Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 114 The Eternal Night Playwright

Chapter 114 The Eternal Night Playwright

Devil tears.

Ni Shenyang and Huang Yang Geng Ri had just arrived, and Tianzhizhu and Beastmaster also appeared together.

While the three of them were in doubt, they suddenly heard that Lang Lang's poem was spread all over the world, "The heaven and the earth make the chessboard, and the common people are the chess pieces. Hold the sword and seek one defeat in your life, and win the eternal name of the half son of heaven."

Immediately, a white-haired figure in white clothes with an ancient scroll pinned to his waist appeared from the darkness accompanied by holy light.

"It's you!"

Ni Shenyang squinted his eyes slightly, he naturally recognized the chess player who released the Twelve Panic Scrolls, and the master of weaving on the other side also had twinkling eyes.

"Long time no see, you're still in good spirits!"

The chess player chuckled and said hello.

As soon as the words fell, a strange phenomenon appeared on the surface of the sparkling sea.

The entire sea was separated from it by an invisible force.

The astonishing scene was as if the gods performed the uncanny workmanship, carving out a gorgeous palace, which was the beginning of the glory of the upcoming magic event.

At this moment, a dark wind suddenly rose from behind, and a treacherous voice came out from the mist, "Honorable elf masters and mysterious guests, welcome to the Eternal Night Theater!"

"Let the elves lead the way, and the clown puppet will lead the way for you!"

The golden secret image was opened, and a lame figure in a black robe and holding a puppet walked out.

"I'd like to see what's going on in the Evernight Theater!" Ni Shenyang swept away indifferently, and said calmly.

The chess player on the side smiled without saying a word, as if he was holding a wisdom pearl.

A group of people followed the clown puppet to walk through the mysterious and gorgeous hall at the end of the sea.

In the main hall, everyone was shocked to see a phantom figure doing various circus performances in the hall, and these people were already dead.

Ignoring everyone's doubts, several people in the venue suddenly made palm prints towards the sky, and then the magical scene reappeared.

Amidst the explosion of fireworks, a ball of light that looked like a scorching sun appeared in the sky, and a carriage galloped down from the golden sun on the road paved with golden light.

At the same time, a voice of chant came from the entire hall, "Eternal night is the light that reflects eternal life, baptizing all peoples, and honoring the palace!"

As the carriage stopped into the hall, a figure with orange-red hair, wearing a golden visor on his face, and holding a scepter slowly walked down, "Welcome everyone to the Eternal Night Theater, please be quiet now, Eternal Night Theater The magic show is about to begin."

"Tonight, the playwright of Yong Ye will present you a splendid show——the forbidden truth of the Seven Veins of the Elves!"

As scenes appeared on the screen, memories of Nishenyang, Tianzhizhu, and Beastmaster were brought back a long time ago.

Even the "source of blood darkness" appeared again, trying to recover the elves.

However, Ni Shenyang is not someone who can be manipulated by others. When he pressed his palm, the Evernight Theater suddenly cracked and shattered like an illusion, and the elves were already in the outside world when they reappeared.

A combination of fiction and reality.

Although Ni Shenyang and others disappeared, the chess player still stayed in place.

"The seed of hope? The source of blood darkness? Heh..." The chess player sneered, and then said, "I'm not an elf. What's the purpose of the playwright Yongye inviting me here?"

"It's nothing, I just want to meet the master of the twelve gods."

Di Ming also ignored the elf who left, but smiled at the chess player.

He is also very interested in the scroll of the Twelve Gods, especially since he is also included in this scroll, which is even more interesting.

However, he will not easily step into other people's calculations, so he has not made any moves.

"Really? Should the chess player be honored to be appreciated by the earth?"

"It seems that all kinds of secrets are really recorded in the scroll of the twelve gods, and the dazzler is already curious about it." There is also a mysterious smile on the corner of Di Ming's mouth, making it impossible to guess what he is thinking.

Regarding Di Ming, Yuan Wuji was extremely vigilant, this one, but a character who wanted to play with Mo Shi all the time, if he was careless, he would lose everything.

