i can eat tips

Chapter 93 What a Stupid

Chapter 93 What a Stupid
"Miss Shen, it's rare that you decided to go back to Yuanzhou to hold a solo concert. On behalf of the people of Yuanzhou, I thank you!"

Gong Zhuoye is not handsome, but he is dressed in a neat suit and has a refined demeanor. At first glance, he looks like a young master who has been educated by the elites of a big family.He raised his glass politely, wanting to clink glasses with Shen Mengyao.

Shen Mengyao just raised her teacup and said flatly, "Thanks, I don't drink."

Gong Zhuoye was stunned for a moment, then smiled gently and said, "It's okay, Miss Shen is not used to drinking, so you can drink tea."

Shen Mengyao nodded, raised her teacup to touch his goblet, Gong Zhuoye drank it down proudly, Shen Mengyao just took a sip of the tea and put down the cup.

The smile on Gong Zhuoye's face did not change at all, and he still looked like a polite gentleman: "Miss Shen, how many days do you intend to stay in when you return to Yuanzhou in secret this time?"

Shen Mengyao looked at the river scene by the window, and she was silent for a while before answering: "I haven't thought about it yet."

Sure enough, this Shen Mengyao was just like the rumors, she was a person with aloof personality, not like to talk, and could easily chat to death.

Gong Zhuoye looked at Goddess Shen who was wearing big sunglasses and a wide-brimmed hat in front of him, feeling a little emotional and having a headache.He has seen many beauties, some pretending to be high-minded, and some being submissive, but this is the first time he has seen such a beautiful woman like Shen Mengyao who has been in the entertainment industry but still maintains a maverick personality.

Moreover, Shen Mengyao is undoubtedly the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. She is only in her early 20s and has a tall and slim figure. Much prettier on TV and in photos.

For such a beautiful woman with personality, he was deeply in love with him and was a little unpredictable. It was really an extremely difficult challenge to pursue such a goddess.

Gong Zhuoye looked at Sister Hu, the manager next to Shen Mengyao, for help.Sister Hu is a well-dressed, middle-aged professional woman in her 40s. She chuckled lightly and said, "Mengyao, this Mr. Gong and you are also from the same hometown, and I heard that he is also from the Seventeenth Middle School, but he just happens to be older than you." Three times, you only enrolled after he graduated, just missed it, otherwise you will definitely know each other."

Hearing "Seventeenth Middle School", Shen Mengyao's moon-like willow eyebrows twitched lightly, and she said calmly: "I was not good at making friends when I was studying. Even if Mr. Gong is in the same school as me, I'm afraid he won't know me."

Gong Zhuoye laughed dryly, and the atmosphere was a bit cold. Fortunately, Sister Hu had gotten used to Shen Mengyao's withdrawn temperament, so she smoothed things over and said, "It's rare that you are both seniors and younger sisters, so don't call them 'Mr.' or 'Miss' to distance yourself , it’s better to call them by their names directly, it’s more friendly. The next concert needs your cooperation.”

Gong Zhuoye was about to follow Sister Hu's words and call out "Mengyao" to get closer, when Shen Mengyao stood up and said coldly, "Sorry, I have to go to the bathroom."

Sister Hu was taken aback, pointed to the bathroom next to her and said, "It's right here."

"No, I'll just go to the bathroom outside." Shen Mengyao picked up her satchel, straightened her shawl hair, stepped on her high heels, and quickly left No. 1 VIP room.

When she was far away, Gong Zhuoye lowered his voice and smiled wryly, "Auntie, Shen Mengyao is not easy to deal with."

Seeing that there was no one around, Sister Hu said in a low voice: "Nonsense, if she was so easy to deal with, she would have been chased by the princes and brothers of Yandu long ago. Didn't I just think that the fat and water would not flow into other people's fields? You can try harder." , if you can catch it, chase it, if you can’t catch it, it’s good to make friends.”

"Auntie, what is the background of Goddess Shen? Even my father can't find much useful information. It's really strange that she can make a success in the entertainment circle with her temperament. I heard that Yandu entertainment circle Are all the great gods here holding her carefully?"

"I don't know, but the chairman of our company is very respectful when he sees her. She has the final say on what songs to sing, where to hold concerts, what CDs to record, and what programs to participate in. She worships like a goddess. No matter what, if you can catch up with Shen Mengyao, you will definitely make a lot of money, and the Gong family will definitely enter the provincial capital!"


