i can eat tips

Chapter 801

Chapter 801
Sitting on the falcon, Lin Yurou bowed her head and kept silent, but when Lu Shaoxi let go of her little hand, she subconsciously held it tightly and did not let go.

"Master, you haven't sat on the Falcon with Ms. Rou for a long time." Falcon's cute voice came from the center console.

"Really? It seems so." Only then did Lu Shaoxi remember that he hadn't been alone with Lin Yurou for several years.

He originally thought that Lin Yurou would go to university, gain a lot of knowledge and social circle, and maybe she would really like a boy, but judging from the information fed back from the intelligence network, Lin Yurou didn't talk to boys many times during college. Let alone fall in love.

Thinking of Lin Yurou's conversation with Qi Bian just now, Lu Shaoxi sighed and asked, "Xiaorou, do you really plan to have a boyfriend in this life?"

Lin Yurou lowered her head and said nothing, but the little hand holding Lu Shaoxi's big hand clenched even tighter.

Another stubborn girl, Lu Shaoxi felt a little helpless.

To be honest, he now has Miss Shen, Miss Qin and Lin, and he doesn't want to provoke other girls anymore.

Although Qin Ruxuan and Shen Mengyao half-jokingly agreed that he would find a few good girls to have a baby first—Ms. Young and 20 years old, there is no need to worry. As for Rin... Lu Shaoxi can't imagine Rin as a mother, and temporarily thinks of ways to prevent her from becoming pregnant.

However, Lu's father and Lu's mother were eager to hug their grandson, and after several times of urging, Qin Ruxuan smiled and agreed, so the accident happened two months ago between Lu Shaoxi and Mu Mu...

I don't know if Qin Ruxuan did it on purpose that time, first got Mu Mu drunk, then pushed Mu Mu, who was drunk and only in pajamas, into Lu Shaoxi's room, and the drunk Mu Mu hugged Lu Shaoxi and couldn't stop asking Why did he heal the madness by himself, but he still hadn't grown to the height and figure of the second young lady, so the two of them passed the night in a muddleheaded or logical way during the entanglement.

When Mu Mu woke up the next day, she probably felt sorry for the second lady, and she refused to admit what happened between the two of them. She even went to a foreign country to perform the mission of Qianlong, and she hasn't come back so far. If Xuan contacts, Lu Shaoxi has to run to find her.

Mu Mu hasn't settled yet. Yesterday, Lu Shaoxi was secretly kissed by his righteous sister, Yuhong, who said that Lin taught her, which made Lu Shaoxi a headache, and really didn't want to provoke other girls anymore.

Unexpectedly, when Lin Yurou heard his question, her eye circles turned red.

She bit her lip, refusing to make a sound, just letting her tears flow silently.

She didn't make a sound, but it didn't mean that Lu Shaoxi couldn't find out.He had no choice but to take out a tissue and pass it over: "Xiao Rou, why are you crying?"

Lin Yurou shook her head: "It's nothing, it's just that sand got in my eyes."

Where did the sand come from in the car?Lu Shaoxi couldn't laugh or cry, under the eyes of wish, the words "I want to stay with Brother Shaoxi and see him every day" above Lin Yurou's head were extremely clear.

This stubborn girl will probably never say these words, right?
Thinking that this girl's whole life was changed by herself, and she even embarked on the road of martial arts because of his words.Up to now, Lin Yurou still takes care of the herbs for him without complaint or regret. Every time he returns to Huxin Island, whenever he looks back, he will always find her lingering eyes lingering on him.

People are not plants, how can they be ruthless?
Lu Shaoxi held her hand and said softly: "Xiaorou, I want you to stay by my side all the time, I wonder if you would like to?"

Lin Yurou's whole body shook, she raised her head in disbelief, and Lu Shaoxi's figure was reflected in her red eyes from crying.

"What? Don't want to?"

Lin Yurou shook her head vigorously, big tears of joy dripped on Lu Shaoxi's hands, and then she shouted desperately and with all her courage from Falcon: "I am willing!"


"I don't want to!" Under the same sky, at the same time, at the southwest border, Yan Juannan was tearing the blind date book in her hand into pieces through gnashing of teeth.

"Sister-in-law, I said, I don't want to go on a blind date, why can't you stop for a while?"

