i can eat tips

Chapter 607

Chapter 607
Wei Tao stepped into the ring, and the host began to read his name and resume loudly.

"Wei Tao, 19 years old, fourth grade Tianji class of Thunder Academy, good at legwork..."

The spectators in the distance were stunned for a moment when they saw that Thunder Academy's side was actually a fat and white young man.

In their original thinking, even if it wasn't Lu Shaoxi who appeared first, at least it would be the unbelievably beautiful Miss Qin, but it turned out to be this student named Wei Tao?
The Tony exchange team over there was also quite surprised, but after a little discussion between their main team leader and deputy team leader, they sent a player to play.

This Tony player is called Kosaka Kyuemon. He is tall, dark-skinned, with bulky muscles and white boxing belts wrapped around his hands. He looks like a powerful boxer.

"Kouemon Kosaka, 26 years old, the No. 40 seventh-generation descendant of Toni Konhoin-ryu, good at boxing."

As soon as he heard the name "Kosaka Kyuemon", Tony's auditorium burst into cheers, but on the Long Xia audience, many people's faces changed slightly.

Kosaka Kyuemon has recently gained a lot of fame in Long Xia's martial arts. In the previous dozens of competitions between Long Xia and Tony's exchange team, this Kosaka Kyuemon has played more than twenty times, and each time he fought Press the posture to win easily.This time Tony actually sent him to take the lead, obviously determined to win.

The students of the Thunder Academy here all looked rather unnatural. Although they were cheering for Wei Tao loudly, their momentum was far weaker than Tony's.

The flames in Qin Ruxuan's eyes flickered, and she said in a low voice: "Eight layers of condensed pills, it's not easy to have such strength at this age, Wei Tao may not be able to take three tricks."

Lu Shaoxi knew that she had the ability to see through the strength of others, so she just nodded silently when she judged her.

Wei Tao was originally at the first level of alchemy, and Lu Shaoxi temporarily raised his strength to the third level of alchemy with the method of instilling internal energy, but this was only temporary. Falling back to the original level of strength——however, facing Kosaka Kyuemon, who has eight layers of condensed alchemy, Wei Tao may not be able to survive the time when his true energy is exhausted.

Facing Wei Tao who was obviously playing the role of cannon fodder, Lu Shaoxi sighed lightly, thinking about how to compensate him.

Seeing Kosaka Kyuemon's steps on the stage, Wei Tao knew that he was by no means an opponent. His face turned pale, but his fists were clenched tightly.

He is very clear about his mission, it is of course best to win, even if he loses, he must not lose the prestige of Long Xia Wulin!This will be the best reason for Mr. Lu to beat up Tony.

The host announced that the competition was about to begin, and the referee came on stage. When the two sides greeted each other, Wei Tao clasped his fists at the opponent according to Long Xia Wulin's etiquette, and bent slightly.

Kosaka Kyuemon held his head up and waved his palm casually in return.

This haughty attitude caused dissatisfaction among Long Xia's audience, but what made them even more upset was yet to come.Kosaka Kyuemon didn't look at Wei Tao at all, but turned his thumbs down towards Lu Shaoxi from a distance.

This is an obvious act of provocation and contempt!Immediately aroused the uproar and indignation of tens of thousands of Long Xia warriors.This is not only a contempt and humiliation to Wei Tao, but also a disrespect for the spirit of the test!

Rin's delicate eyebrows raised, and anger flashed in his eyes.This guy who dared to be so rude to Lu Shaoxi in front of her was directly pulled into the killing list.

Qin Ruxuan said to Lu Shaoxi through sound transmission: "It seems that Dongni is completely tearing up his face this time and wants to provoke you to come on stage."

"Isn't this expected? It's exactly what we want." Lu Shaoxi knew in his heart that the Dongni people just wanted to arouse his anger and defeat him fiercely, so as to promote the prestige of Dongni's martial arts, and by the way With the effect of smoke bombs, Shi Lingxiao and his party from the Jingwu Alliance were able to cover the Southwest's actions.

Who would have imagined that behind the arrogance of the Tony people, there is actually the figure of the deputy leader of the alliance?
At this time, the referee had announced the official start of the competition, Wei Tao shouted loudly and took the lead.

While his body was swaying, he kicked Kosaka Kyuemon wildly with dozens of kicks in a row. This martial arts trick is quite powerful.Immediately there was applause from the Latsuya auditorium, but just as their applause came out, Kosaka Kyuemon started to move.

His movements were simple and direct, he rushed out like a black leopard, and his punch was like a poisonous dragon going out to sea, fast and accurate, he actually attacked through Wei Tao's fleeting opening, and hit Wei Tao's head hard. chest.

Amidst the sound of the air explosion, the shadows of the legs scattered all over the sky, and the strong light of true energy seemed to be splashed by this punch, mixed with Wei Tao's mouthful of blood.

"Crack!" Wei Tao flew nearly ten feet away, and landed heavily on the grass, splashing countless dirt and grass clippings.

The applause from Long Xia's audience spread to the ring, and it turned into cheers for Kosaka Kyuemon, which caused a burst of mocking laughter from Tony's audience.

Kosaka Kyuemon didn't pursue anymore, but just spat in Wei Tao's direction, and said contemptuously, "Sick man Ryusha, nothing more than that!"

Kosaka Kyuemon's arrogant attitude and humiliating behavior once again aroused the anger of the Long Xia warriors.

"What are you talking about, grandson!"

"Say it again, you're NN, I'm here to clean you up!"

Although the audience cursed endlessly, there were alliance fighters guarding all around the arena, and since this was a formal competition, no one dared to break the rules of the arena and rush to the stage at the risk of the world.

Wei Tao's whole body seemed to be falling apart, and he really wanted to just lie down and admit defeat, but when the words "Long Xia's sick man" came to his ears, a fire suddenly ignited in his chest.

More than half a year ago, when Lu Shaoxi fought Hu He Zhengxiong, he also sneaked to see it, and witnessed Lu Shaoxi head-on killing Hu He Zhengxiong, who had insulted Long Xia warrior as "Long Xia coward".He still remembers his excited blood and exhaled brows at that time, which was also one of the opportunities for him to become Lu Shaoxi's fan.

Now it's my turn to take the stage, but do I want to lose the prestige and dignity that Teacher Lu has earned so hard?

That's right, compared to the well-known Mr. Lu, he is just an ordinary student, a small person, but the small person has excuses and reasons to allow others to trample on the dignity of Long Xia warrior?

Wei Tao's eyes were red, he struggled to get up, spit out bloody saliva, and gritted his teeth, "Who are you scolding, grandson?" rise.

Kosaka Kyuemon disdainfully said: "You are the incompetent sick men of Longxia who are scolding, don't you agree? Let me tell you, I only used [-]% of my strength in the punch just now, otherwise you will have a bloody hole in your chest now!"

Wei Tao's eyes were red, he suddenly yelled, and rushed towards Kosaka Kyuemon at full speed.

This action was not organized at all, and it was full of loopholes. Kosaka Jiuemon didn't dodge or dodge at all, and drew a punch from bottom to top, hitting Wei Tao's chin.

As long as this punch hits, Wei Tao will definitely fly into the air.

Unexpectedly, Wei Tao changed his move suddenly, wrapped his hands around Kosaka Kyuemon's fist like a snake, and flew up a kick to sneak attack on Kosaka Kyuemon's lower abdomen!

(End of this chapter)

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