Chapter 62

"Falcon, go home."

"Yes, MASTER!" Falcon still had that cute girly electronic voice.

It was only then that Lu Shaoxi remembered that he wanted to change the sound library for Falcon, and he hadn't changed it until now.He took out the data cable, connected the phone, and entered the OS editing mode again.

"MASTER, do you want to upgrade the Falcon?"

"Change your voice."

"Master, can you add a function for Falcon to freely switch voices? Falcon has been listening to a program just now, and someone in it can change several voices. It sounds very interesting."

very funny?Artificial intelligence AI actually has such a human-like thinking?Lu Shaoxi couldn't help sighing again how advanced the code passed to him by the martial arts evolution tree system was.

"Okay. You currently don't have a network access license to connect to the Internet. I will crack a network access license number for you, and then add a function for you to freely switch sound banks and collect and create sound banks independently. Then you can go to the Internet to find favorites. The sound is gone, are you satisfied?"

"Long live MASTER!"

Since more super codes from the system came into his mind, Lu Shaoxi's cracking technology and programming level have also jumped to a higher level. In less than ten minutes, he has completed the entire cracking and writing of functional modules.


"MASTER is really amazing! OHYEAH, there are so many sound libraries on the Internet!" Falcon was elated like a naughty child. Lu Shaoxi smiled slightly, and took out the manuscript that Professor Shen gave him from his backpack. The news channel happened to mention the report on the Yuanzhou Guoshu Games.

"The Yuanzhou Guoshu Games ended successfully and achieved good results, which played a huge role in promoting the development of our city's martial arts sports culture. The following is an excerpt from the concluding speech delivered by He Shenning, President of the Guoshu Culture Management Association."

Soon the voice of a 50-year-old man with a thick and slightly hoarse voice came from the radio station: "The smooth holding of the Yuanzhou Guoshu Games cannot be separated from the strong support of various organizations..."

It turns out that this person is He Shenning, the president of the Yuanzhou Branch of the Martial Arts Management Association?
Lu Shaoxi suddenly had a thought, and immediately ordered: "Falcon, write down He Shenning's voice and create a voice library with the same name."

"Got it, MASTER."

The news channel quickly switched to the next news, and Lu Shaoxi had no interest in listening to it, so he concentrated on flipping through the manuscript in his hand.

The manuscript is only about ten pages long, but the handwriting is clear and correct. It is obvious that the old-fashioned and serious Professor Shen personally wrote it with a pen.

On the first page at the beginning of the manuscript, there were five big characters "Vital Qi Refining Body Technique", Lu Shaoxi's heart was shocked, "Vital Energy Refining Body?"This is the first time I heard the term.

There are countless body training methods in Yinxiu martial arts, and they are all named XX body training skills. Lu Shaoxi first practiced the most standard "primary body training skills", which belonged to inferior skills, almost rotten, and later transferred to another school Tiandi Xuanhuang soft body technique, and after obtaining the martial arts evolution tree system, you can increase your experience value by eating secret books, which saves the body training method.But no matter what kind of body training technique, the essence is to honestly strengthen the physical fitness through various difficult movements and break through the physical limit. I have never heard the word "vital energy" mentioned in the body training realm.

Lu Shaoxi's interest suddenly increased. He read every word in the manuscript carefully with all his attention. When he first read it, he found it extremely profound, and he had to think for a while before he could understand it. The air silk wandered into the brain, his thinking ability was improved again, and the progress of understanding improved a lot.

After reading the entire manuscript, Lu Shaoxi let out a long breath, feeling extremely shocked.Although this "Vital Energy Refining Technique" is not perfect, many concepts and training methods in it have opened Lu Shaoxi's horizons.As we all know, only when you have reached the tenth level of body training and your physical fitness can you meet the conditions of contemporary high-efficiency Qi-gathering exercises, and you can attract the vitality of heaven and earth to quench your body and cleanse your marrow.

This "vital energy refining technique" is a different approach. With a guiding technique similar to nourishing qigong, in the late stage of body refining state, the energy of heaven and earth is introduced to nourish the body. After breaking through to the Qi Gathering Realm, the body's ability to sense the vitality of everything in the world will be far stronger than other people's, and the Qi Gathering effect will be greatly improved.

If this unfinished exercise is made public, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire martial arts hermit, and even subvert many current martial arts concepts!It's no wonder that Professor Shen has repeatedly instructed Wan to not show this manuscript to anyone, let alone leak it, otherwise it may cause a bloody storm of snatching!
The only pity is that there are still many details that have not been clarified in this exercise, and Professor Shen also noted some key points in it that have not been figured out.

Lu Shaoxi closed the manuscript and thought about it for a while, but he also couldn't solve the difficulties of those key points.He had an idea, his eyes fell on the manuscript, and he said silently: "Activate the evolution function!"

The mechanical voice of the system immediately came to my mind: "It is detected that the current secret is a special secret and cannot be evolved through the regular interface. Now the special evolution mode is turned on. Note: in the special evolution mode, the points required for the evolution of the secret will be the regular mode. Twice as much."

Special evolution mode?

Lu Shaoxi was wondering, when suddenly a phantom of a floating secret book appeared in front of him, the style was no different from ordinary grade secret books, and the cover said: "Vitality Refining Body Technique".

Immediately, a few lines of information appeared in my mind:

Tip Name: Vitality Refining Technique (Unfinished)

Current rank: rank one, rank nine

Encryption Technology:-

Cheats Attributes: Ease of Learning 1, Practice Efficiency 9, Actual Combat Power 1
Additional properties: none

Swallowing experience:-
Special Note: This secret book is a special secret book and is in an unfinished state.After evolution, the content will be completed, and the content of the complete secret book will be transferred to the host's memory, but the evolved secret book has no entity and cannot be swallowed.

"The current secret book can be evolved through a special evolution mode, which needs to consume 180 martial arts evolution points. Do you want to evolve?"

Actually need 180 martial arts evolution points?Lu Shaoxi gasped, but it also proved the extraordinaryness of this secret book from the side.

Seeing that he still had 264 evolution points, he gritted his teeth and said, "Evolution!"

The phantom of the secret book floating in mid-air quickly changed, and the information in his mind was updated immediately:

The name of the exercise: Yuan Qi Refining Body
Current grade: the second grade of the ordinary grade, the tenth grade

Encryption Technology:-

Cheats Attributes: Ease of Learning 5, Practice Efficiency 30, Actual Combat Power 5
Additional Attributes: Qi Gathering +1 (curing)
Swallowing experience:-
Huh?There is actually an additional attribute, and the grade has reached an astonishing second-grade tenth grade!

Lu Shaoxi was still in shock, the phantom of the secret book had already melted into countless spots of light and merged into his forehead. Soon, the knowledge of a brand-new technique was added to his brain, and it was a completely understood knowledge!Not only have all the problems in the original manuscript been solved, but even the exercises have been completed and optimized.

"Falcon, change the destination, go to the National Forest Protection Park on the outskirts of the city!"

Lu Shaoxi was so excited that he decided to immediately try to practice this evolved vitality technique!
(End of this chapter)

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