Chapter 7
At this time, Lu Shaoxi's speed has reached 15 points, while ordinary people's speed is only around 4 points at most. As long as he concentrates and cooperates with 3 points of vision, the movements of ordinary people will naturally look like slow motion in his eyes.

Lu Shaoxi stretched out his hand, and easily grabbed the arm of the rogue boy who rushed to the front, bent his elbow to break his arm, and threw him over his shoulder, leaving him in a mess and unable to get up for a while.

Before the rest of the younger brothers could react, Lu Shaoxi had rushed into them, and his strike was like the wind, but in the blink of an eye, he broke the hands of the other younger brothers with the same technique, and fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

Brother Meng was dumbfounded. Only then did he realize that he had encountered a master. Seeing Lu Shaoxi walking towards him, he immediately shouted in a panic: "Hey, boy, you have to forgive others and forgive others. Don't mess around! If you dare to touch me, I will ...My cousin will not let you go! Do you know that my cousin is..."

Lu Shaoxi would not let him say Fatty Hu's name, and immediately interrupted him coldly: "I don't care who your cousin is, since you have the strength of the first level of body training, you are naturally a member of the martial arts. You can enter the martial arts , Everyone lives in peace!"

When Meng Ge heard him tell the rules of the hidden martial arts, he couldn't help staring at Lu Shaoxi in horror: " are a hidden martial arts person?"

Lu Shaoxi approached Brother Meng, and said coldly: "You just saw it now?"

Thinking of Lu Shaoxi's terrifying skill just now, Meng Ge's face turned pale, he didn't dare to speak harshly, and he didn't care about the pain on his body, "Pu Tong" knelt down and said in a mournful voice: "Brother, spare me!"

The regret in Meng Ge's heart, I knew this evil star was a fierce man who practiced martial arts, and he would not dare to provoke him if he killed himself. This time it fell into the hands of this fierce man. It is a trivial matter to be broken, and the most feared thing is to be beaten Cheng was seriously injured and didn't give reason.Report to the police station?As long as it is found out that it is a matter of people who practice martial arts, the case will be transferred to the management association of martial arts. It is estimated that the management association will throw it in Meng Ge's face when they see this case file, and add: "Get out! What kind of martial arts are you not capable of? Shame on the hidden martial arts!"

This is the world of hidden martial arts, a world where the strong are respected!

Lu Shaoxi originally wanted to teach Meng Ge a lesson, but he was even more annoyed that he ordered his subordinates to draw out their knives. Regardless of whether he begged for mercy or not, he slapped half of his teeth and kicked him nearly ten feet away with a flying kick. Mi Yuan kicked several of his breast bones.

When he turned around and saw that the red hair was about to slip away, Lu Shaoxi punched him several times in the past until he was crying. If it wasn't for the fear of life-threatening trouble, Lu Shaoxi would never let him go.

Seeing that it was almost done, Lu Shaoxi said coldly: "Get out of here! Don't let me see you again, or I will break your dog legs!"

Meng Ge broke out in cold sweat from the pain, but he didn't dare to talk back. He called out to his younger brothers with a mournful face, and all the hooligans limped away with each other supporting each other.

"Are you okay?" Lu Shaoxi walked back to Lin Yurou's side.

Lin Yurou just came back to her senses, she looked at the extremely handsome and gentle young man in front of her with some surprise, she couldn't overlap the vigorous figure just now with him, and she responded after a while: "I...I'm fine, thank you...big brother."

The girl's voice was gentle and soft, which sounded extremely comfortable.

Lu Shaoxi couldn't help but looked at her carefully, and saw that she didn't have any make-up on at all, but she had willow eyebrows and almond eyes, a melon-like face, fair skin, exquisite facial features, and was indescribably pure and beautiful. She was probably at the school girl's level, thinking of this little girl She has never left herself and escaped alone. She has a really good heart. In this society, such girls are rare.Lu Shaoxi felt good about her, so she smiled at her and said, "It's fine, I'm leaving. You're a beautiful girl, you'd better not take this kind of alley, it's not safe."

After teaching Hongmao, Meng Ge and others, Lu Shaoxi felt at ease physically and mentally. He was anxious to find the "Qingji Waste Recycling Station", waved to Lin Yurou, then turned and pedaled the broken tricycle, and rode towards the depths of the alley.

Lin Yurou stared blankly at Lu Shaoxi's back, and suddenly remembered something, by the way, why did she forget to ask this kind-hearted big brother's name?

