i can eat tips

Chapter 691 Killing the Sea God

Chapter 691 Killing the Sea God
It was high in the sun, and the new king and queen hadn't shown their faces yet. The puppet prime minister, Menerte, presided over the coronation ceremony and delivered a speech.

After all, the new king and queen are outsiders of two other races. Although there are rumors that these two people are not mortals, but the gods of fire and thunder from the sky, they still cannot dispel the islanders' wariness and rejection.

But they are used to the dark rule of the former king, and now even the powerful former king and crown prince have been taken care of by the new young men and women, and the nobles in the city have also voiced their "support", and the islanders also Just accept it, just pray secretly in my heart, don't increase any more exorbitant taxes, and give everyone a way to survive.

Soon, the coronation ceremony officially began. Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan, dressed in exotic king and queen costumes, stepped onto the stage slowly. One was a master of the God Transformation Realm, and the other was a princess of the ancient royal family. look straight at.

Even the members of the Lu family who knew Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan felt a sense of admiration and awe, let alone those local islanders who had little knowledge.

After arriving on the island, the religious leaders and respected elders elected by them respectively crowned the new king and the new queen, and put on the crowns. Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan, who looked majestic, waved to everyone on the high platform, and the islanders fell on the ground in awe. , dare not look up.

Next, Lu Shaoxi recited an article of several hundred words written by Qin Ruxuan. First, he announced that the name of the island and the country were renamed "Chenxi" and the national flag was replaced. Opening sea routes, emphasizing commerce, and working for the welfare of the people, the principles and policies formulated one after another made the islanders overjoyed. They couldn't believe their ears, but no one dared to ask questions.

Lu Shaoxi only relied on her amazing memory to memorize hundreds of words in Aotianli language, and after she finished speaking, it was Qin Ruxuan's turn to take the stage.

Qin Ruxuan said in fluent Austrian language: "My subjects, I heard that there is a 'Sea God' blocking the sea route in the south of the island, making it impossible for fishing boats and merchant ships to leave the island. People's livelihood is difficult. His Majesty the King, as the god of fire, decided to go to the meeting. Meet this Sea God, if the Sea God refuses to leave, His Majesty the King will personally kill him, eliminate harm for the people, and return the island to a bright future!"

Her voice was clear and cold, majestic and full of genuine energy, which could easily reach the ears of tens of thousands of people without a loudspeaker.The islanders almost suspected it was an oracle from the gods, but they couldn't believe it.

The Sea God has occupied the southern waters for nearly a hundred years. No matter how many daring fishermen tried to go out to sea, they were swallowed by the Sea God. The Sea God would climb up to the island from time to time and attack the islanders living along the island, causing many casualties.Later, under the leadership of the former king, the islanders sacrificed a large number of three animals every year, which prevented the Sea God from going ashore. Now the new queen actually said that the new king was going to expel the Sea God. This...is it possible?
Qin Ruxuan didn't care whether they believed it or not. With an order, officials at all levels transported the people to the hills near the southern beach in prepared vehicles to watch the "negotiations" between the new king and Sea God.

At noon, the islanders of almost the entire island arrived at the designated viewing place.Meanwhile, Lu Shaoxi and Qin Ruxuan drove to the southern beach with Xu Dachao and a large number of guards.

Lu Shaoxi signaled everyone to stop on the beach, and went forward alone.Dressed in a gorgeous king's costume, he walked on the waves, and soon stood on a large rock near the sea.

It was a calm day today. Tens of thousands of islanders on the mountain could only see the bright yellow figure gliding slightly, almost gliding above the sea, and they couldn't help but stare blankly.

For a while, there was no sound of people around, only the sound of crashing sea flowers.

Lu Shaoxi stood with his hands behind his back, looked at the huge sleeping monster under the sea, and softly shouted: "Open!"

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, and the wind and clouds were surging, like an oracle from the sky, the sea water in the entire sea area was actually separated from the middle, revealing a deep trench!

Countless islanders were stunned, as if seeing a miracle, even Du Junmao and other members of the Lu family were so shocked that they opened their mouths wide and forgot to close them.

Standing beside Qin Ruxuan, the ghost mother-in-law was also amazed in her heart: "Just stepping up to the realm of transforming gods, he can express his thoughts in unison, open the sea with one word, this kid is really incredible."

This sea area is near the sea, but it is only two to three meters deep. Lu Shaoxi pushed the sea water away with regular force, and immediately exposed half of the giant squid's huge body.

Its conical body is as strong as a hill, and its whole body is reddish red. Its ten thick tentacles are hundreds of meters long, so thick that it is difficult for a single person to hug them. One meter, revealing a palpitating cold light.

It was disturbed to rest, and half of its body came out of the water again. It suddenly became furious, and let out a sharp and strange cry, which shook the whole field.

Compared to this gigantic king squid, Lu Shaoxi standing on the reef is simply not worth mentioning.

If he hadn't shocked everyone by opening the sea earlier, tens of thousands of islanders would have knelt down and worshiped the so-called "Sea God", begging for forgiveness.

Even so, everyone couldn't help worrying about the new king in their hearts.

Lu Shaoxi on the reef was extremely calm. He jumped up and reached a height of tens of feet in one jump. The bright yellow king's clothes fluttered under the sun and the sea breeze, majestic like a god.

He shouted loudly and punched down with both fists at the same time.

But he saw two golden fire dragons roaring out of his fist, and rushed towards the king squid.

The bodies of the two fire dragons are as thick as giant pillars embraced by two people, the fine scales are clearly visible, the eyebrows are touching, the eyes are red, and the five claws are spread out. They are so lifelike and real!The loud dragon chant spread far away, suppressing the sharp cry of the king squid!

The "Double Ascending Dragon Kill" performed with the double strength of the God Transformation Realm shocked the audience even more. The islanders thought that he summoned the fire dragon to kill the Sea God, and their awe of him grew exponentially. increase!

Two golden fire dragons, one on the left and the other on the right, rushed towards the king squid with their teeth and claws.The king squid also sensed the danger, and several long tentacles slapped upwards, with the sound of howling wind and large waves, sea sand and gravel.

"Crack!" Several tentacles collided with the fire dragon forcefully, and were smashed to pieces, splashing plasma and sea water.

The castration of the two fire dragons was only slightly hindered, and soon they hovered in the air, and rushed towards the king squid again.

The king squid yelled angrily under the severe pain, but he didn't dare to fight the fire dragon anymore, he just stretched out the remaining tentacles desperately, rolled up the big rock on the seabed and threw it at the fire dragon.

Lu Shaoxi stood up against the wind in mid-air, his thoughts were concentrated, and his thoughts were paralleled, and his true energy was injected into the two fire dragons again.

The two fire dragons raised their heads and roared, and swooped down with a destructive momentum, smashing all the obstacles that hit them into powder, and entangled the king squid in the blink of an eye.

The king squid rolled its tentacles to resist, but Lu Shaoxi shouted: "Get up!"

The two fire dragons actually threw the giant squid weighing at least ten tons out of the sea!

 Well, there are still two chapters to update, keep going!

(End of this chapter)

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