i can eat tips

Chapter 621 Hu Xiao

Chapter 621 Hu Xiao
Yan Tianbei kept running forward as if he wouldn't get tired. Instead of slowing down, his speed was getting faster and faster, showing his long and profound internal strength.

In less than an hour, he took Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan to run for more than a thousand kilometers!
At this time, the ghost mother-in-law was already far behind two or three hundred kilometers away, and her speed even had to start to slow down, and the two old priests of the Qin family, He Lin and Yun Hong, were even beyond the range that Lu Shaoxi could see with her clairvoyant eyes. Less than half a shadow.

Lu Shaoxi possessed martial arts and countless spells, and Qin Ruxuan also carried a large number of magical treasures and talismans, but the two of them couldn't even move their fingers, so they couldn't use them, so they could only be carried away by Yan Tianbei all the time.

However, after such a period of time, the mood of the two has calmed down.Yan Tianbei had no intention of talking to them, and kept running at a speed close to the speed of sound like a machine that would not get tired.His stalwart and tall back and his constant striding and galloping movements are easy to remind people of Kuafu, who is chasing the sun.But now the sun is still overhead, it is noon, Yan Tianbei has been moving eastward, and there is nothing to do with chasing the sun.

On the road, I met several waves of people who intercepted them. They should be the powerful members of the Alliance and the Qin family, but they were not close to Yan Tianbei's side at all. Yan Tianbei passed them directly like a whirlwind, blowing them eastward Crooked, embarrassed.

The several masters of the Qin family's God Transformation Realm are basically in the old house, and there was no time to rush over. The alliance suffered a dumb loss. Their "hidden dragon" masters were either guarding the capital in Yandu, or they were being transferred To the southwest, there was also no way to deploy to intercept Yan Tianbei.

What's more, in the entire Longxia Wulin, who else can stop Yan Tianbei except the sleeping ancestor?

So the interception of these waves of people is more like a joke and a child's play, and it seems like a futile resistance that has to be carried out.

The sun was slowly setting to the west, and it was already past noon. Lu Shaoxi began to smell the salty smell of sea water. Looking at it with clairvoyant eyes, there was actually an endless sea more than 20 kilometers away.

the sea?Yan Tianbei is going to sea?
Lu Shaoxi's heart skipped a beat.

To the east of Longxia, facing each other across the sea...is Dongni Country!Is Yan Tianbei going to Dongni Country?But what did he go to Tony country for?To avenge Dean Xia?But Masato Iga and his subordinates were all reduced to ashes, and this revenge can be regarded as revenge.Besides, no matter how good Yan Tianbei is, he can't go to Tony alone, right?Isn't he afraid of being attacked by Tony's masters?You must know that the masters of the enemy country enter the territory of other countries without permission. With the title of "provocative national border", he can openly attack Yan Tianbei. These five short words are enough to make Dongni Wulin excited.

The distance of [-] kilometers was within a blink of an eye before Yan Tianbei's astonishing speed. Lu Shaoxi could already see the vast blue coast with his naked eyes, and Yan Tianbei suddenly stopped.

Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan felt the pressure suddenly loosen. Although their limbs were still unable to move, they were able to speak and turn their heads left and right.

Lu Shaoxi immediately asked Qin Ruxuan with concern: "Ruxuan, are you okay?" For him with clairvoyant eyes, he had already guessed the reason why Yan Tianbei stopped, so he naturally chose to care about Qin Ruxuan first.Although many boys will become lazy after chasing a girlfriend, but Lu Shaoxi has no such thoughts.Whether it was Shen Mengyao or Qin Ruxuan, he felt that it was a treasure bestowed on him by the gods, and it was worth cherishing for his whole life.

When Qin Ruxuan turned her head, she saw the concern and love in his eyes, she couldn't help feeling sweet in her heart, and said softly, "It's okay."

The eyes of the two were lingering for a while, and then they turned their heads together and looked at the front.

Yan Tianbei stands on a large rock, not far from the coastline.A man in ordinary coarse clothes faced the three of them with his back, standing on the reef, the waves splashed around his feet, but none of them touched his body.

He seemed to have been looking at the distance in a daze, and he didn't notice Yan Tianbei's arrival at all.But when Yan Tianbei stopped completely, he heard the man sigh: "Brother Yan, I haven't seen you for many years, and my kung fu has improved a lot. I feel ashamed of myself."

Yan Tianbei looked at the man with a more nostalgic expression, he laughed and said: "Brother Hu practiced alone, but he can make thousands of miles every day, I really admire Yan."

When the man turned his head, Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan saw the man's appearance clearly. They saw that he was about fifty years old, with an ordinary appearance, thick lips, which seemed to be not good at words, and two eyebrows as thick as lying silkworms, extremely powerful, especially The two pairs of eyes are obviously small, but they are full of energy, but his skin is rough and his face has a weathered look, he looks like a person who is at the end of the world.

The man turned a blind eye to Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan, and asked as if he was pulling home: "Brother Yan, it's the first time you've gone east in the past ten years, but where are you going?"

Yan Tianbei smiled: "Where is the east of Longxia, brother Hu knows best?"

The man shook his head and said: "If Brother Yan wants to relax on the nearby island, I can lead the way. If he wants to cross the ocean eastward and go to the country of Tony, I would like to give some advice."

Yan Tianbei raised his eyebrows: "23 years ago, Brother Hu was still in the realm of condensing alchemy, and he went to Tony alone. During the period, he kicked 49 Tony's martial arts gyms and eliminated dozens of promising young strong men , What a prestige and arrogance is it to step into the realm of transforming gods in one fell swoop! Why, now Yan wants to go to Dongni for a walk, but Brother Hu wants to dissuade him?"

Qin Ruxuan knew the masters of the martial arts best, and she couldn't help whispering when she heard this: "It's Hu Xiao!"

Lu Shaoxi's heart also jumped.

This person is actually Hu Xiao!Hu Xiao, who has always seen the head but never the tail, rarely sets foot in the martial arts world again!
In the past hundred years, Longxia martial arts talents have emerged in large numbers, and hundreds of flowers are in full bloom. Apart from the registered 49 masters who have transformed themselves into gods, there are more than ten masters who are hidden and scattered in various sects or aristocratic families, such as the secret of the ancient Qin family. The first group and the secret second group did not report to the alliance, and the total number was about 67 or eight.

The cultivation of the masters of the God Transformation Realm consumes a lot of natural materials and treasures, and it is almost impossible to improve too much strength by personal cultivation alone, so the masters basically choose to work for their own sect, aristocratic family, Jingwu Alliance, etc., in order to obtain enough Resources, to climb the peak of that nirvana.But there is only one person who does not join any major sects, does not work for alliances and aristocratic families, walks alone, insists on using the most difficult and dangerous environment and actual combat to improve his strength, and this person is Hu Xiao.

He has seldom appeared since the brilliant battle in Tony 23 years ago. He has always only haunted the poor mountains and rivers. Although he doesn't show up much, his legend has always been circulating in the martial arts.

Now suddenly seeing this strange hermit appearing in front of him, it seems that he still wants to intercept Yan Tianbei, which immediately makes Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan greatly surprised and curious.

Hu Xiao raised his head and met Yan Tianbei's eyes, but there was not much hostility.

"Brother Yan, when I entered Tony, I used the formal application for entry, so I was able to escape after entering the realm of transformation. Brother Yan, if you want to join Tony, do you have the alliance's permission and documents?"

 Thank you for the monthly tickets of "Nautou Berserker" and "Legendary Dugo"!

(End of this chapter)

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