Lu Shaoxi took out his mobile phone to check the navigation, and found that the mobile phone had long been out of battery and turned off. Fortunately, the Qingji waste recycling station was nearby, so he found it quickly. When he entered the waste station, he saw several canvas sheds built in the yard. There are all kinds of plastic bottles, old books and newspapers piled up in different categories, especially old books, at least tens of thousands of volumes, stacked extremely neatly.He scanned it with the secret book radar, and found that there were hundreds of martial arts books densely packed inside. He couldn't help being surprised, he was very lucky!

When he came out of the waste station, Lu Shaoxi was almost happy.Although there were three hundred Ruanmei coins missing in his wallet, there were several thick stacks of old books and magazines on the tricycle. There were hundreds of copies, which can be described as a fruitful harvest.Moreover, except for one-third of the hundreds of old books that are magazines, the rest are all martial arts books, and a small number of them are old secrets from the late 80s, with experience points even reaching 3.

Lu Shaoxi quickly pedaled the tricycle back to the book martial arts hall, moved several large bundles of old books to the martial arts hall, and immediately began to eat secret books crazily.

After eating nearly twenty old books in one go, he suddenly felt a familiar feeling of heat coming from his whole body again. His fur spread open, and his bones made dozens of "click" sounds like fried beans. It seemed to have swelled and firmed up again, and even the skin became firmer and thicker.

Could it be that he has broken through to the fourth level of body training?

Sure enough, he immediately heard a prompt from the system that made him extremely excited: "The host's accumulated experience has reached the upgrade limit of 100 points, the realm level has been raised to the fourth level of body training, the basic attack power has been increased by +4, and the basic defense power has been increased by +4 , Basic agility increased by +4, basic eyesight increased by +1, and basic ear power increased by +1. An additional bonus of 4 basic attribute points, the host can use it to increase the value of the first three attributes."

Lu Shaoxi moved his hands and feet in surprise, and it turned out to be much stronger than when he was exercising this morning.

Body training quadruple!I have finally become the fourth level of body training!Lu Shaoxi patted the bones and muscles of his body a few times, feeling the tough feeling like wood and stone, the excitement and excitement in his heart could not be added.

Without hesitation, he added all 4 reward points to the basic agility, and glanced at the personal attributes of the system interface.

Host name: Lu Shaoxi (22 years old)
Realm Level: Body Refining Level [-]

Base attack power: 15
Base Defense: 14
Base Dexterity: 23
Base eyesight: 4
Basic ear power: 4
Martial Arts Evolution Points: 15
Experience required for the next level: 200
Host skills: ① devouring secrets, you can improve your strength by devouring secrets;

② Cheats radar, which can detect the existence of nearby Cheats, and the current detectable radius is 7 meters;
③Cheats evolution, you can use martial arts evolution points to improve the grade and characteristics of the secrets.

This time, the experience points required to upgrade to the fifth level of body training actually increased to 200 points, doubled, but it was not an unattainable goal.Lu Shaoxi saw a few bundles of old books piled up next to him, licked his lips, and opened his white teeth...

After eating nearly forty old books this time, Lu Shaoxi found that the increase in experience points became extremely slow. Even after eating an old book with an experience value of 3, the experience point only increased by 1.2.

With a thought, Lu Shaoxi immediately walked to the center of the gymnasium and continued to practice the extremely energy-intensive "Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Soft Body Technique". This time, it was obviously much easier to complete the 27 movements. At the limit, the traces of heat gushed out from his body again, nourishing his tired body and converting it into physical energy and experience points.

Sure enough!It seems that the body has a limit to absorb these calories. If the limit is exceeded, it will be stored in the body. Only when the physical energy is exhausted can we continue to absorb these stored remaining calories!

Lu Shaoxi cheered up and continued to exercise.When he felt that the heat in his body was completely absorbed and his body was exhausted to the limit, he continued to return to the pile of books, tore up old books, and continued to exercise after eating almost.

From time to time, his heavy but joyful panting sounded in the dojo, and the sweat from his sweat even made the ground in the center of the dojo wet like rain.

But Lu Shaoxi has no intention of resting at all. He has practiced martial arts many years behind many people of the same age. He has to use several times the effort and sweat to catch up, especially in order to get good grades in the star assessment meeting next month. , To revive the reputation of Tianyangshu Martial Arts School, he must do his best to stimulate all potentials and break through the current limit of his body!
(End of this chapter)

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