i can eat tips

Chapter 663

Chapter 663

Before Lu Shaoxi walked out of the scorched black wall of the huge pit, Qin Ruxuan had already rushed towards her. She saw Yan Tianbei on Lu Shaoxi's back, and hope flashed in her eyes, but she landed on Lu Shaoxi's tear-stained face. His face immediately dimmed again, and then a thick layer of water mist appeared.

She didn't speak, just walked over, opened her arms and hugged Lu Shaoxi, together with Yan Tianbei's body on his back.

Lu Shaoxi stretched out his hand, hugged her tightly, buried his head in her fragrant hair, and let the hot tears in his eyes roll down.

She didn't speak, neither did Lu Shaoxi, but both seemed to understand what the other wanted to express.

After a long while, the hot tears in Lu Shaoxi's eyes finally stopped, he let go of Qin Ruxuan lightly, and said in a hoarse voice: "Ruxuan, let's send Senior Brother Yan home."

"Okay." Qin Ruxuan agreed without hesitation, hugged him vigorously, and then retreated to his side.

At this time, the roar of combat helicopters was heard more and more clearly above his head. Qin Ruxuan coldly glanced at several heavily armed combat helicopters gradually approaching in the distance, and pressed the side of the special watch on Hao's wrist. Press the button, and said in a deep voice: "Execute the No. D retreat plan."

Following her order, the Qin family forces that had been lurking in Tony these days began to move intensively.Although Qin Moshou did not intend to intervene in this troubled water, since Second Miss Qin was in Dongni, there would be no shortage of strength to protect her, not to mention the support staff arranged by Shen Mengyao in advance.

It's just that if you want to leave Tony safely, you have to go through the difficulties in front of you. The guards of the Qin family who were hiding in the mountain to watch the battle were also affected by the war not long ago. They either died or were seriously injured.

The current difficulty can only be resolved by her and Lu Shaoxi.

Seeing the grief and indignation in Lu Shaoxi's eyes and Yan Tianbei's bruised body, Qin Ruxuan's eyes also flashed with determination.

Yan Tianbei has always been protecting the two of them, and now it is time for them to escort Senior Brother Yan home.

Qin Ruxuan took out the card and waved it, and the two broken swords appeared in her slender hands, and countless blue lightning flashed from her body.

The two walked side by side.

There are roaring combat helicopters overhead, and in front of them are dark crowds of Tony warriors.

"Kill!" Lu Shaoxi uttered a word coldly, his figure was like the wind, and he rushed towards the Dongni warriors first.

Qin Ruxuan's whole body was entwined with lightning, and she rushed forward side by side with him tightly holding two knives.

The lookout in the helicopter overhead was the first to spot the two of them. He quickly recognized Lu Shaoxi who was showing his true colors, and Yan Tianbei who was on his back.

"It's Yan Tianbei! And Lu Shaoxi!"

"I didn't see Lord Wutian, only Lu Shaoxi was carrying Yan Tianbei on his back! Yan Tianbei's life or death is unknown, but he has lost his fighting power!"

The lookouts in the combat helicopters directly use the loudspeakers to report loudly what they found.

All the Dongni warriors were stunned, and then their eyes turned red.

Yan Tianbei is still there, so doesn't that mean that Dongni's other martial sage and sword god Takeda Katsuki has also fallen?

"Kill them! Take revenge for Lord Martial Saint!" Someone shouted, and the red-eyed Dongni warriors rushed towards Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan crazily.

Now Yan Tianbei has obviously lost his fighting power, only Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan are left, so when is it not time to take advantage of the fire and loot it!
If he killed Yan Tianbei and Lu Shaoxi with his own hands, it would be his chance to become famous all over the world!
The Dongni fighters even forgot that Lu Shaoxi is also a famous and powerful character, and they just flocked to the two of them like a tide, for fear that they would be snatched away if they fell behind.

But these hundreds of Dongni warriors soon realized that they regretted it. Just after rushing a few steps in a mess, Lu Shaoxi, who was full of murderous aura, had already rushed towards him like lightning, and his arm equipped with "super alloy spider gloves" fell, and immediately rushed to the ground. The Dongni warrior in the front was cut into two pieces, and with a "backer stick", the other Dongni warrior fell like a cannonball, knocking over a dozen people behind him one after another.

A Dongni warrior next to him raised his knife and slashed down desperately. Lu Shaoxi's eyes were red, and with a wave of the knife, the sharp spider glove brushed his throat, and the huge head flew into the air immediately!

Blood spewed out like fireworks, Lu Shaoxi kept walking, and rushed straight into the heart of Dongni warrior group, using countless martial arts stunts like silver sand pouring down the ground.

He attacked with anger, and his strength was comparable to that of a god, like a tiger in a herd of sheep, invincible to those who stand in his way. No matter how strong or weak the Dongni warriors are, none of them is his single-handed enemy.

There were screams and blood flying from severed limbs. In the blink of an eye, three or forty people had fallen behind Lu Shaoxi, but the Tony warriors didn't even touch his clothes!

Qin Ruxuan over there danced her double swords into red and blue sword lights, which was also unstoppable. Her cultivation base was abruptly improved by Yan Tianbei's finger, and her strength at this time had surpassed ordinary It has ten heavy meridians, coupled with the world's sharpest broken swords, it is even more powerful.

The two rushed left and right among hundreds of Dongni warriors, as if they were in a land of no one. Even if those Dongni warriors were red-eyed, the difference in strength between the two sides was in front of them. How could they not be chilled?
After a while, the number of fallen Toni warriors exceeded three digits, everyone's expression changed, and it was unknown who retreated and fled one after another, and the rest of the Toni warriors also fled in all directions.

Qin Ruxuan was wary of the combat helicopter hovering above her head. If these Dongni warriors ran away, the combat helicopter above would definitely take the opportunity to attack the two of them.

These combat helicopters are not only equipped with new laser weapons, but also heat-seeking missiles, which can easily destroy armored vehicles and tanks!It would be dangerous to be attacked by them at the same time!

In fact, at this time the snipers on the combat helicopter were already aiming and shooting at the two of them.It was just avoided by the two of them, but in this way, the two of them became a little passive.

Qin Ruxuan made a decisive decision and ran with her body skills. Instead, she overtook the fleeing Dongni warriors, intercepted them, swung her two knives to kill them, and forced them to get together.Knowing her intentions, Lu Shaoxi also cooperated in intercepting and expelling Dong Niwuzhe.

His speed was even more unrivaled in the audience, using the strange art of dungeon armor, dozens of incarnations, false and real, surrounded and killed the remaining [-] Dongni warriors.

The battle situation became even more chaotic. The snipers on the helicopter were afraid of accidentally injuring their own people, so the gunshots were obviously much sparser.

At this moment, there was another shout of killing in the distance, and several teams of Dongni warriors, with a total of more than a thousand people, advanced here from all directions.

Their armor was neat and bright, and their bodies were sturdy. They were not only equipped with sharp samurai swords, but also held heavy firearms in their hands, and their waists were full of powerful gas bomb balls.

As the first general, seeing the chaos of the battle, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and he shouted: "The lord has an order. Those who kill Yan Tianbei and Lu Shaoxi will be rewarded with a million dollars and promoted to three ranks! Attack! "Don't care about your compatriots, you want to wipe out the remaining Dongni warriors together with Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan!
 Thanks to "Nautou Berserker" for the 10500 starting point reward and monthly pass!Thank you for the monthly tickets of "Yuan" and "What Can You Call Me"!This weekend, I have urgent matters to deal with at home, and the update is slow. I will try my best to add a few more chapters tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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