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Chapter 83 It Will Be Over Soon

Chapter 83 It Will Be Over Soon
Che Chenghao shouted: "Okay! But if you lose, the bet between our teacher Cui and you just now will be canceled!"

Lu Shaoxi mocked: "Sure enough, this is the idea. The character of the people of Dongguo really opened my eyes! Come on, if you want to fight, hurry up. According to the rules of our hidden martial arts, you will lose if you fall to the ground, how about it?"

Che Chenghao was so angry that his face turned red: "Come on! Go downstairs and call?"

Seeing that the two were about to compete, Cui Taexian pretended to be deaf and dumb so he couldn't see it, Park Sooki just smiled and didn't speak, Dean Xia watched with folded arms, Wang Xihan couldn't help it.Although the martial arts competition with the exchange group has been a part of the past years, it is always a competition between students of the same level and similar strength. How can there be such a cross-level fight?Isn't this inevitable?The slight admiration he had for Lu Shaoxi's stunning performance just now disappeared without a trace.This young man is well educated, but he is too impulsive and foolhardy. You are only at the level of physical training, why do you have to be brave and compete with Qi Gathering?This loss is not just your face, but the face of our Chinese warriors!
He said to Dean Xia displeasedly: "Old Xia, look at this..."

Dean Xia's voice was as hard as a rock: "As I said, this incident will be handled by Mr. Lu."

You Xia Mingshi, you really are a stubborn stone!If there are any conflicts between the warrior organizations of the two countries due to this dispute, it depends on how you explain to your superiors!Wang Xihan cursed inwardly, but there was nothing she could do about Dean Xia.His position was one level higher than Dean Xia's, but Dean Xia had Yan Tianbei standing behind him, and his position in the Jingwu Alliance was even more entrenched, so Wang Xihan could only shut his mouth angrily.

The bosses didn't speak, so Zheng Hai had no choice but to stand up and propose: "Student Che, Mr. Lu, do you want to wear protective gear and go to the trial ground to compete?"

Che Chenghao pursed his lips, and said disdainfully: "I don't need it, let this body-training teacher put on the protective gear, or I will accidentally hit him hard, and he is afraid that he will lie in the hospital for half a month."

Che Chenghao can stand out from the many students of the first-class martial arts school and participate in this exchange group. He is naturally an outstanding student selected from a thousand miles. His words are arrogant on the surface, but in fact he is trying to save the winter country exchange group. face.The strength of Qi Gathering Level [-] is more than twice that of Body Refining Level [-]. Even if he wins easily, in the eyes of Long Xia's students, the victory is invincible. Defeating Lu Shaoxi will look much better.Another purpose is to anger Lu Shaoxi, anger often makes people lose their composure, makes mistakes more easily, and naturally loses faster.

Unexpectedly, Lu Shaoxi shrugged: "I don't need protective gear anymore, anyway, it will be over soon, so let's fight here. Please leave a little space for the students."

Everyone was stunned, could it be that Lu Shaoxi thought he would lose, and simply gave up on himself?

And some officials "suddenly realized" after being stunned, and nodded secretly in their hearts, this kid knows how to measure.Long Xia

As the world's first-class warrior alliance, the Jingwu Alliance was once rejected and isolated by warrior organizations from various countries because of its tough and sharp foreign attitude and strong strength.In order to ease the relationship between international warrior organizations, increase foreign exchanges, and learn from others, in recent years, the top level of the Jingwu Alliance has decided to take the approach of long-distance friendship and short-term attack, adopting gentle and gentle means to try to win over some foreign warriors who have had friendly exchanges in history. Organization to defuse the pressure of the International Martial Arts Organization.

Therefore, the officials all thought that Lu Shaoxi wanted to reconcile with the Dongguo exchange group by losing this competition. Both sides lost a game without losing face.

More and more people thought of this, and looked at Lu Shaoxi somewhat strangely.

The students were secretly cheering for Lu Shaoxi, and their moods became depressed.

