i can eat tips

Chapter 699 Mr. Shen's Sudden Arrangement

Chapter 699 Mr. Shen's Sudden Arrangement
"Very good, you are all warriors of the country. Now Longxia Wulin is in turmoil, the alliance is about to split, and powerful enemies are watching. It is time for the night watchmen to step forward."

Lu Shaoxi saluted solemnly: "My name is Lu Shaoxi. No matter whether you have heard this name before, from today onwards, you must remember this name. Because I will be one of you, and even your guide. I will use Victory after victory will lead you to become truly invincible masters, and let your names be engraved in the history of Longxia Wulin forever!"

Lu Shaoxi was not born to be a commander, but the aura of a superior accumulated as the head of the Lu family, coupled with the majestic guru demeanor on his body, and the arrogance that he had heard from Yan Tianbei, easily made these five hundred night watchmen have a sense of belonging. There is a strong sense of identity, and even a sense of enthusiasm, as if as long as you follow this young man, you will be able to realize your great wish in life and embark on an unusual path!
Lu Shaoxi looked around the crowd again, and there seemed to be an invisible flame burning in his eyes. He thought of Yan Tianbei, and at the same time he thought of the 530 people entrusted to him by Yan Tianbei.

He said in a deep voice: "You should all have heard of the Southwest Border Branch, right? Governor Yan has entrusted the Southwest Branch to me. Next, you will all go to the Southwest Border with me, and the two thousand five hundred and thirty-seven Fight side by side with famous heroes, guard the frontier of the motherland, keep the last hope and fire of Longxia Wulin, are you willing?"

Southwest Frontier Division!Invincible Governor Yan Tianbei's famous and brilliant elite division!Now Yan Tianbei actually entrusted this invincible teacher to Lu Shaoxi?
This is the first time even Zheng Hai has heard of this, let alone other people.

Including Xiang Chao, who was as calm as ice, everyone's eyes became hot in surprise. They have practiced hard in this back mountain for ten years, isn't it for the purpose of defending their family, defending the country and making contributions?Now that Lu Shaoxi's words were very provocative, they immediately ignited the blood in their hearts.

Everyone knelt on one knee and said in unison: "I am willing to serve Mr. Lu!"


The "Long Xia Night Watcher" temporarily stayed at the place and waited for orders, while Lu Shaoxi took Zheng Hai and Lin back to Dean Xia's house.After having dinner with Professor Shen and Dean Xia's family, Lu Shaoxi, Lin, Shen Mengyao and Mo Yi drove back to Huxin Island.

Along the way, Lu Shaoxi told Shen Mengyao about Dean Xia's strength, and Shen Mengyao thought about it for a while, and said: "I suggest that those internal agents in the alliance can not be used for the time being, and the intelligence network can be integrated with the intelligence network in the hands of Falcon to unify Collect it to Falcon for analysis and processing, and continue to maintain independence and cooperation with Ruxuan's 'Linger Group'."

Lu Shaoxi agreed: "Okay, I also think this is the best."

Qin Ruxuan holds the "Linger Group", but it was received from Qin Moshou after all. It is hard to guarantee that there are no Qin Moshou's eyes and ears. Before Qin Ruxuan really controls the Qin family, Lu Shaoxi's intelligence network remains independent. It is extremely necessary, and the authority is only open to Qin Ruxuan and Shen Mengyao, so as to avoid being infiltrated by the Qin family.

Shen Mengyao continued to plan: "As for the 'Night Watchers', we can wait for you to integrate them into the Southwest Branch. I have arranged for the overseas martial artists brought back from Tony to be in the suburbs of Yuanzhou, and I have selected strong, There are [-] fighters who are willing to follow you to the border, but they are considered newcomers after all, and they can only be used to stay and protect the Southwest Branch. It is difficult to expect to play a big role in a year or so. By the way, the most prestigious Master Xu has always wanted to see You, I promise to notify him to meet after you come back."

