i can eat tips

Chapter 624 Who dares to fight me!

Chapter 624 Who dares to fight me!
While eating meat and drinking, the three of them chatted about the past and interesting things in the martial arts world. It was mainly Yan Tianbei who was talking, and Lu and Qin listened with gusto.

It was an hour after lunch, and the big raft was advancing at a speed close to the speed of sound. At this time, it had reached the depths of the ocean. The wind and waves were stronger, and there were huge eddies from time to time. The danger was greatly increased, and the stable raft began to appear from time to time. Trembling, Yan Tianbei swept all the debris out of the raft, got up and stood in front of the raft, concentrating on controlling the raft against the might of nature.

Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan couldn't intervene, they could only sit together and look at the huge waves around, sometimes a wave came over, it was 40 meters high, the big raft was as insignificant as a bug in front of the huge waves, but Under the control of Yan Tianbei's mind, the raft pierced the raft like a sharp arrow, broke through the huge waves and continued to move forward at high speed. The three people protected by the invisible barrier did not even get a drop of water.

Lu Shaoxi's heart trembled when he saw it, and he wondered when he would be able to reach such a state of being close to God?
"What are you thinking about?" Seeing Lu Shaoxi in a daze, Qin Ruxuan, who was sitting next to him, turned her head slightly and asked.

She is still wearing the student uniform of Thunder Academy, and the skirt is swaying in the sea breeze. While stroking her flying hair, she is pressing the skirt. She looks indescribably pure and lovely, and there is alcohol on her pretty face The blush added a bit of girlish charm.

If it weren't for the tall figure standing in front of him and the dangerous huge waves around, Lu Shaoxi might have the illusion of going on a date with Second Miss Qin.

Seeing that Yan Tianbei was concentrating on controlling the raft, Lu Shaoxi leaned close to Qin Ruxuan's crystal-like jade ears, and whispered like honey, "Why do you miss me so much? Lucky."

Girls are meant to be coaxed, no matter how close the relationship is, coaxing words are indispensable. Now that Lu Shaoxi is no longer the love novice of the past, these secrets are naturally mastered.

"I'll pick the good ones to say, no wonder my sister said that you are becoming more and more like a playboy." Qin Ruxuan tapped Lu Shaoxi's forehead with her slender little finger, but the sweet smile at the corner of her mouth revealed her good mood.

The two clasped their fingers tightly, and Lu Shaoxi looked at Yan Tianbei's back enviously and said, "How hard can we practice to reach the realm of Senior Brother Yan."

Qin Ruxuan leaned her head on his shoulder, and said softly: "We will take our time, and we will always have such strength."

Lu Shaoxi did not hesitate about this. One of them has a system and possesses countless unique skills, and the other is a former royal princess with extraordinary talents and holds countless cultivation resources in his hands. This realm is only a matter of time.

Smelling the girly fragrance from Second Miss Qin's body, Lu Shaoxi was slightly intoxicated, and put his arms around her slender waist, somewhat forgetting where he was and where he was going.

After an unknown period of time, the big raft finally broke through the worst area, and the sea returned to calm.Yan Tianbei sat down again, took another drink, and looked back at the two cuddling together with a smile.

Lu Shaoxi blushed, sat up straight embarrassedly and said: "Brother, we didn't help you, it was just making you hard."

Yan Tianbei squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Seeing you reminds me of my young days. It's so beautiful."

Lu Shaoxi has no hostility towards Yan Tianbei now, especially after making eye contact with Yan Tianbei, he couldn't help feeling a little closer in his heart, so he asked casually: "Senior brother, you have three wives as beauties. Isn't it also very happy?"

Yan Tianbei winked at Lu Shaoxi: "Little brother, there are siblings sitting beside you, so don't just envy your brother for having three wives."

Qin Ruxuan stretched out her hand and pinched Lu Shaoxi's waist, but said with a nonchalant face: "He, he is only thinking about hugging three wives and four concubines, I can't control him."

Lu Shaoxi suffers from pain, as expected, there is no such thing as a woman who can't be jealous. Don't look at Er Miss Qin's generosity, but she is no different from Shen Mengyao in this respect.

Yan Tianbei laughed, and stopped adding trouble, and changed the subject: "Little brother, you have already touched the threshold of transforming gods at a young age, and your achievements in the future will definitely be far better than mine. I can rest assured that there will be talents from generation to generation. gone."