They all knew that Lu Shaoxi's chance of winning was very slim, but they still recognized Lu Shaoxi's courage to challenge the strong for the honor of Long Xia warriors, and even hoped that Lu Dashen would perform another miracle and defeat this arrogant Dongguo student.But now thinking that God Lu agreed to this challenge, maybe he just wanted to lose to the warriors of Dongguo and give the opponent face to step down, so as to maintain the "friendship" between the two parties, how can he not be disappointed?

They are young and energetic, they are the most passionate age, and they have all kinds of fantasies about heroism. They worship the strong, and they also worship the tragic warriors who know that they are defeated but still fight for honor, disgrace and dignity. They are even willing to defend the dignity of the nation. , Companion's honor and selfless.

They don't want to compromise with the so-called face and the so-called overall situation, and they don't want to see Lu Dashen, who is like an idol in their hearts, compromise and succumb to reality.

The chubby male student in the crowd suddenly rushed out and said loudly, "God Lu, I am also in the tenth level of body training. I will fight for you in this battle!"

Lu Shaoxi wondered: "This classmate, why did you fight for me?"

"I...I don't want to see you just give up and admit defeat like this! You...you are our hero!" The fat man burst into tears as he spoke.

Lu Shaoxi was stunned, looked around at the students, and saw that they all had depressed faces, he immediately understood, couldn't help laughing, and patted the fat student's shoulder: "You think I agreed to the challenge because I deliberately lost to this winter?" Are you a foreign student?"

The fat student raised his head and said anxiously, "Isn't it? You just said that it will end soon, so you didn't intend to admit defeat easily?"

A confident smile appeared on Lu Shaoxi's face: "Of course not. When I said it will end soon, I mean that I can get rid of this guy soon!"

Everyone in the audience was stunned, and the teachers and students of the Winter Country Exchange Group soon burst into laughter.

"Is this young teacher too arrogant? He actually said that we can easily clean up our classmate Che."

"Student Che is one of the best among us at the first level of Qi Gathering. Don't say that you are only in the body training state, even if you are also at the first level of Qi Gathering, you may not be able to win!"

"Idiots talking about dreams, people in Longxia Kingdom really like idiots talking about dreams."

The faces of Wang Xihan and other officials were even more ugly, and even some teachers of Thunder Academy frowned. Is this kid too arrogant?The tenth level of body training is against the first level of Qi Gathering. It is a miracle to be able to carry out ten moves, and you still say that you can easily get rid of the first level of Qi Gathering?
The fat student cheered up: "God Lu, are you serious? You won't lose?"

Lu Shaoxi smiled slightly, looked around at the students and said, "Trust me."

The students immediately became excited and shouted: "God Lu, come on, we support you!"

Lu Shaoxi stood amidst the waves of shouts and shrugged at Che Chenghao: "Can we start?"

Che Chenghao's eyes were full of fierceness: "You are looking for death! Let's start!" His hands immediately glowed with a faint white light, obviously intending to go all out.In this battle, even if the advantage is obvious, Che Chenghao will not take it lightly. If he loses and asks Teacher Cui to kneel down to the students of Longxia and admit defeat, Da Dongguo can't afford to lose face, let alone bear the shame!

Lu Shaoxi nodded: "Then I'll make a move!" As soon as the last word "Le" fell, he had appeared behind Che Chenghao like a phantom, swung his right hand, and hit Che Chenghao's back as fast as lightning. neck.

This time he gave full play to his speed advantage, and at the same time used the jujutsu martial art and the thirteen-strength split-hanging palm, with a speed of 135 points and an attack power of 116 points, easily surpassing Che Chenghao's Reaction speed and defensive power—Although Che Chenghao is considered powerful in the first stage of Qi Gathering, he is still a little worse than Falcon.Lu Shaoxi can even bring down a Falcon, let alone Cha Chenghao?

"You..." Che Chenghao's eyes widened, his face was full of disbelief, his body softened, and he immediately passed out and fell on the corridor.

"Let me just say, it will end soon." Lu Shaoxi spread his hands innocently amidst countless surprised eyes.

The whole place was silent!
Immediately, the entire teaching building in Building B was flooded by deafening cheers.

Suddenly, a figure rushed out, punching Lu Shaoxi's back.His entire arm was glowing with white light, obviously from the triple energy gathering!

(End of this chapter)

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