The eldest wife of Yan Tianbei, Mrs. Xu, hates iron and steel, and said: "Jue Nan, don't think that you can spend years of life because you are in the state of transformation, and you can live forever in youth. Your brother entrusted you to me to raise you since you were a child. You are half a mother! You are young and beautiful, but you are almost 30 years old this year! If you don’t date, fall in love and get married, who will want you in the future?”

"Sister-in-law, I really don't want to see these people. Each of these people looks like a little boy, or a hypocrite and a real villain... He has no heroic spirit at all. Sister-in-law, please let me go, I really do I don't want to go on a blind date, so I can find someone myself..." Seeing that it was too tough, Yan Juanan had no choice but to use the coquettish method that she hadn't used for many years, holding Xu's clothes and saying pitifully.

"You——! Well, I don't care about you, I'll give you half a year, if you don't pick someone you like, you have to let me meet the young talents on the list, one by one, until you are satisfied! Xu angrily picked up the shredded paper on the ground and left.

Yan Juanan had a bitter face, alas, who would have thought that the majestic Grandmaster of Transformation God Realm would also be cornered by a blind date?

Half a year, half a year, where will I find the man I like in half a year!Besides, heroes like my brother are the type I like in this world, um... but I don't like my brother's appearance, like a big black bear, if he looks thinner, better looking, more humorous and has the same personality as my brother It's perfect...

Yan Juannan's mind suddenly flashed the figure of a young man.

Bah bah bah!How could I think of that nasty guy!
Not only did that guy embarrass himself in front of everyone, he even lied to himself by pretending to be a thief. If it wasn't for the fact that he took care of his father, I wouldn't even go to his wedding!
Yan Juanan quickly shook her head, shaking Lu Shaoxi's figure out of her mind.

When she was pacing back and forth in the study, she accidentally saw a copy of "Foretelling Techniques That Let You Know Your Future Lover in Advance" in the bookcase, huh?Isn't this the booklet that came with the booklet I bought at the roadside stand when I went to Enshu to attend that guy's wedding last time?
At that time, Yan Juannan thought the booklet was naive and ridiculous and almost threw it away, but seeing the interesting design of the cover, she finally brought it back, but never opened it.

At this time, she was worrying about this issue, well, let's flip through it to pass the time.

"Oh? Put the playing cards like this, then close your eyes, and recall the seven most memorable things with the opposite sex, and in the end you will automatically say the name of that person in the future..."

It's nonsense... But why don't you try?

Yan Juannan followed the method in the book step by step. First, she made a complex pattern with playing cards, then sat in the middle of the pattern, closed her eyes, and began to recall the past.

Opposite sex... My brother shouldn't count, right?

Other than him, it seems that there is only that guy...

So the past events with Lu Shaoxi came to mind one by one.

Oh, in that two thousand elite battle with Shadwumeng, he knocked hundreds of people into the air with a single gesture, and he looked a little handsome and mighty.

Also, when the leader of the Shadewu League sent him back, the way he nodded and bowed respectfully was so funny, but that guy laughed so hatefully.

Ah, the most memorable thing is that time when I accidentally threw myself into his arms in the ring, and he actually yelled that I have a girlfriend...

"Lu Shaoxi! You bad guy!" Yan Juanan blurted out bitterly, and only then did she realize that she was sitting among the playing cards when she opened her eyes.

Just now... what did you call yourself?Lu Shaoxi?No way?I'm done thinking about seven things?

Yan Juannan recalled it, and it happened to be seven things.

God, wouldn't it?According to this pamphlet, my future...is Lu Shaoxi?
Impossible, absolutely impossible, how could I be with that nasty guy!
Yan Juannan's heartbeat accelerated, and she tore the booklet into pieces in a panic, looking at the pieces in her hand again, feeling worried.

The sister-in-law only gave her half a year...

Or, go to that guy to discuss it?That guy has a lot of tricks!If it doesn't work, let him pretend to be my boyfriend!Isn't there such a plot in the book?Although it's a bit of a rotten street... Huh, my brother asked him to take care of me, he can't even help me with such a simple thing, can he?No matter what, let's get past the sister-in-law's level first.

The more Yan Juannan thought about it, the more feasible it became.

Okay, that's it, pack your things and go to Yuanzhou to find that guy!

 Exactly [-] chapters, perfect!This is the end of the extra chapter, thank you for your support!See you in the new book!
(End of this chapter)

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