Chapter 88
As the sun was setting, Lu Shaoxi sat on the falcon and let out a long breath.

What a miserable day.Although he had received a lot of attention because of Qin Ruxuan last Tuesday, it was nothing compared to today's sensation.

Whether it was Qin Ruxuan taking him to dinner at noon, or listening to Professor Shen's class in the afternoon, Miss Qin Er sitting next to him like a little tail, made Lu Shaoxi the focus of countless people's eyes, especially Lu Shaoxi's winning streak in the morning After the news of the two Winter Country exchange groups spread, "Lu Dashen" quickly replaced the original Liu Zifeng's position and became the most influential figure in the academy after Qin Ruxuan.

Therefore, the students of the college were divided into the "Dumping the Mainland School" and the "Protesting the Mainland School", and it was very lively. Most of the "Falling Lu faction" are those senior students with outstanding strength. Seeing that the beloved goddess sister is so affectionate to Lu Shaoxi, they are all envious and jealous, shouting "The goddess of the academy cannot be snatched away by outsiders", almost wanting to duel with Lu Shaoxi The "Supporting Lu faction" is almost all freshmen and students with middle or lower grades. They support "Lu Dashen" and worship him as a hero and idol, thinking that he is worthy of Senior Sister Qin.

For this reason, the originally quiet BBS of the college was almost noisy. Unexpectedly, the teachers and leaders of the college did not have any intention to stop it. The new records were all set by Lu Shaoxi alone, and he was also hired by the academy as a part-time teacher of vitality theory. Whoever refuses to accept it will first break the record of God Lu, or set a new record.

As a result, the "Daolu faction" collectively fell silent, and began to gather all their energy to go to the trial ground to hit various records.

As for the heroine Qin Ruxuan who was on the cusp of the crisis, she talked and laughed happily with Lu Shaoxi as if nothing had happened.Lu Shaoxi, who doesn't like to show off, gradually got used to the gazes around him, and he found that most of the gazes cast on him were kind, which made him feel very comfortable, and he even fell in love with Thunder Academy...

Noticing the faint smile at the corner of Lu Shaoxi's mouth, Falcon asked curiously: "Master, you seem to be in a good mood?" When no outsiders were around, Falcon's voice library would switch back to the cute girl's electronic voice.

"Fortunately, I'm sure I have one more friend, and I also got this fifth-grade secret book." As for why Qin Ruxuan likes herself, Lu Shaoxi is still a little unpredictable, but most of her wariness towards her has been eliminated. The psychological shadow left by the ruthless rejection by the black-bellied woman made him keep his relationship at a distance, not to mention that he has too many things to do now, and it is not the time to fall in love.

Alright, let’s take a look at the Qi Gathering Kungfu first!
Lu Shaoxi immediately took out the fifth-grade secret book given to him by Dean Xia from the interlayer of the backpack. Of course, he did not forget to remind Falcon: "Falcon, turn on the enemy radar at full power, don't take it lightly." After being ambushed several times After that, Lu Shaoxi's vigilance has been greatly improved.

"Yes, MASTER."

After confirming that the enemy tracking radar was working normally, Lu Shaoxi looked at the secret book in his hand for the first time.

The name of the secret book is "Lighting Tianyang Jue", it only has less than sixty pages, and it is full of petty lowercase letters. Lu Shaoxi flipped through it for a while, but he didn't understand it. He was about to take a closer look when he heard Falcon's words The radar beeped.

"MASTER, I found that there is a roadblock ahead, it seems that the alliance warrior is checking the car."

Alliance fighters checking cars?This place is only two or three kilometers away from Thunder Academy, and the vehicles that come and go are all in and out of Thunder Academy, so why would alliance warriors check cars here?
"Be vigilant and prepare for battle! At the same time, switch to manual driving mode!" Lu Shaoxi hid the secret book close to his body, put his hands on the steering wheel, and saw a few people in alliance uniforms greeting him from a distance, asking him to step aside take inspection.

Lu Shaoxi observed a few alliance warriors, and found that their movements and demeanor were indeed hermit warriors, with guns on their waists and neat uniforms, not like fake alliance warriors.

