Refining Demon Tutuo

Chapter 587, Four Tribulation Formation

Chapter 587, Four Tribulation Formation

Monk Yin Hui saw that the other party exchanged moves with the two leaders, and rushed forward again. His heart skipped a beat, knowing that he had met a formidable opponent.When the man jumped down in the air, Lao Sun saw that he was wearing an iron ring, and immediately remembered the man the woman in red had mentioned.That headrest has defeated many masters.

He Yuan led Yun Zhe'an's disciples, and had already defeated two groups of opponents in Shilibao and Lizhuang.Monk Yinhui and his party appeared in Lizhuang, and he followed them quietly.After estimating the strength of both sides, they set up an ambush in Jushuigou, and no matter where the other side came from, they had to pass through here.

He Yuan, Village Master Yao and President Du each changed their moves, and had a general understanding of the strength of these two people.Liu Mengjun and Shen Jieyu should be able to fight against each other.

Therefore, he found the most difficult monk Yinhui.This person and Yun Zhean have always been enemies, and they have been able to fight each other for so many years, and they are by no means easy to deal with.

He Yuan used the coral stick in his hand as a spear, and stabbed down fiercely with the stick in one hand.The tail of the stick is sharp, and there is a sound of wind, drawing several phantoms.

Monk Yinhui was calm, holding a small hammer to knock the wooden fish in his left hand, and holding the base of the wooden fish with his right hand.The wooden fish base is flat and slightly larger than his hand.The monk held the wooden fish in his hand, no matter how much he moved, the wooden fish never left his palm, as if it was firmly stuck to the palm of his hand, which showed the deep inner strength of the old monk.

Yin Hui looked at the direction where the coral rod was piercing, and greeted her with a wooden fish.

When the coral stick touched the wooden fish, there was a crisp sound.The old monk snorted, and realized that the other party's external strength and internal strength were both higher than his own. He immediately remembered what the woman in red said, and instantly converted his internal strength, releasing He Yuan's open strength.

Monk Yin Hui was a thief before he was 30 years old and learned some foreign martial arts. Later, he was enlightened by the Zen master of Wumen Temple, and then he entered Buddhism.

The internal skills inherited by Wumen Temple were not considered brilliant in the first place. Yin Hui was very smart and collected a lot of martial arts from the world. In the past 20 years, he has pushed Wumen Temple's martial arts to an unprecedented level.The internal strength he practiced is even more innovative. After decades of practice, he has become very proficient in the transformation of internal strength from reality to reality.

He Yuan stabbed the old monk's wooden fish, and was about to send out a second burst of force, but the opponent's wooden fish suddenly became slippery, and even slipped the stick tail away.

At this time, He Yuan had already started to fall, and the opponent's small hammer hit him sideways.

Two people passed by.When He Yuan was dodging sideways, he pointed his left hand diagonally backward, and his thumb touched the opponent's small hammer.

At this time, both of them used their left arms to face the enemy, their postures were very awkward, but it did not affect the speed of their shots at all.

A muffled sound.

This time, in the collision of internal forces, He Yuan used the maha finger's fierce move - three hells.

The old monk only felt that his left arm was hit hard, and he could barely hold the hammer handle.He hastily withdrew his hand, venting the strength of this finger.His footwork was flexible, while changing positions, he swung the wooden fish out based on his judgment, but he didn't want to, the blow was in vain.

He turned around and saw that He Yuan had jumped to the end of the line and hit the four young monks with his coral stick in a circle.

The four apprentices in the already deployed formation stood at different positions and fought against He Yuan.

He Yuan made a move to the left and right, forcing the two people on the far left and right to the middle.

The space shrinks, the four monks can't use their hands and feet, they can only retreat, and block the old monk Yinhui's move.

The old monk was angrily cursed inwardly, stamped his feet, jumped up, somersaulted, and passed his apprentice.Clinging to the bottom of the wooden fish with his right hand, he swung down, using the hammer technique.

With fierce force, the wooden fish smashed towards He Yuan fiercely.

He Yuan's coral stick in his right hand continued to move, and his left hand used Vajra Wave Palm to meet the old monk's moves.Just when Yin Hui Yinhui thought that he could be condescending and gain the upper hand, when the weapons collided, he couldn't feel He Yuan's internal strength at all, and it was difficult to take back the strength he had exerted.

The old monk was about to change his moves, He Yuan changed his softness into strength, and pushed with all his strength, the palm technique was changed to Pushing.

Yin Hui only felt a surge of majestic strength.He didn't dare to step back, the disciples were behind him.The martial arts of these apprentices are not well practiced, if they are hit on the back by the apprentice's weapons, it will be called good-looking.

He used a heavy weight, landed on both feet, exerted strength from his waist and horse, trying to resist He Yuan's palm.

He used the second layer of internal force, but He Yuan withdrew his hand suddenly, which made the old monk stagger.

He Yuan continued to squeeze the activity space of the four young monks with his coral staff.

At this time, the old monk didn't care about the safety of his disciples, he was driven forward by his own strength.

He Yuan kicked out suddenly, running towards the old monk's face.The old monk saw the opponent kicking him, he gritted his teeth, threw the drum hammer in his left hand, and threw himself to the right, rolling on the ground, dodging He Yuan's blow in embarrassment.

Yin Hui stood up and saw that two of her apprentices were hit by He Yuan's stick one after another.

The old monk let out a tiger roar and rushed over.

He Yuan dodged to dodge, and threw out the hidden weapon with his left hand, hitting two members of the Three Guns Club who were fighting fiercely.The two of them didn't expect that there was a hidden weapon suddenly coming from their backs, and they were completely unprepared.Hidden by hidden weapons, their movements became slow, and they were quickly knocked down by their opponents.

On the one hand, He Yuan fought against Yin Hui's master and apprentice, but also took care of the overall situation.Seeing that Liu Mengjun and Shen Jieyu were getting more and more anxious with their opponents, the other disciples had gradually gained the upper hand, and the situation was clearly turning for their own side.

The old monk Yin Hui let out a sigh of relief, and roared, "End the formation."

The four young monks immediately stood in different directions upon hearing the order.This is the formation of the Four Tribulations figured out by Monk Yin Hui.He fought with Yun Zhe'an several times, but he was defeated, so he figured out a way to let his disciples form an formation to fight.

The formation of the Four Tribulations was originally supposed to be performed by four monks, standing in four positions: complete, standing, broken, and empty.People in each position have twenty ways to meet the enemy, and four people have eighty ways to change.However, two of Yinhui's disciples were injured, and Monk Yinhui took up the vacant seat himself, and his disciples took up three places.

He Yuan turned around and saw that the five monks had formed a formation.The only incongruity was that the two injured monks stood together, looking very strange.

He Yuan chuckled, and didn't wait for the other party to force him over. He swayed, and several phantoms appeared, and he used his lightness kung fu to the extreme, and hit the first monk with a stick.

At the same time as the coral staff fell down, monks on both sides of him attacked from left and right.

He Yuan's move was just a false move. What he wanted to do most was to hit the two injured monks. Although the two were working together, they were obviously the weakest link in the formation.

The old monk Yin Hui saw that something was wrong, so he hurriedly changed his position to save his apprentice.The coral staff collided with the wooden fish again, and the old monk was shaken violently.
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(End of this chapter)

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