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Chapter 603 The Shocking Long Xia Wulin

Chapter 603 The Shocking Long Xia Wulin
"After this battle, there will be no successors for Tony Wulin."

Just 11 words full of deep meaning, like dropping a heavy bomb in the already boiling water, aroused countless monstrous waves, and also caused countless debates and analysis.

Some people think that Lu Shaoxi is calling the battle and putting his life and death on the line, and he is afraid that he will kill the Tony player who will participate in the battle.

Some people refuted that the Tony exchange group came at the invitation of the alliance, and this competition at most followed the rules of Long Xia Wulin, "don't hurt your life, and take responsibility for your disability."

Some people also calmly analyzed: "Lu Shaoxi did not clearly state whether he will play or not. These words may have other meanings, and the meaning of threat and deterrence is stronger."

Of course, there are also many people who are making wild guesses.In addition to these people who focus on text analysis, more people pay attention to the attitude shown by Lu Shaoxi through this response.

Because of the previous incident of Tony framing and the scandal with Shen Mengyao, Lu Shaoxi's name has already spread throughout the Longxia martial arts, and he has become the most popular young master and representative of the young strong. Pay attention, this tough response, most of the young people shouted domineering and happy, saying that they have to go back to the arrogant Dongni people like this; many people think that Lu Shaoxi's words are too sharp, and they are suspected of provoking hostility between the martial arts of the two countries. Some people even thought that Lu Shaoxi was bragging and boasting. After all, the strength of the Tony exchange group was there, and it couldn't be weakened by just boasting.

The editor-in-chief of "Huahai Wuhun" has always paid the most attention to and knows a lot about Lu Shaoxi. He is one of the members who support Lu Shaoxi. He made no secret of his appreciation and support for Lu Shaoxi in his comments: "Lu Shaoxi is the most fearless person I have ever seen The most challenging and most powerful young man, the duel between him and Hu He Zhengxiong in the past is a clear example. , Defeating Huga Masao head-on in an upright duel, advocating the power of Huahai and invigorating the soul of Longxia! It's the same this time, the Tony exchange group swept most of Longxia. When others cherished feathers and pretended to be hypocritical, Lu Shaoxi once again Stand up and respond to the challenge with the toughest attitude, I believe that Lu Shaoxi will achieve brilliant results in this battle."

Dai Haosen, a well-known commentator of "Heroes of Yandu", has a different opinion. He commented bitterly: "I think Lu Shaoxi's remarks are too radical this time. The arrogance of Dongni warriors is more like the 'radical method', which is just to lure Lu Shaoxi to fight. From the previous battle records of the Tony exchange group, we can see that the Dongni exchange group has been on point from beginning to end, and did not cause injuries to the defeated warriors on Long Xia's side. However, Lu Shaoxi's response this time threatened to make Tony There are no successors in the martial arts world. Didn't it make it clear that in the competition, he will be ruthless, maiming or even killing Tony? This is really inconsistent with my great country's demeanor of Long Xia—of course, Lu Shaoxi's "narrow eye" has been around for a long time , as evidenced by his expulsion of foreign exchange students in class, he is a nationalist through and through.”

As soon as Dai Haosen's comment came out, it became fuel to the fire again. Countless people came out to criticize him. Fei Yu, the columnist of "Longxia Hero Altar", was the first to attack the case, sarcasm mercilessly: "Some people don't I don’t have the ability to turn a deer into a horse and change concepts secretly. Patriotism and self-improvement are said to be narrow-minded nationalism. When those Dongni people are aggressive, how can they have any respect for my fellow Longxia Wulin? You made a voice to protest, and finally some young talents responded strongly, but what kind of "big country demeanor" is this gentleman talking about here? In the eyes of this gentleman, he was slapped on the left cheek, and even asked the other party with a smile if his hands hurt. Is it the style of a big country?"

More and more people began to speak out, some wanted to gain fame, some attracted fans to attract attention, but no matter how fierce the online quarrel was, Lu Shaoxi never appeared again, and no reporter could contact him, so as the challenger, Thunder Academy The threshold was almost stepped on by the reporters. Zheng Hai, the director of the Academic Affairs Office, was asked by the reporters "whether Lu Shaoxi is sure to go to the battle", but he played "Tai Chi": "Ms. Lu, as a teacher of our college, is naturally qualified to play. But whether he will play, we have not received a clear notice."

Well, this is equivalent to not saying anything, but most people tend to think that since Lu Shaoxi speaks out, he will definitely fight.

Long Xia Wulin was noisy here. After being silent for a long time, Tony's exchange group quickly issued another statement, saying that they had communicated with Thunder Academy to confirm that this exchange competition will be conducted according to the rules of Long Xia Wulin's official duel. There is only victory and defeat, not life and death, but regardless of disability.

As soon as this statement came out, many wise people voiced their voices, pointing out that the whole incident might have been deliberately manipulated by the Dongni people in order to use this opportunity to abolish Lu Shaoxi, the most outstanding young talent in Longxia. The Nigerian's overt conspiracy was the most forceful response, planning to take the opportunity to deal a heavy blow to Dongni Wulin.

But no matter whose conspiracy it is, strength is the key to this battle.So the focus of online discussion has become the winning rate of both sides.

One side is the Tony exchange group that has not been defeated after coming to Longxia, and it brings together the most elite and strong young generation of Tony Wulin. The outcome is hard to predict, and the martial arts reporters are full of enthusiasm for their work. They are dispatched everywhere, constantly interviewing famous martial arts figures, and asking them to predict the outcome of this battle.

However, within half a day, the competition between the Tony exchange group and the Yuanzhou Thunder Academy has become the focus of the entire Longxia martial arts and even the Tony martial arts, attracting countless people to quarrel, chaotic and lively.


Yuanzhou Thunder Academy, Dean Xia's home in Houshan, Professor Shen and Dean Xia are also exchanging views on this battle.

"Old Xia, kid Lu is a little too big this time." Professor Shen originally had great confidence in Lu Shaoxi, but after talking with Lu Shaoxi on the phone and learning about his plan, he became worried: "This time, there is nothing in the Tony exchange group. There is Ibo Ryota, the closed disciple of Dongni Wusheng. This person has swept the northern part of Dongni within half a year since his debut. Kid Lu still plans to..."

Dean Xia's condition has improved by six or seven points. He shook his head and said, "Shaoxi is not a reckless person. He can return safely from the Almighty God's Tomb, which shows that his strength has exceeded your and my expectations. Besides, he There are those two girls who are behind the scenes to advise, so there is no way they will suffer."

Professor Shen thought so too, Qin Ruxuan and Shen Mengyao are both extremely intelligent girls, since Lu Shaoxi's strategy was discussed with them, most likely they are very confident.The two exchanged some opinions on Southwest in a low voice, and suddenly Dean Xia twitched his eyebrows and looked out the window.

Professor Shen wondered, "What's the matter, Lao Xia?"

Dean Xia had a strange intuition just now, as if something was wrong outside the window, but even if he released his consciousness to search around, he didn't find anything unusual.

Dean Xia couldn't help thinking of Lu Shaoxi's reminder that Mayor Iga might have come to Enzhou.Could it be Masashi Iga?Dean Xia quickly denied his opinion.A semi-retired old man like him hardly poses any threat to the Tonys, so why would Masaoma Iga focus on him?
(End of this chapter)

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