i can eat tips

Chapter 799 Just like candy, sweet

Chapter 799 Like candy, sweet (finale)

Half a year later, Lu Shaoxi had to end her happy honeymoon life on the island and return to Longxia. On the one hand, Qin Ruxuan wanted to return to the Qin family to handle affairs; Lu Shaoxi, who agreed to accompany her, naturally had to go together.

Shen Mengyao said anxiously: "Can you really accompany me to the entertainment industry?"

"Yeah, my wife is so beautiful, what should I do if I don't stare at her and get kidnapped?"

Shen Mengyao thumped him lightly, and said angrily: "Spoof, how can I be abducted by someone. I just want... If people know that you, the number one martial arts master in the Longxia Kingdom and the deputy leader of the Jingwu Alliance, actually ran away. If you are in the entertainment industry, will you be laughed at?"

"It's not that I haven't made a record with you. Besides, I'm just a nominal leader. Who will pay attention to me? Even if there are people who say bad things about me, they must be jealous that I married the celestial Shen Daxing."

"You can speak sweet words." Feeling that she was being pampered, Miss Shen smiled more and more on her face, and her image of the iceberg beauty had changed a lot from before.She hugged Lu Shaoxi's arm happily and said, "By the way, a film and television company contacted me recently, wanting me to participate in a costume TV series called "Invincible Young Master", which is about the story of the old Lu Tianyang. Tell me Shall we go or not?"

"Shooting a TV series about Senior Lu? It's good, period films are best for you."

"I liked the script after reading it, but there are a lot of love scenes in it..."

Lu Shaoxi was furious all of a sudden: "Love scene? No, no, no, you are not allowed to hold hands with other men, you are not allowed to hug, you are not allowed to kiss, even if you are wrong!"

"Overbearing, do you allow you to hug left and right?" Shen Mengyao expressed dissatisfaction in her mouth, but seeing that Lu Shaoxi cared about herself so much, she was still very happy in her heart: "How about I just refuse? Or... recommend you to be the leading actor?"

Lu Shaoxi giggled and said, "You can try this. But if I'm going to play the male lead, I can't miss a hand-holding, hugging and kissing scene." After that, he called Li Yuanzhao and asked him to hold the film and television company or buy it outright. The director and crew are also all signed.In order to create the best working environment for Miss Shen and avoid being provoked by unsightly people, Lu Shaoxi has never been afraid to spend money.

Time flies, and another year has passed in the blink of an eye. Miss Shen's reputation in the entertainment industry has soared to the sky. Not only has her new album swept the music industry and won numerous awards, but she has also achieved amazing achievements in the film and television industry. Her TV series "Invincible Young Master" swept Long Xia, and was broadcast repeatedly on various channels, and her fame spread all over the world. Some foreign companies even invited her to hold a world tour concert.

Lu Shaoxi's reputation among ordinary people has also increased.

In fact, the number of times he appeared in the entertainment industry is actually very limited, and he only showed his face with Shen Mengyao every time, but Shen Mengyao is too famous, coupled with Lu Shaoxi's outstanding appearance, elegant temperament, superb skills, and "Invincible Young Master" He soon became a celebrity known on the streets and alleys. Fans directly called him "Master Lu". There were even countless people on the Internet discussing what kind of computer special effects he used to achieve his superb martial arts in the movie. from.

But for Lu Shaoxi, fame is nothing but a floating cloud, except for the appearance of Shen Mengyao, he doesn't answer the announcements, so his life is still leisurely. Apart from accompanying Shen Mengyao, he just goes to Qin's house to accompany Qin Ruxuan.

Qin Ruxuan's status in the Qin family has been as stable as Mount Tai. She has clear rewards and punishments, and she is kind and powerful. The Qin family maintains a low-key but stable development. And support, and maintain independent, friendly and equal exchanges with the alliance.Under Lu Shaoxi's guidance, Qin Ruxuan's own strength has also stepped into the realm of transforming gods, becoming the strongest in the Lu family besides Lu Shaoxi and Lin.

Yes, Rin has completely returned to normal now, and his strength has climbed to the fifth level of the God Transformation Realm in one fell swoop, ranking second in the Lu family.

Apart from accompanying the two sisters, Lu Shaoxi accompanied Rin the most.

However, after Lin woke up, she lost the memory of the "out of control runaway" period of the blood of the fox, and Lu Shaoxi didn't try to restore it for her. This is not an interesting experience, and it is better not to remember.

Rin's appearance has not changed in the past two years, she still looks like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl, and Lu Shaoxi treats her with the same love as before.

And Qin Ruxuan and Shen Mengyao also took extra care and tolerance towards Rin, and even often took her to the room to go shopping and play together.This is a pain for Lu Shaoxi. Every time he goes shopping with him, he becomes a coolie who carries a lot of things. The three girls will never buy less. with.

But seeing Rin's happy face, Lu Shaoxi felt that no matter how hard he worked, it was worth it.

On this day, Shen Mengyao went to shoot commercials, Qin Ruxuan also set off to go back to the Qin family to handle family affairs, and Lu Shaoxi continued to teach Lin calligraphy in her free time.

Lin didn't go to school seriously when she was a child. It was Madam Qin who taught her how to read and write. She could read a lot, but she didn't practice calligraphy seriously. In addition to practicing martial arts with her, he taught her calligraphy.

However, Rin seemed to be out of shape this day, he was a little absent-minded when practicing calligraphy, and always secretly glanced at Lu Shaoxi with his big crystal eyes.

Lu Shaoxi reached out and tapped Rin's head lightly: "Rin, what are you thinking?"

Lin Zhizhi lowered his head and said, "No...it's nothing."

Seeing that Lin refused to tell herself, Lu Shaoxi couldn't sit still.He found out that Rin has been careful and secret recently, and he only told the sisters of the Qin family, not him, which hurt Lu Shaoxi's heart a little.

So he had to sadly realize the fact that Rin, like ordinary sixteen or seventeen-year-old girls, has her own little secrets and little rebellions.Will she have a boy she likes in the future?Then make a boyfriend?Speaking of which, Rin is indeed at this age...

Lu Shaoxi couldn't tell what it was like, a little lost, a little lonely, and unspeakably uncomfortable. He couldn't help but asked again: "Before Ruxuan left the door in the morning, you whispered to her. Since then You are weird. What did you and Ruxuan say?"

Rin sneaked a glance at him again, then quickly lowered her head, her little face flushed and said: "I... I asked the second lady a question. She... She said that I can understand it if I think about it."

Seeing that Rin seemed to be going to tell herself, Lu Shaoxi was overjoyed, and quickly said in the most gentle voice: "Oh? What question did you ask? See if I can answer you?"

Rin's face became even redder, and she pointed and pointed her two slender and white little fingers like spring onions, but she just didn't speak.

"You tell me, I'll buy you your favorite cake." Lu Shaoxi felt that his methods were a bit despicable, but he cared too much about Rin, and he always felt uneasy if he didn't ask.But don't ask what kind of boys Rin likes!
"I asked Second Miss what it's like to like Lu Shaoxi..." Rin's little face was so red that it was almost smoking, like a ripe red apple, she whispered, but her big eyes kept turning up at a 45-degree angle secretly He glanced at Lu Shaoxi.

Lu Shaoxi couldn't help laughing, she just felt relaxed and comfortable, with a feeling of finding a lost treasure, and couldn't help teasing her: "Then you know now?"

Hearing that Lu Shaoxi didn't seem to be angry, Rin raised his head boldly: "It's like candy, sweet..."

(End of the book)
 2520 words, welcome to the end, sprinkle flowers!
(End of this chapter)

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