i can eat tips

Chapter 688 Take This Island

Chapter 688 Take This Island

It turns out that this is a remote island close to the equator, called "Madek Island", which implements an ancient autocratic monarchy, and the country is also called "Madek", with a population of only about [-]. It is isolated from the world, not only has it not joined the United Nations, but not many people in the world know about this country.

The origin of this country is that more than 200 years ago, the fleet of the Austrian Kingdom encountered a storm and was washed here by the current. More than 1000 seamen were not allowed to stay here. They combined with the local indigenous people and finally formed such a country, so the language It is [-]% or [-]% similar to the language of the modern Austrian country.

After dismissing the village chief and his party, Qin Ruxuan said to Lu Shaoxi: "The village chief said that there are only seven villages and one big town on this island, and the king is in the town. I heard that the king will leave the island in flying things from time to time. , Every time I come back, I bring back a lot of weird things, and sell them at high prices to the nobles here."

Something that flies?Could it be an airplane?
Lu Shaoxi's eyes lit up all of a sudden.

"It seems that we have to meet with the king and discuss about borrowing his plane." Lu Shaoxi's heart warmed up at the thought of returning to Longxia Kingdom as soon as possible and seeing Shen Mengyao, Lin, parents, relatives and friends.

He and Qin Ruxuan have been drifting on the sea these days without any news. I don't know how worried Shen Mengyao and the others will be.

It is estimated that the king also has overseas calls, so let's go to him first.

Qin Ruxuan said with a smile: "I heard from the village chief just now that this king is greedy, implements a high-pressure rule internally, imposes a lot of miscellaneous taxes, and the whole island is poor. Only his palace is magnificent, and the village chief begged us to punish him. Evil king, save them. It seems that this king will not lend us a plane easily."

Seeing her sly smile, Lu Shaoxi knew what this little devil was up to, but being a robber seemed pretty good too. It's not like he had never been in Tony's house before. Tips.

The corner of Lu Shaoxi's mouth twitched: "Hey, if we see him, we won't be able to borrow from him."

Now that he knew that the most luxurious palace in the central town of the island was where the royal palace was located, Lu Shaoxi locked the target directly with his clairvoyant eyes. He didn't need to ask the villagers to lead the way. He took Qin Ruxuan's little hand and disappeared into the forest like two birds. .

In less than 5 minutes, the two were already floating on the top of the town's bell tower, overlooking the entire town.

I saw a wide road in the town running through the whole city, and there are many intricate roads connecting it. The outer area is the civilian area, and the middle area is the aristocratic and rich area. The center of the rich area is the luxurious palace.

This royal palace is resplendent and resplendent, covering a vast area, decorated with precious stones everywhere, and even the gates are decorated with gold carvings. Its magnificence stands out from the crowd in the wealthy area, and it is much better than the brick houses in the common areas of the town. times, not to mention the dilapidated wooden houses in those villages.

It is estimated that the wealth accumulated by the entire island over the past 200 years has been spent on this palace.

Behind the palace is not only a swimming pool, a golf course, a guard camp, but also a small airport where a private jet is parked, which is even bigger than the special plane of Prince Maggie of the North.

Qin Ruxuan tutted, "The King CL280X, this king seems to be quite rich. My family used this type of private jet 20 years ago."

Although Qin Ruxuan said it was 20 years ago, but considering the wealth of the ancient Qin family, the car chosen is naturally the best sky-high price plane. King Madeke can afford to use it as a personal car now, and he is really rich .

Thinking of the hard life of the villagers, which was so different from the life of the nobles in the palace, Lu Shaoxi couldn't help shaking his head: "Let's go, such a king should fall, let's go see him off, and take over this island by the way. "

The two landed in front of the palace gate like light smoke, and the guards at the gate immediately stopped them with their guns and shouted questions in the local language.

Twenty or thirty guards patrolling around also came upon hearing the news, and surrounded the two menacingly in Gaixin.Looking at the arrogant attitude of these guards, one can guess how powerful the king is on the island.

Lu Shaoxi was supposed to deal with the evil king, so naturally he was too lazy to talk nonsense with these people, so he took a step forward, and with all his might, he easily sent these dozens of people flying tens of meters into the air, and then had a big fight with Qin Ruxuan Staggeringly broke into the palace.

This scene was discovered by the guards on the sentry tower, and they hurriedly blew the warning whistle in horror, which quickly and sharply alarmed the people in the whole city.

For many years, there has never been such a rapid warning sound in this heavily guarded palace. Many people opened the door in fear to peek at what happened.

A large number of guards stationed outside the palace hurriedly arranged their clothes and rushed towards the palace, while the 500 guards stationed in the palace guard battalion rushed over nervously with their guns. One team went to protect the king and concubine, and the other team rushed to the main entrance. direction.

Before they ran close to Lu and Qin, they blindly fired their guns from a distance. It looked like a rabble who had not been trained.

Lu Shaoxi ignored him and continued to rush into the main hall of the palace. The bullets stopped instantly about one meter away from the two of them. Thousands of yellow bullets were suspended in mid-air like this, as if time had stopped flowing, which was extremely weird .

Surrounded by the guards, the king was striding out with an angry face, to see which two lifeless guys dared to break into the palace and offend his authority. As soon as he came out, he saw this unusual scene, and suddenly He stopped in fright.

Lu Shaoxi said lightly: "Go back!"

The bullets that stopped in mid-air immediately shot back, and the hundreds of guards around were bleeding, screaming and falling to the ground.

The king had never seen such a fairy-like master of transforming gods before, he was so frightened that he screamed, "Hurry up, escort!"

The underground air-raid shelter opened, and two medium-sized tanks roared out, aiming at Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan with their thick barrels.However, the model of this tank has been around for many years, and they are all old guys eliminated by developed countries.

Qin Ruxuan became interested. She hadn't tried fighting against tanks yet, so she stepped forward excitedly and said, "Leave these two to me to deal with!"

"Peng!" The cannonball was fired and shot towards Qin Ruxuan.Qin Ruxuan clasped her palms together, and two gigantic palms transformed from true energy appeared out of thin air, accurately holding the fiery shells.

Qin Ruxuan slammed forward with her palm of the hand, and the shell immediately turned around and flew back, accurately piercing into the barrel of the tank, "Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the entire barrel and half of the tank were blown into scrap iron.

The other car didn't know whether it was panicked and confused, or it was not afraid of death, but it ran towards Qin Ruxuan and Lu Shaoxi at full speed.

Thirty to forty tons of weight pressed down violently, and the momentum was a bit scary.

 Thanks to "Cao Er" for the 100 starting point reward!There will be another update.

(End of this chapter)

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