i can eat tips

Chapter 649

Chapter 649

Tony Sword God, make an appointment to fight Long Xiayan Tianbei!

This news once again caused a sensation in the entire Tony and even the surrounding countries including Long Xia, and even appeared on the desks of the heads of dozens of major countries in other regions.

Yan Tianbei's prestige is rising like the sun, and he has become the top powerhouse in the secular world, and the news that Wu Tiansheng has practiced "Sword Sealing Zen" has also spread like wildfire, and the power of the sword qi is even more overwhelming. The Niwu fighters passed it on miraculously. On the one hand, it was because the scene at that time was too shocking. On the other hand, it was because the Dongni Wumeng made a big publicity in order to boost the morale of the martial arts people. If it can cause huge pressure on Yan Tianbei and affect the Its strength could not be better.

This big duel related to the future of Dongni's martial arts has attracted the attention of countless people. There are countless experts and masters from all over the world who have applied to enter Dongni's territory to watch the battle. It's just that the strength of Dongni's martial arts is empty now, so how dare they agree? Let the grand masters from other countries enter the country, and finally the Dongniwu League announced that it will broadcast the whole process through two satellites with an automatic video recorder on site, which can be regarded as barely suppressing the enthusiasm for watching the battle.

However, the martial arts circles in various countries are discussing the outcome of this battle in full swing. Numerous forums and APPs are full of posts, and some people even set up gambling games, and the amount of participation is hundreds of billions.

It can be said that this is a battle of peerless powerhouses that the whole world is paying attention to.


In the secret hiding place where Lu Shaoxi and others recuperated, Lu Shaoxi just finished acupuncture for Yan Tianbei, he put away nine silver needles and said: "Brother, your injury is too serious, I can only force you to move in the past two days Ziroom, if you want to recover, you need at least half a month of recuperation."

Yan Tianbei got up and stretched his muscles, and said in surprise: "Junior brother's medical skills are much more powerful than the rumors."

He is telling the truth. Given his serious internal and external injuries and excessive blood loss, even if he is physically strong and close to Nirvana, he will have to lie in bed for at least a month before he can move freely. In two days, with massage, elixir and acupuncture, he was cured by [-] to [-]%. This medical skill is truly astonishing.

Lu Shaoxi saw that he started to move around with his fists and feet again, he couldn't help touching his forehead and said: "Brother, if you don't take a good rest, your injury will not heal easily, and we still count on you to go to the gymnasium together."

He no longer spoke politely and distantly as before, Yan Tianbei smiled, sat down honestly and said: "Okay, follow the orders of the junior doctor." He took out the wine bottle from nowhere, and the aroma of wine was overflowing , he raised his head to drink.

Lu Shaoxi reached out to grab it: "Brother, you can't drink during this time."

His movements were fast, and Yan Tianbei's movements were even faster. With a seemingly simple movement of his wrist, he completely avoided Lu Shaoxi's grasp that implied seven changes.

Lu Shaoxi immediately changed his moves, his hands became crystal clear like jade, and his fingers bloomed like flowers. The reality was uncertain and unpredictable. It was the strongest martial art "Hundred Flowers Magic Change" handprint technique of Miyamoto Ryunosuke, but it was Lu Shaoxi's previous technique. Taking advantage of the opportunity to prevent Toshimoto Maeda from approaching Miyamoto, he secretly learned by using the system's copy function.

Naturally, the power he used at this time is far from the terrifying power of Miyamoto, but when it comes to the proficiency of handprints and the change of movements, he has also reached the level of proficiency, and even faintly touches the meaning of the rules.

Yan Tianbei let out a "Hey" in both surprise and joy, and with his empty left hand, he challenged Lu Shaoxi's "Hundred Flowers Illusion" with one against two with a surprisingly quick and simple technique.

Originally, Lu Shaoxi just wanted to stop Yan Tianbei from drinking, but when he was lured by Yan Tianbei's subtle tricks, he was actually hooked. There were endless handprints on both hands, and he had a great time fighting with Yan Tianbei.