Lu Shaoxi was secretly surprised. He opened the door and got out of the car. The alliance warrior first showed his ID, and then asked him to show his ID to accept the search.

After briefly checking that there were no dangerous objects on the Falcon, the alliance warrior waved Lu Shaoxi away.Lu Shaoxi asked: "Brother, why did you set up posts here?"

The alliance warrior shook his head and said: "I don't know, the order from above said that we will check the passing vehicles here!"

Lu Shaoxi couldn't ask anything, so he got in the car and drove the Falcon away.

After walking for a while, Falcon suddenly said: "Master, the alliance fighters behind seem to be on the phone, judging from the shape of their mouths, they seem to have mentioned your name."

Lu Shaoxi was terrified in his heart. He looked in the rear view mirror, and sure enough, he saw that the alliance warrior who had searched him was talking on his mobile phone.

"Can you make out what he said?"

"Sorry, MASTER, the distance is too far away, so I can only vaguely judge words like 'Lu Shaoxi' and 'alone'."

Lu Shaoxi, alone?

Lu Shaoxi knew something was wrong, did these alliance warriors set up posts to check their identities?The person who really deals with him is in the front?Who is going to deal with him?

He looked up at the fork in front of him. The road on the left led to the city of Yuanzhou, but it was sandwiched by a forest. If the enemy wanted to set up an ambush, the front was undoubtedly the best place to ambush.The road on the right, Yimapingchuan, leads to the direction of Forest Park.

Lu Shaoxi made a decisive decision: "Falcon, change the route, don't enter Yuanzhou city, go towards the forest park!"

"Yes, MASTER!"

Falcon just changed the route and within 2 minutes, the radar alarmed again.

"Master, there are three cars chasing up from behind, speeding up and approaching!"

It's still chasing after him!Lu Shaoxi immediately became vigilant: "Falcon, can you speed up and get rid of them?"

"It's a bit difficult. It's a straight road here, so it's hard to get rid of it easily." The radar alarm sound became more urgent, and Falcon said: "MASTER, the sunroof of the vehicle behind is open, and someone got out of the sunroof, and found that there is a special weapon for hidden weapons. Sniper rifle!"

Another sniper rifle against hidden warriors?Could it be that the gang of killers from last time are still lingering and wanting to kill him?
Lu Shaoxi's scalp is numb. The sniper rifles that are used to deal with hermit warriors are no joke. The caliber is close to 20mm. Even the defensive armor of the falcon's energy-gathering [-] can't stop the bullets of this sniper rifle!
"Change the speed and move forward in an S-shaped irregular movement pattern!"

"The opponent shot!"

The Falcon flicked its tail, and the entire suspension vehicle made a 90-degree turn abruptly, rushing out of the guardrail of the road.

The bullets from the sniper rifle brushed past the falcon, and sank silently into the road ahead, splashing a large amount of mud.

Damn, this time it's a sniper rifle with a muffler!Obviously he didn't want to disturb the surroundings!

Lu Shaoxi's heart was beating fast. If he was constantly shot by the sniper rifle, he and the Falcon would surely die!
But at this time, it is too late to transform the Falcon, the most urgent thing is to get rid of these killers as soon as possible, and then try to fight back!

Another series of bullets passed by, but fortunately, the irregular movement route of the Falcon was very effective, and the performance of the Falcon far surpassed that of ordinary electric suspension vehicles, and the Falcon narrowly avoided it!
But the opponent has three sniper rifles, and it will be a matter of time before they are hit under the crossfire. Lu Shaoxi gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator suddenly. The gas, propelling the car suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the mountain forest not far away at a speed of nearly [-] kilometers per hour!

The three cars behind obviously didn't expect Lu Shaoxi to take the risk of rushing forward, they immediately turned around and chased after him from behind.

Lu Shaoxi's palms were covered in cold sweat, and he continued to move forward at different speeds in accordance with the falcon's irregular movements. As long as he rushed into the forest, he might still have a chance!
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(End of this chapter)

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