Chapter 90
When Lu Shaoxi returned to Tianyangshu Martial Arts Hall, it was completely dark. After stuffing the suitcase full of guns and ammunition under the bed in the small room, Lu Shaoxi let Falcon wash the blood and charge himself, and he took out the "Fire Tianyang Jue".

When he was attacked today, if it wasn't for Falcon, he would have been doomed. In the final analysis, his own strength was insufficient. If he reached the Core Condensation Realm, he would have enough strength to deal with the mere killers with sniper rifles.

"Back then, Yan Tianbei became one of the masters of the alchemy realm within a year and a half based on this "Lietianyangjue"..." Thinking of hearing the story about Yan Tianbei, a super strong man, since he was a child , A strong fighting spirit was ignited in Lu Shaoxi's heart, okay, we must set Yan Tianbei as the goal, catch up and surpass him!
Lu Shaoxi opened "Scorching Sky and Sun Jue" and looked through it carefully

This fifth-rank Qi Gathering Secret Book is indeed very profound. At the beginning, Lu Shaoxi even struggled to understand the introductory chapter on the first page. Later, the scorching air flowed into his brain, raising his thinking and understanding ability to an extraordinary level , I really understood.

Even so, Lu Shaoxi read Bo Bo's secret book for a whole night before he could fully understand and memorize it in his heart.

The Lietian Yang Jue is divided into ten levels, and each level is corresponding to a level of Qi Gathering Realm.Different from the book "Xuan Ji Gong" left behind by his father who advocated "gathering qi with natural breath and mind", Lie Tianyang Jue took a different approach, emphasizing "reverse breathing and strong mind to gather qi". The scorching qi, which is based on the element of fire, can progress far beyond ordinary exercises, but it is also very risky. If you don’t grasp the heat of the idea, it is very easy to go wrong, and it can be comatose for a few days, and it can be lonely. Long, vital energy jumps up and paralyzed for life.

Lu Shaoxi's heart was awe-inspiring, no wonder his adoptive father, Dean Xia repeatedly told himself to carefully understand every detail and point in it, and it is true that there is no mistake in practicing this exercise.

Lu Shaoxi carefully read the first level of exercises twice to make sure he was familiar with them thoroughly, then he closed the secret book and hid it in a hidden compartment in the corner of the martial arts hall.

He glanced at the system in his mind, and unexpectedly found that "the system is being upgraded..." There is an additional progress bar below, and it seems that it has been upgraded to 16%. Calculating the time, the upgrade should be completed by the weekend. From time to time, maybe we can evolve this "Lie Tian Yang Jue" to improve the efficiency of practice!

Before going to bed, Lu Shaoxi looked at his phone again, and accidentally found a text message from Li Nianjie, inviting him to have dinner together tomorrow night.Lu Shaoxi thought for a while, and replied a text message agreeing.

It seems that the first step in forming a force has to start with Li Nianjie, a kid who is sympathetic.


That night, the Yinxiu Wulin seemed to be calm, but not long after Lu Shaoxi fell asleep, a statement appeared in the killer world, and the black scorpion announced that it was disbanded, and all members would leave Yuanzhou forever.Then the Patriarch of the Liu family in the provincial capital also received a call. He was silent for a while before replying: "Don't worry, Dean Xia, I will give you an explanation."

It was already late at night when Zheng Hai walked out of the dean's office. He looked at the plane that had just taken off in the sky, knowing that he would not see Liu Zifeng for a long time.

He muttered to himself: "If you deal with Lu Shaoxi with real skills, Dean Xia will not care about you, but finding a killer to assassinate with a gun is beyond Dean Xia's bottom line. If you are not the eldest son of the Liu family, I am afraid I can't see the sun tomorrow."

It wasn't until a long time later that people knew that Liu Zifeng had left the country in the middle of the night. It was said that he was arranged by the head of the Liu family to study abroad, and he would not return to China until he graduated.


Early the next morning, when Lu Shaoxi woke up, he received a text message from Zheng Hai. The content was simple: the matter has been resolved, brother Lu, you can rest assured to prepare for the elite competition, and remember to attend lectures at the academy on Tuesday.

