i can eat tips

Chapter 95 Martial Arts Evolution Tree System V2.0

Chapter 95 Martial Arts Evolution Tree System V2.0
"Dad, don't worry, I will definitely pass the preliminaries of the elite competition."

After sending the two little girls home, Lu Shaoxi sat on a falcon and rushed to the Tianyangshu Martial Arts Hall. During the period, he first transferred 10 yuan to his mother, and then called his parents and told them that they could not work for the time being. news home.

The qualifiers for the Elite Tournament came a bit suddenly. Lu Shaoxi originally made an appointment with his parents, and he would go back to his hometown to visit them the day after tomorrow, but the appearance of the qualifiers disrupted his plan. As a last resort, the plan to visit relatives had to be temporarily push back.

"Shaoxi, just do your best and don't put too much pressure on yourself. I'm already very surprised that you can achieve today's results. It doesn't matter if you participate in this elite competition. Also, your mother said, don't It’s not easy for you to earn money if you always send money home…”

Hearing her father's hoarse voice full of concern, tears welled up in Lu Shaoxi's eyes.He knew that his father was seriously injured before, even though his injury has improved a lot and he can barely walk, but if he wants to return to a normal state, he may have to recuperate for a long time. Whether he can practice martial arts again is even more important It's hard to say.The only good thing is that the 15 yuan he remitted to his mother successively was enough to make his parents' life in their hometown no longer difficult. His mother also followed his advice and planned to resign and go home to take care of her father instead of so much. Busy.

Lu Shaoxi took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and returned to a brisk tone: "Dad, you can only make progress when you are under pressure. I will work hard to pass the elite competition. After passing the preliminaries, I will come back to visit you and my mother."

Like all parents in the world, Lu Shaoxi's parents love to worry about their children; and like all the children in the world, Lu Shaoxi only reports good news to his parents who are far away, whether it is offending the Wang family or this pre-selection. Lu Shaoxi didn't tell his family about the competition related to Tian Yangshu's martial arts level. He had already greeted Cai's father and son and asked them to help hide it from his family for the time being.

When he has enough power to fight against the Wang family, he will naturally tell his parents everything, and take them back to Yuanzhou to be by their side.

But now before forming a faction, the imminent elite competition qualifiers must be resolved first!

As early as after dinner and on the way to send Lin Yurou and Chen Manman home, Lu Shaoxi received a notification call from the staff of the Elite Tournament, saying that because of the large number of applicants for this Elite Tournament, and there were still many It is a contestant who signed up from other cities. In order to avoid too many competitions in the official competition, the organizing committee of the Elite Tournament decided to add a preliminary round to select outstanding players.

The qualifiers will officially start next Monday, and there will be certain rewards and punishments for different applicants—for the owner of Shuwuguan, if the applicants are eliminated in the qualifiers, the winning results of the latest star assessment meeting It will be cancelled; but if you can pass the qualifiers with the top ten results, you can raise the book martial arts hall by one level, that is, half a star.

The qualifiers were divided into six competition areas, ABCDEF, and the system automatically divided the competition areas where the players were located. Lu Shaoxi was assigned to the C area.

The qualifiers will be in the form of a point system. Each competition area will arrange a free battle every day. The time, place and method will be determined by the committees of each competition area. The first ten players who win three games in the free battle will get one point. The rest will be eliminated.The first five players in each division to score seven points are eligible to enter the finals in January.Applicants have the right to choose whether to participate in the free match of the day, but no points will be awarded if they do not play.

The daily battle rules will be sent to the mobile phones of the applicants in the form of text messages.

After listening to the above explanation of the qualifiers, Lu Shaoxi knew in his heart that Brother Xun probably guessed right, this must be the Wang family's secret tricks, and the target was naturally himself.

Lu Shaoxi secretly clenched his fists. There are only less than six days left before the qualifiers. Before that, let's put aside the formation of forces for the time being. The first task is to intensify training and improve strength. The goal is to break through to the first level of energy gathering!

