care of by Professor Fei, probably at the level of chimpanzees or these girl killers.

Although I don't know the survival rate of these biochemical monsters, Lu Shaoxi shudders when he thinks that in time, many super-powered chimpanzees will be born here, or such a girl with extraordinary strength but who regards human life as nothing.

Just now he secretly used the eyes of desire and eyes of fear to look into the hearts of these girls, and found that these girls didn't have any human feelings at all, only one sentence "obey the professor's order"!
In other words, these terrifying monsters are most likely only following Professor Fei's orders, and they are his personal power, which is quite different from the previous biochemical powerhouses.

Lu Shaoxi couldn't think of a way to control these monsters, so he had to kill them in the bud!

Professor Fei noticed Lu Shaoxi's killing intent, so he shook his finger and said: "NO, NO, I lost this time, I underestimated you, but next time I appear in front of you, you will never escape The palm of my hand."

Lu Shaoxi stared at him for a long time, then suddenly smiled, with more and more murderous intent in his smile: "Professor Fei, has anyone ever told you that you are handsome?"

Mu Mu, who had been on guard with two guns, couldn't help giving Lu Shaoxi a blank look. Did this guy suddenly have something wrong with his eyes?This Professor Fei has a hunchback, gray hair, a long and thin face, and eyes that are as thin as a line. No matter where you look at it, it doesn't match the word "handsome" at all, right?
Professor Fei's eyes shone sharply, but only for a moment, and soon he returned to the crazy look of Frankenstein: "Interesting, someone would say I'm handsome?"

"I mean your original face. You are wearing a human skin mask made of nanotechnology. There are even pores and stains on it. It can be completely faked, but there is an inconspicuous flaw."

Professor Fei's wild laughter subsided slightly, and he stared at Lu Shaoxi.

The murderous look in Lu Shaoxi's eyes became more intense.

"A piece of flesh was cut off on the left side of your face. Even if the wound is healed, the muscles on both sides of the face are still slightly different when wearing a human skin mask, so you have to put on a crazy look and laugh from time to time. Cover up this little flaw."

Professor Fei laughed wildly again: "Go ahead and make it up. If I have scars on my face and my facial muscles are uneven, why not make a human skin mask that matches it?"

Lu Shaoxi stared at him, and said in a deep voice: "Because this will involve the secret of your true identity. There are many people with similar scars on their faces, but there are only people who are proficient in alchemy and can use drugs to hide their true cultivation. One, am I right, Zhang! Xuan! Hao!"

The sound fell, and Lu Shaoxi, like a tiger descending from the mountain, rushed towards Zhang Xuanhao, who was aliased as Professor Fei!The distance of tens of feet was reached in an instant, and his fist was filled with thunder and lightning, and he slammed towards Zhang Xuanhao's face fiercely!

Originally, Lu Shaoxi was determined to destroy this underground research institute, just to kill the grass and roots, so as not to be constantly plotted behind his back, but when Professor Fei appeared just now, when Lu Shaoxi observed his true face with clairvoyant eyes, he unexpectedly found a circle on his face. shaped scars.

Zhang Xuanhao's identity is extremely mysterious, and Lu Shaoxi asked Zheng Hai to pull out all the information about Zhang Xuanhao, but he could only confirm a few points.First, Zhang Xuanhao's photos are almost all fake or wearing a mask. The only photo that is confirmed to be his real face is a photo of him when he was ten years old.Second, Zhang Xuanhao is proficient in alchemy, can use drugs to hide his true strength, and his whereabouts are uncertain. In the past year or so, no one has seen him in the martial arts world; third, Zhang Xuanhao was shot in the left cheek by a shotgun when he was a child. He survived a catastrophe, but left a deep, sunken circular scar on his left face, which can be confirmed from the photo of him when he was ten years old.

Now Professor Fei's true face is still somewhat similar to when he was ten years old. The scars on his face, his hidden strength, and the fact that Grandma Yinhua and his master and apprentice once said that Zhang Xuanhao haunted Yandu, all kinds of evidence Under the circumstances, how could Lu Shaoxi fail to recognize that this person is his father's enemy Zhang Xuanhao?

Lu Shaoxi hated this enemy who made his father suffer so much. Even now that his father has recovered from his injuries and started practicing martial arts again, the hatred in Lu Shaoxi's heart has not diminished by half.

You must know that father Lu Tie and Zhang Xuanhao have never had any grudges or enmity, but Zhang Xuanhao brazenly beat Lu Tie in the martial arts competition, abolishing his martial arts and breaking his bones. If Lu Shaoxi hadn't obtained the change of the martial arts evolution tree system The fate of life has been changed, and now father Lu Tie is still lying on the bed, skinny, and has lost confidence in the future, and the Lu family will also be trampled into the dust!

So seeing Zhang Xuanhao at this time, the anger and killing intent in Lu Shaoxi's heart surged like waves, how could he let him go?Although he didn't know why Zhang Xuanhao hit Lu Tie hard at that time, Lu Shaoxi was not interested in asking. He had already used ten successes in this punch. How terrifying Chengxia is, before his fist reaches, all the surrounding air seems to be drawn away by the time and space pierced by the fist!

Seeing the power of Lu Shaoxi's punch, Zhang Xuanhao immediately backed away. His movement was as light as the wind, and he was incredibly fast. At the same time, the three wheat-colored girls who had been guarding in front of him launched an attack on Lu Shaoxi without hesitation. .

Their fingers revealed long steel nails, similar to Mr. Qu's ability, like dozens of sharp knives cutting towards Lu Shaoxi!

 Thanks to "Damengze" for the 2000 starting point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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