"Oh? Then your Excellency can break into the Nine Layers Terrace, and the secrets recorded in it may also refresh your eyes and ears."

The chess player said calmly, neither humble nor overbearing.

"The dazzler will go, I hope it will be as you said!" Di Ming turned slightly, and he would go, but that would have to wait until the thing became unowned, or belonged to him.

At this time, the chess player also disappeared directly into the theater.

"God of the Underworld, have you ever found out the origin of this person?"

The clown puppet at the side stepped forward and asked curiously.

"Hey...why do we have to find out? Wouldn't it be boring to know everything."

Di Ming shook his finger, and the mysterious smile on the corner of his mouth became wider, but the more this kind of smile, the more it showed Di Ming's solemnity and firm goal.

"Chess master, no matter who you are, you can't escape the ending arranged for you by the dazzler."

"Dazzler is looking forward to your wonderful performance, hehehe..."

There was a chuckle, but it also showed Di Ming's strong confidence.


The side body who left from the Eternal Night Theater gradually turned gloomy.

"It seems that the earth has already set its sights on me, so that plan should also be put on the agenda."

Yuan Wuji silently calculated in his heart, the main body in the strange city of mountains and seas also slowly opened his eyes, and then disappeared into the mountain city.

"The aura felt from the auxiliary body, the Heavenly Weaver Lord gave birth in the near future, and with the fierce character of the Heavenly Weaver Lord, it is inevitable that there will be no future troubles."

"However, I have such calculations on this matter, so I can't allow it to be destroyed."

"No, I just can't bear the loss of an innocent young life!"

Yuan Wuji grinned at the corners of his mouth, chasing after the remaining Qi of Vientiane in Tianzhi's main body.

At the same time, Gu Xinglei was also entrusted by Tianji to pursue him. Obviously Tianji was also worried about the baby's death.

But in the Eternal Night Theater, Di Ming whispered a few words, and the evil emperor also disappeared, and his target was also the Tian Weaver Lord.

Obviously, the Lord Weaver of Heaven can hide it from others, but he cannot hide it from Earth Ming.

A life, attracting the eyes of the three powerhouses.

I have to say that the life trainee and the child of Tianzhizhu are also extraordinary people.

After all, this is a forbidden life under the hostility of Jingyou. First, Yuan Wuji used the life source of the demon king to enhance the baby's vitality, and then poured the mysterious energy of heaven into the baby's body. The talent is absolutely extraordinary.

On the other hand, after leaving the Eternal Night Theater, Tianzhizhu suddenly felt something strange in his body, and Tianzhizhu, who did not want to be known about his pregnancy, separated from Ni Shenyang, Beast King and others, and left alone.

Halfway through the journey, the abdominal cramps intensified, and Master Tianzhi broke out in a cold sweat. Even a strong person like her would fall into weakness after giving birth.

Unable to obliterate in advance, Lord Tianzhi forced his body to enter a barren cave, and could only wait for the life that should not exist in his belly to come into the world before making a decision.

Yuan Wuji had already disguised himself, and on the way, he had already discovered Lone Star Tears and the evil emperor who was resurrected by the earth.

Immediately thinking about it, he intentionally picked out the whereabouts of the two of them.

The former friend, who thought he was dead, reappeared in front of his eyes, and Gu Xinglei was shocked.

In the cave, the Heavenly Weaver Lord has also given birth. Fortunately, the warrior has a strong body and the baby's life is tenacious, even if the environment is harsh, it will not affect it.

And at the moment of the child's birth, the fresh air left by Tianji in Tianzhi's main body turned into the baby's body to strengthen its origin. direction.

"It's finally born, I hope Gu Xinglei will be in time, but no matter what, don't fall into the hands of the Lord Weaver. With this woman's temperament, it's hard to say what she can do!"

And at the moment of Tianji's feeling, the life trainee who suppressed the will of the devil in the universe seemed to feel a throbbing, but his attention was diverted by the devil in an instant, and the two wills competed again.

 Thank you: Xiaowu Biaoxue, Lin Deguang and other Taoist friends for their rewards. During the May Day period, ask for tickets!Ask for support!
(End of this chapter)

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