From that night, Lu Shaoxi entered into high-intensity training again.

He went to the forest park early in the morning to practice Lie Tian Yang Jue and Yuan Qi Body Refining Art, and in the evening he practiced Dragon Fist hard and fought against the Falcon with the double strength of Qi Gathering until late at night.

The autumn wind is getting colder and colder, but Lu Shaoxi's clothes are often drenched with sweat.

The newly purchased new books were exhausted at an alarming rate, and Lu Shaoxi spent tens of thousands of yuan to purchase a large number of new martial arts books, which almost filled the store in front of the book martial arts hall, but as Lu Shaoxi continued to practice, The mountain of books began to shrink again.

Lu Shaoxi's sweat and hard work were not in vain. Although he didn't have the help of eating secrets to increase his experience, his progress was still not slow. On Saturday night, he finally practiced the Dragon Fist to the highest level, reaching the "power of others" In the realm of "returning to the other body", when fighting against the Falcon whose strength is far superior to his, he can also endure a period of time before losing, and the practice of Lie Tian Yang Jue is also quite smooth, and the ten fingers of both hands have completed their vitality. Wash the marrow.

Of course, what excites Lu Shaoxi the most is that the upgrade progress of the martial arts evolution tree system has reached nearly 90%, which is a little faster than originally expected. It is estimated that the upgrade will be completed by Sunday night.

When Lu Shaoxi woke up on Sunday morning, she was pleasantly surprised to hear a familiar system prompt in her mind: "Because all the martial arts currently mastered by the host have reached the highest level, the martial arts evolution tree system has been upgraded ahead of schedule, and the host can Start the new version system!"

The sound of the system was the same as usual, full of cold mechanical feeling, and it was completely different from Falcon's emotional voice, but to Lu Shaoxi at this moment, it was like a fairy music!

Lu Shaoxi shouted excitedly: "Start the new version system immediately!"

A brand new interface appeared in his mind.

On the top of the interface is written "Martial Arts Evolution Tree System V2.0" in big characters, much more imposing than before.

In the middle is still a portrait sitting cross-legged, but the clothes on his body are obviously much better, and the ten fingers of his hands are emitting a faint light-obviously the progress of Lu Shaoxi's marrow cleansing.

Behind the portrait was originally a sapling of the martial arts evolution tree, but it has grown nearly twice as tall now, and has become a small tree with much thicker branches. Apart from five green leaves symbolizing martial arts and rainbows, there are actually more green leaves on it. A tiny flower bud.

When Lu Shaoxi's eyes fell on the flower bud, several columns of information immediately appeared on the little flower bud:

Name: Lie Tian Yang Jue
Grade: Ordinary Grade [-] Grade [-] (evolvable)
Acquisition: zero weight/ten weight
Power: Gather Qi +0, Fire +0
Explanation: The advanced qi-gathering method gathers the flaming qi mainly composed of fire elements to cleanse the marrow. The progress is extremely fast, and it has an additional bonus to the attack power, and can also produce a flaming attribute power bonus.The disadvantage is that it has extremely high requirements on the talent of the practitioner, and it is easy to go crazy.

It turns out that the flower buds represent inner skills?Lu Shaoxi glanced, and immediately found the word "evolvable" behind the grade, and couldn't help but jump in his heart.

Huh?Can evolve?Could it be that after the system is upgraded, not only can the secrets be evolved, but also the acquired skills can be evolved?
As if to answer his question, the system uttered: "After the system upgrade, a new function has been added - the evolution of skills. The host can consume martial arts evolution points to evolve the learned skills, not only It can be further optimized and perfected, and it is even possible to increase the original level limit of the exercises."

Lu Shaoxi was overjoyed!He originally planned to evolve the secrets of "Fire Heaven and Sun Jue" after the system was upgraded, but he didn't expect that the system could directly evolve the acquired skills itself!

(End of this chapter)

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