"Well, Mengyao, thank you for your hard work." Lu Shaoxi took Shen Mengyao's slender hand and hugged her gratefully.

He knew in his heart that what Shen Mengyao just said in a few words was behind the countless painstaking efforts. The various trivial matters involved in arranging thousands of people's long-term board and lodging are enough to be busy for a month, let alone arranging them. Employment for their family members and mobilize funds to help them build their homes.

As for whether these funds were drawn from the Lu family or from Qin Ruxuan or even Shen Mengyao's private money, Lu Shaoxi didn't bother to ask. Anyway, the three of them are one, and Shen Mengyao is the best at economic management. She is the real behind-the-scenes master planner of managing the business, so Lu Shaoxi has simply become the hands-off shopkeeper, and only needs to control the direction of the overall situation.

Shen Mengyao was still not used to being too intimate with Lu Shaoxi in front of outsiders, she leaned against Lu Shaoxi with a blushing pretty face, and returned to her usual quiet manner.

Lu Shaoxi took the time to continue teaching Moyi's mind and martial arts, and told Lin and Shen Mengyao about the thrilling stories of wandering in Dongni and the sea, which made the three girls in the car exclaimed again and again, and Shen Mengyao and Lin shook hands nervously. Tightening Lu Shaoxi's hand, even Mo Yi was fascinated by it.

Time flies, and within half an hour, Falcon carried the four of them back to the island in the middle of the lake.

Lu Shaoxi took three girls into the hall of the villa, but unexpectedly saw four acquaintances sitting in the living room drinking tea and snacks, father Lu Tie, mother Ruan Junping and Chen Manman were chatting with each other, and Lin Yurou was helping to make tea. Tea.

But Ruan Junping is not from the martial arts world, only Lu Tie can chat a few words, but Chen Manman has a cheerful and lively temperament, keeping the atmosphere active and not cold.

Seeing Lu Shaoxi, everyone stood up in surprise.

Mom and Dad beamed with joy: "Shaoxi!"

"Brother Shaoxi!" Lin Yurou opened her eyes wide in surprise, while Chen Manman greeted him happily.

A figure moved faster, flashed in front of Lu Shaoxi, stretched out his hand and gave him a light hammer: "Hey, Lu Shaoxi, you kid is willing to come back, tell me about the fun of the girl in Tony!"

This guy is unbelievably handsome, but also a bit evil, with an unscrupulous hippie smile on his face. He is Feng Qing, the well-known leader of the elite team in Qianlong.

Next to him, Wang Jia, Guo Yi, and Li Fan had no choice but to salute with wry smiles: "I've seen Lu Shangdian."

Lu Shaoxi nodded to everyone, then rolled his eyes at Fengqing, with a serious face: "I'm not interested in finding Tony's sister to go to Tony by myself."

Seeing Shen Mengyao behind him, Feng Qing seemed to be enlightened, and said in a low voice: "Then let's discuss it in private. Anyway, the four of us have to stay here, we have plenty of time."

Lu Shaoxi was stunned: "Stay here? You?"

"Well, I received the latest order from Qianlong, let us protect the safety of your family." Feng Qing glanced at Shen Mengyao, looked straight, and said in a low voice: "I heard that it is the old leader's intention. You'd better contact me as soon as possible." Let him know, the old chief helped you with a lot of pressure."

Mr. Shen?He moved quickly.But why did he arrange Fengqing to come here?Who would dare to harm his family now?Judging by Shen Mengyao's expression, it seems that she doesn't know about this arrangement.

Just as Lu Shaoxi was thinking, Ruan Junping had come over to ask him if he had dinner with Shen Mengyao and Rin. Judging by her attitude, it seemed that she got along well with Shen Mengyao during this time, not to mention Rin, who has always been Mama Ruan's favorite. I like girls.

Lu Shaoxi thought that he would be going to the Southwest soon, and that he would have to stay for a long time, so he decided to put aside all his thoughts, get together with his family first, and enjoy the leisure time of family reunion before talking.

(End of this chapter)

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