Lu Shaoxi heard that he seemed to mean something else, but seeing that he didn't want to elaborate, she didn't ask this, and asked following what he said earlier:
"I have already reached the threshold of becoming a god? Why do I feel that I am still far away?"

"Whether you can enter the state of transformation of gods does not depend on hard work and natural treasures, but the key lies in epiphany. With your current strength, it is not a miracle that you will enter the state of transformation of gods someday."

Lu Shaoxi could not help but feel a twitch when he heard that he intended to give advice.Qin Ruxuan also pricked up her ears, listening intently.

There have always been different opinions on how to break through to the state of transforming gods, but most people can only stay in the state of Tongmai, and they can't pass that threshold after all their lives. Now the top master in the Longxia martial arts actually intends to give advice Their most critical know-how, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.Lu Shaoxi immediately asked: "Brother, what do you mean by having a clear mind? Is it because you have figured out something difficult to think about? Or have you let go of your psychological burden?"

Yan Tianbei smiled and said: "There are not so many specific details. Well, there is a certain meaning in it, but it is more like Sakyamuni's epiphany under the bodhi tree, suddenly wanting to understand the true meaning of the world .”

Seeing that Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan both looked like good-natured babies who were listening to the class seriously, Yan Tianbei smiled, and said carefully:
"The so-called true meaning, my understanding is 'rules'. In the final analysis, the way of martial arts is to imitate and obey the rules of the world. Starting from the simplest pictographic boxing, it is to learn the rules of nature from animals. Doing so can confuse Enemy, doing so can make the movements more flexible and the strength more concentrated... and even the later higher level of no moves wins with moves. To put it bluntly, it means that the mastery of the rules of the world becomes more and more detailed..."

As if giving a lecture, Yan Tianbei slowly shared his views on martial arts, especially his experience in the state of transforming gods.

Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan became more and more shocked the more they heard it, especially Lu Shaoxi, with his current knowledge and unparalleled knowledge of martial arts, he could tell that what Yan Tianbei said was indeed the most subtle and subtle principle of martial arts , but these are priceless treasures in theory, and they will never be given to others easily, but now Yan Tianbei explained them to him and Qin Ruxuan in great detail, and even intended to give them all, which really made Lu Shaoxi very happy. Can't figure it out.

It stands to reason that even if the two are not considered enemies, they are by no means familiar with and trusted enough to explain these martial arts secrets.

But Yan Tianbei didn't seem to care about these things at all, and he didn't care whether the two of them could remember or understand, and just kept talking like a force-feeding style.

After an unknown amount of time, Yan Tianbei suddenly stretched his waist, stood up, and said, "Let's stop here. It's all family talk. Tony is right in front. Let's go!"

Only then did Lu Shaoxi come back to his senses, and saw a piece of land appeared on the sea level in the distance.Unexpectedly, there were no ships in this sea area, and no fleet of cruisers was seen.

He looked from afar with his clairvoyant eyes, only to realize that this piece of land was inaccessible and belonged to an area of ​​little development and utilization value. There were only watchtowers and a small number of fighters stationed there.

There are many connected small desert islands in the middle of Tony, and this should be one of them.

Lu Shaoxi did not expect that Yan Tianbei went all the way to the east, and after passing through the dangerous sea area, he accurately chose the place where Dongni's defense was weakest to land, thus avoiding directly fighting with Dongni's defense forces.

Obviously, Yan Tianbei's trip to Tony had been planned long ago, and he also had a deep understanding and research on Tony's topographical distribution!

The raft approached the island silently by the wind and waves, Yan Tianbei took the two of them, like three nimble birds, into the dense forest of the island.

At the climax of the month, Yan Tianbei, Lu Shaoxi, and Qin Ruxuan, who had recovered to their best physical condition after a full meal and rest, had already arrived at a large city on the southern coast of Dongni.

Under the bright moonlight, Yan Tianbei stood on the top of a high mountain next to the city, looking up to the sky and shouting loudly: "Long Xia Yan Tianbei is here, Tony, who dares to fight me—!"

The sound was like rolling thunder, rushing into the sky, and spread far away. It took a long time before the echo of "Who dares to fight me" came back intermittently.

Lu Shaoxi even had the illusion that Yan Tianbei's long howl spread throughout the entire Dongni country!

Countless lights came on in the dark night, countless people woke up from their sleep, and countless martial arts masters turned their attention to this mountain that was destined to last forever—Mt. Hachiman!

 Today's big chapter update!

(End of this chapter)

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