Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 116 Kui Yujiang's calculations

Chapter 116 Kui Yujiang's calculations (seeking tickets!)
After finishing speaking, the Eternal Night Theater was shattered, and Yuan Wuji appeared in a barren land.

"Heh..." Yuan Wuji chuckled lightly and touched his chin, "Di Ming is indeed Di Ming!"

The moment he turned around, a bright light flashed in Yuan Wuji's eyes, but, don't you know that this is also a flaw I deliberately let you see!

Changing shape and changing Qi is a thaumaturgy extracted from the system by Yuan Wuji.

Its ability is no worse than the various thaumaturgy recorded in the Profound Vein Treasure Book, but each has its own unique ability to deal with different situations, and there is no distinction between good and bad.

Therefore, how can it be so easy to see through.

It's just that Yuan Wuji knew that Diming had doubts about the two identities of Guan Jiuzhou and Mr. Yuan, so he intentionally exposed his aura to let him guess.

But for smart people, the more this is the case, the more people can't guess the truth.

People with complicated thoughts will always think about others or things more complicated.

Yuan Wuji pinpointed this point.

Of course, the earth is not easy to deceive, the earth is to respond to all changes with the same, or no matter what the relationship between you, it will be solved if you kill it together.

While Yuan Wuji and others were attending the appointment, the war in the Nether Realm had begun according to the cocoon layout.

Kui Yujiang cannot live, but whether the original demon king can return is the question Yuan Wuji is thinking at the moment.


"According to the records in the Divine Panic Scroll, this seat will die under the three extremes of the Demon Lord. There is no one else in this world except the Demon Lord. But when I face the Demon Lord, why is there no one around me? And I have the help of Heavenly Fire, but see At that time, the sky fire did not exist.”

Kui Yujiang knew that his biggest self-defense card now was the magic scorpion, as long as the magic scorpion was there, he would be invincible.

Although he didn't know why the Twelve Gods Ananjuan ended up like that, but obviously there was no record at that time that he had a magic stick.

"Is there something wrong with this list? Or someone broke the fire?" Although he didn't know the reason, Kui Yujiang went to Zhurong Moyuan to investigate on purpose. After finding everything normal, Kui Yujiang activated the secret method, Rearrange the secret transfer of the magic stick.

"Hmph, in this way, even if the cocoon is really alive, it is impossible for him to know the whereabouts of the demons. As long as you dare to appear, I will release all the demons, once and for all, and completely calm the troubles inside and outside the Netherworld. Ninth Five Lord, hahaha..."

Thinking of this, Kui Yujiang laughed for a while, especially happy.

The falling scene greatly stimulated Kui Yujiang, but it also made Kui Yujiang more radical.

Although Kui Yujiang is not sure whether the records in the so-called Shenan Scroll are true or not, it doesn't matter whether it is true or not, as long as he has strong power, he can reverse all the endings.

In addition to the external force of Tianhuo, his goal is the source of life in the Demon Lord.

After returning to the main hall, someone reported back soon: "Report to the Demon Lord, Tianji has already made an appointment and left Xianjiao!"

"very good!"

Kui Yujiang showed a sneer. According to Zonghengzi's original analysis, the lord of the fairy feet, Tianji, is the key figure behind the scenes to guide the breaking of the blood-dark barrier, and it will also be an obstacle to Kui Yujiang's implementation of the plan of the Scorched Earth and Demon Universe.

Of course, the more important reason is that Tianji sheltered the life trainee, that is, the devil, which became an obstacle for him to devour the devil, so he let Emperor Yuliang pretend to be a Zongzi to contain Tianji.

"Moye listens to the sword, and immediately informs Jiuqianqiu to return to the Nether Realm, and follows the Dark Demon Cocoon, Nightmare Demon Cocoon, Thousand Demons Youzhi, and Mojiao to guard the Nether Cave, and must not let anyone break in."

Although Zonghengzi was killed, Kui Yujiang concealed the news and still mobilized Mo Ye Tingjian and others to prepare for the final use.

"En!" Mo Ye Tingjian nodded slightly.

"Decree of Lord Demon Lord!" Dark Demon Cocoon, Nightmare Demon Cocoon and others replied respectfully.

After giving these orders, Kui Yujiang also disappeared in the hall, no one knew where Kui Yujiang went, and no one dared to inquire.

Kui Yujiang began to become mysterious a long time ago, and the demons in the Youjie naturally did not dare to disobey.

And on the Tiandiqi, the ghost unicorn stared in thought, "Kui Yujiang, what did you see in the scroll of the gods? The ghost is looking forward to your final counterattack, and I hope you can bring something different to the ghost! "

"As for the chess player, since you want to cooperate, the ghost will give you a chance to cooperate. I hope that you can also add some different happiness to the ghost on top of this matter. I also believe that the earth will write down for you The ending will be extraordinarily exciting, Ghost Zhe looks forward to your performance!"

Even though he said this, the ghost unicorn master didn't think it would be so simple. The chess player got one soul and two bodies from him, but now he doesn't know who the opponent's other body is.

Therefore, the matter of killing the chess player is full of uncertainties.