Ever since Lu Shaoxi found out that the important guest in VIP room No. 1 next to her was Shen Mengyao, a black-bellied woman, she was a little absent-minded.He wanted to hear more from Shen Mengyao, but rationally told him that he should not have anything to do with Shen Mengyao anymore.

While he was casually talking to the Li family father and son and the two little girls, he could hear fragments of the conversation between Shen Mengyao and Gong Zhuoye from time to time.When he heard Shen Mengyao say "I don't drink" coldly, he couldn't help shaking his head, you girl, you haven't learned how to drink in the entertainment industry?Do you think it's like when you were studying, I blocked everything for you every time you drank?And what is your tone of voice?Do you think everyone can stand your indifferent temper like I do?

He was a little indignant, but also a little relieved.I haven't seen her for almost a year, Shen Mengyao's personality doesn't seem to have changed much, she doesn't look like a big star in the entertainment circle at all.

After listening for a while, he finally forced himself to return to his banquet.He came to the dinner party of Li's father and son, not for dinner, but for something important!
But after chatting with the Li family father and son for a few words, he found that he still couldn't help but want to eavesdrop on the conversation in the next room. He took a deep breath, got up and said, "I'm going to the bathroom, you guys eat first." He decided to go out first to get some air , Adjust your mood.

Li Yuanzhao, Li Nianjie and the two little girls had already seen that he was in a bad mood, but they didn't know what happened. Seeing him walking out, they all looked at each other in blank dismay.

Lu Shaoxi walked to the open-air platform on the second floor, took a few deep breaths, and finally began to calm down the somewhat irritable mood.At this moment, he suddenly heard two middle-aged men with potbellies and the appearance of a boss talking in a low voice.

"Hey, old Qi, who do you think is the woman in sunglasses who walked into the hotel with Gong Zhuoye just now? She has a lot of style. Gong Zhuoye arranged a red carpet of flowers to pick her up personally and opened the door for her. Passed it to the female attendant next to her, and didn't give Gong Zhuoye any face."

"Boss Luo, you are so well-informed that you can't guess it. I can't guess it. But she dared not give Young Master Gong face. She must be a nobleman from the provincial capital, right? Who would dare not give Young Master Gong some points in Yuanzhou?" Thin noodles? But it's strange, I always think that the girl in the sunglasses looks familiar."

"look familiar?"

"Yes, Boss Luo, do you think she looks a bit like Shen Mengyao, a female singer who has become very popular recently?"

"Shen Mengyao? The best newcomer singer who is popular all over the country? Old Qi, what you said is really similar, but Shen Mengyao has always developed in Yandu, so how could she come to a small place like Yuanzhou?"

"Hey, maybe this girl in sunglasses looks like Shen Mengyao, and Young Master Gong just flattered her. He probably got her drunk tonight and took her to the upper room to spend the night. Hey, don't tell me, I just kept staring at her. Look at the girl in the sunglasses, she has a first-class figure, if she can..."

"That's right, don't look at this girl in sunglasses who looks very noble..."

The two middle-aged men laughed loudly in a low voice, and the more they spoke, the more obscene they became, and all kinds of obscenities and obscenities were heard in Lu Shaoxi's ears.

Somehow, a fire burst into Lu Shaoxi's heart, which made his chest ache.He clenched his fists, desperately resisting the urge to beat them up.

Seeing the two middle-aged men walking towards the stairs while talking, Lu Shaoxi finally couldn't bear it anymore. He quickly picked up two small stones on the potted plant next to them, and aimed at the hollows of their knees with force.

At this time, with his eyesight and finger strength, it was a breeze to hit a target five or six meters away with a small stone.

"Ouch!" The two middle-aged men who were spitting all over the place felt their knees go numb, their legs went limp, and they couldn't help but screamed and rolled down the stairs, only to have their heads bruised. flow, screaming endlessly.Immediately, a waiter ran over to help them up, and the scene was chaotic.

"Tell you to speak ill of Shen Mengyao!" Lu Shaoxi secretly gave them the middle finger, then clapped his hands, and walked back to No. 2 VIP room in a happy mood.

He walked easily and comfortably, but he didn't notice that Shen Mengyao, who was wearing sunglasses, had been watching him quietly since some time in the passage leading to the bathroom next to the open-air platform.

Seeing him walking away, Shen Mengyao took off her sunglasses, her eyes as bright as autumn water looked at Lu Shaoxi's back complicatedly, and murmured in a voice that only she could hear: "What an idiot, it hasn't changed at all... ..." As she spoke, a touching smile appeared on her lips.

(End of this chapter)

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