Lu Shaoxi reckoned that the mastermind behind the scenes was taken care of by Zheng Hai, but Zheng Hai didn't mention a word, so naturally Lu Shaoxi didn't ask any more.

So his focus returned to his cultivation, and he drove the Falcon out before dawn, and came to a sunny hillside in the forest park. At this time, the white belly just rose in the east.

Sitting cross-legged in the yellow grass, Lu Shaoxi suddenly remembered the hillside that Qin Ruxuan took him to yesterday, and even the sound of the flute was still ringing in his ears.

Lu Shaoxi couldn't help smiling wryly, this maverick girl seemed to have left a much deeper impression on him than he had imagined.

Seeing the small half of the face of the sun in the east, and thousands of rays of light falling on the earth, Lu Shaoxi calmed down, and according to the formula of the first level of exercises, stretched out his hands to face the rising sun, as if hugging the moon, breathing in and exhaling with his mind, Absorb the fire attribute vitality of the sun.

Soon, a faint, golden light particle appeared near his palm, and then the second light particle, and the third light particle appeared one after another. When the sun rose completely, Lu Shaoxi's hands were covered with light. Particles, particles of light began to slowly melt into his palm.

Lu Shaoxi immediately sensed that his palm was like a night, and the light particles blended into it, only illuminating a very small space, and then disappeared, but as the light particles gathered more and more, the space opened up by the night was slowly opening up. Slowly got bigger.

Lu Shaoxi knew that this light was the process of washing the marrow of the body, and when the whole palm was illuminated and the true qi was refined, it was the time to break through the [-]st stage of gathering qi.

It wasn't until his stomach was growling with hunger that Lu Shaoxi woke up from his trance, and found that the sun had already passed above his head, and the space illuminated by his condensed sun energy was only the size of a finger.

However, Lu Shaoxi is already very content. According to the description of Xuanji Kung Fu, it will take at least a week to reach this level, but he only spent one morning. It can be seen that this "Scorching Heaven and Sun Art" is indeed a great skill.

He wanted to miss one point, because his body had practiced the vitality body refining technique, and he had developed a "stainless" physique when he broke through to the tenth level of body training, and his affinity for vitality was far superior to that of ordinary people, which made his progress again. Almost twice as fast.

While eating the wild fruit picked by the falcon, Lu Shaoxi thought that when the system was upgraded, if the heat generated by eating the secret book could also be converted into pure vitality absorption, then the progress could at least be increased several times.

However, practicing Qi Gathering Kung Fu requires the concentration of the whole body's energy, energy, and is far more likely to feel exhausted than the process of body training. Fortunately, Lu Shaoxi was well prepared. After eating the fruits, he took out a few books from his backpack and ate them in big mouthfuls. .The heat in his body can not only make up for the exhaustion of the body, but also make up for the exhaustion of the spirit. Soon Lu Shaoxi was full of energy and continued to practice the Lie Tian Yang Jue.

In the blink of an eye, it was afternoon, the sun was setting to the west, and the vitality of the fire attribute began to diminish.

Lu Shaoxi let out a foul breath and stood up.He vaguely felt a little dry lips and tongue, and he knew it was because he was a little anxious in the last meeting and forcibly absorbed some light particles, so he couldn't help reminding himself secretly that gathering Qi doesn't happen overnight, so don't act too hastily.

In the evening, the wind in the forest was cool and smelled of grass and trees. Lu Shaoxi had an idea, and immediately followed the mental method of the vitality training technique, put his hands on the ground, stood upside down, crossed his legs upwards, and practiced the vitality training technique .

Not long after, countless green rays of light fell on Lu Shaoxi's body like snowflakes, penetrating into his skin, muscles, bones, and hair, causing a faint soft light to appear on the surface of his body. The coolness that does not come out, the original heat and stuffiness are quickly swept away.

Sure enough, he guessed right, the vital qi body training technique can dissolve the dry and hot qi in his body!As long as he combines this world's unique Yuan Body Refining Technique with Lie Tian Yang Jue, he can greatly reduce the risk of deviation!

Lu Shaoxi was overjoyed, he practiced until it was completely dark, and practiced Dragon Fist more than a dozen times. After checking that the time was almost up, he took the Falcon back to the city and went to Li Nianjie's appointment.

(End of this chapter)

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