"I heard that Guan Kyushu from the Wonderful City of Mountains and Seas is the younger brother of a chess player. This person also has a mysterious origin and knows a lot of secrets. Will they..."

The ghost lord's eyes fell on the strange city of mountains and seas in a distant place, and after a long time, he suddenly chuckled, "You will know when you see it, but the ghost wants to see how you are related!"


Just when the vice body pretended to be Zonghengzi again with Emperor Yuliang, set up a grand feast for Tianji with the Queen of Ghosts and others at Burial Soul Pass, and watched Tianji officially enter the game, the two left quietly.

Lun Xia Xingdao, Mr. Butterfly and others also started to attack the Youjie as agreed, and Mo Ye Tingjian and a group of demon generals and soldiers stood firm, and soon the demons felt overwhelmed. At this moment, Jiu Qianqiu also suddenly appeared, and it was a counterattack. Killing the Demon General of the Nether Realm, but at this moment, a spear shot in, it was the 'Zonghengzi' who was in charge of Burial Soul Pass and the return of the Infernal Ghost.

"Jiuqianqiu, Mo Ye listened to the sword, and knew that you were unreliable!"

Empress Wu Jiang gave a cold snort, two shikigami appeared beside her, one blocked Mo Ye and listened to the sword, and the Zonghengzi transformed into the auxiliary body returned to the appearance of Emperor Yuliang again. With the addition of Wudu soldiers, the pressure on the Youjie side dropped sharply .

"Emperor Yuliang, do you really want to cut your own back and join the Nether Realm?"

Dongmen Xuande roared angrily and asked forcefully.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's do what you can do!" The assistant said flatly, and the underworld emperor's single sword burst out with a bright gun light.

Just as the two sides were fighting fiercely, Gu Xinglei suddenly broke into Youjie and took away the remains of the Virgin.

At this moment, Kui Yujiang himself has come to Xianjiao, and Xianjiao is immediately in danger.

Just as the immortal practitioner and others were dying, a spear shot swept across, and the life trainee descended like a meteor, causing an earthquake to explode.

"Monarch, no one can save you today!"

Goodbye to the life trainee, Kui Yujiang suddenly showed a smirk, thinking of the end of his own defeat, which Kui Yujiang would never allow.

"Swallowing your life source, this seat will become the number one demon in Youjie since ancient times!"

With a shout, Kui Yujiang reappeared the Nine Limits of Swallowing the Universe, "Burning the Stars! Penalty Days!"

Forced to start, life trainees dare not neglect, the life of refining and washing is blocked, but soon they don't know it.

With the turbulence of the breath in the body, the magic lines on the face of the life trainee reappeared.

He was forcibly suppressing the Demon Lord's consciousness, but now, the breath in his body was turbulent, and he couldn't suppress it after all.

"Destruction of the Devil!"

When they confronted again, there was no second word, only Yu Sensen sneered, and struck his palms together, the earth cracked and the sky collapsed, and the mountains and rocks were shattered.

"The devil, since he died in ancient times, he will sleep forever, why did he come out and make trouble!"

The two sides fought again, with dozens of moves in the blink of an eye. After a long fight, Kui Yujiang came out again, and with the blessing of the power of the sky fire, Kui Yujiang suddenly gained the upper hand.


The Demon Lord snorted angrily. Although he is in charge now, he has not returned to the complete Demon Lord after all. Therefore, Mo Yuan Jiuxiu will not obey his orders, otherwise it will never be Kui Yujiang's turn to let Mo Yuan Jiuxie follow him. Show off your prestige in front of you.

Even though he was thinking this way, the Demon Lord would not be caught without a fight. He roared angrily, and then performed the ultimate move, "Shang Mo·Lie Rong Palm."

With the power of one palm, the earth turned into magma, and the waves of fire swept across, impacting all directions.

"Swallowing the forbidden limit!"

Kui Yujiang raised his arms high, and the powerful demonic energy circulated, gathered into a ball, shattered the prehistoric world with one move, and severely injured the demon king.

Injured by Kui Yujiang's hands repeatedly, the devil's face is extremely ugly. Even if he intends to kill the enemy, his body is embarrassing and unable to recover. The secret method actually forcibly absorbs the life essence of the demon king.

The demon king was powerless to resist, so he could only grunt, and a stream of pure power was swallowed into Kui Yujiang's body.

"Hahaha! Today, this seat will go against the sky!"

Kui Yujiang laughed wildly. Under the operation of the magic element, the devouring speed became faster and faster, and the aura around his body became stronger and stronger. On the other hand, the life trainee's face was pale and weaker.


At this moment, Kui Yujiang suddenly spewed out a mouthful of blood, and two powerful forces were generated in his body, which hurt the viscera.

"What power is this?"

Kui Yujiang let out a roar, in addition to the source of life, what was inhaled into his body was a force that restrained the magic element, which immediately reduced Kui Yujiang's power by [-]%.

 Thanks: I want to go on a trip, Kuangfeng 1987 and other Taoist friends for their rewards. Did everyone go out to play during the May Day holiday?The recent data is so sluggish, please praise, please recommend, all kinds of please!

(End of this chapter)

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