When Qin Ruxuan came to knock on the door and told them to go out for dinner, what she saw was just like this. The two men, one big and one small, were fighting with excitement, like two children robbing toys.

Qin Ruxuan rolled her eyes, and suddenly she came over, stretched out her slender fingers, but pointed at Lu Shaoxi's throat, and struck very fast and ruthlessly, as if to kill him.

This was so unexpected that both Yan Tianbei and Lu Shaoxi were taken aback. The difference was that Yan Tianbei paused slightly, as if he hesitated for a moment whether to block Qin Ruxuan's attack for Lu Shaoxi, but Lu Shaoxi did not hesitate. Unifying thousands of handprints, he grabbed Yan Tianbei's wine bottle like lightning.

Before Qin Ruxuan's fingers reached Lu Shaoxi's throat, she had already retreated with a smile: "Okay, it's time to eat, stop playing."

She has a clever smile, her brows and eyes are full of intelligence and beauty, she is so cute and playful, making people dumbfounded and unable to get angry.

Yan Tianbei stared at the little devil with wide eyes, then shook his head with a wry smile, let go of the hand holding the wine bottle, and allowed the bottle to be taken away by Lu Shaoxi, sighing: "Unexpectedly, I, Yan Tianbei, also When the gutter capsizes."

Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan looked at each other and smiled, but the tacit understanding seemed to make each other's hearts sweet.

"By the way, junior brother, how did you learn this handprint technique of Miyamoto?"

Lu Shaoxi blinked and replied, "It will be enough to concentrate on reading it once."

Yan Tianbei stared at him for a long while, then shook his head and smiled wryly: "It seems that the martial arts in the future will belong to the two of you. In the future, you two will join hands in the rivers and lakes. Who will be your opponent?"

The three of them arrived at the dining room, and the intelligence personnel in this stronghold had already prepared dinner.During the meeting, Yan Tianbei once again talked about the decisive battle with Miyamoto and other nine masters, explaining every detail in detail.

He never asked about Lu Shaoxi's mysterious and powerful flying knife skills, but he just analyzed his understanding of martial arts, the response in the fight, the offensive and defensive intentions of both sides, and the coping methods like beans.

Both Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan are of great benefit.

Seeing this, Yan Tianbei drank half a bottle of wine again, but Lu Shaoxi couldn't stop him, so he had to let him drink.

At this moment, a man in a white-collar suit sent a piece of information.Yan Tianbei looked at it, grinned, and passed the information to Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan: "There is another fight, okay!" After finishing speaking, he drank the remaining half bottle of wine.

Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan took a look at it, and saw that the first line read: "Dongni Sword God Takeda wins an appointment to fight Long Xiayan Tianbei, and at noon the next day, outside Xijianzhai, the winner will be decided."

Takeda Katsu?Even Ryunosuke Miyamoto was defeated, how could this Takeda Katsura take the initiative to make an appointment with Yan Tianbei?Is it forced by the situation or really confident?

After reading it again, I realized that Takeda Katsura had become "Feng Jian Zen", but the sword energy was unleashed, and he was rejuvenated. The Dongni martial arts spread everywhere, saying that he was already in the realm of Nirvana, a first-class figure belonging to the land gods, and the secular world had already passed away. invincible hand.

The white-collar said in a low voice: "Supervisor Yan, this matter will soon spread all over the world, look..."

"The realm of Nirvana?" Yan Tianbei's beard stood on end, his eyes flickered, and he laughed and said, "Respond to them for me. I, Yan Tianbei, will accept the letter of engagement!"

Lu Shaoxi quickly persuaded: "Brother, you are still injured, even if you want to face Wu Tiansheng, why rush it? We will be there in about two weeks."

Yan Tianbei said: "There is only Yan Tianbei who died in the battle, there is no Yan Tianbei who avoided the battle." He waved the white collar away.

Lu Shaoxi has figured out Yan Tianbei's temper through getting along these days. This Yan Tianbei is very scheming, but he has an unusual pursuit and hobby for fighting. Not letting him drink in front of him would kill him.

 Thanks to "Cao Er" for the 100 starting point reward!
(End of this chapter)

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