Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 134 Parting ways [Part 4]

Chapter 134 Parting ways [fourth update]

And after the extreme, the earthquakes continued. Everyone thought that the two sides were still struggling, but soon, as the ground continued to crack, revealing a bottomless abyss, everyone realized something was wrong.

"How is this going?"

Dongmen Xuande stabilized his body and asked.

Although the chess players and Kyushu players are strong, they will never cause turmoil in the entire Shenzhou. Everyone still understands this. Therefore, they are extremely puzzled about the source of the ground fissure.

At this moment, Tianji, who was far away in the Yunhan Fairy Pavilion, also changed his face, and then ruthlessly popped out four words from between his teeth, "Earth Underworld Ghost Truth!"

At this time, in the center of the earth, it was the time for Ji Tan to use the Huiyuan scroll to restore the dragon veins and earth energy.

As the earthquake happened, Jitan said his face changed suddenly, and he understood what happened in an instant, and he couldn't help but cry out sadly: "It's a sin! It's a sin!"

The ground continued to crack, rocks and clouds collapsed, the mainland of China gradually fell apart, and the mountains and rivers changed.

The mountains around the Tianfan Cross Peak shook unceasingly, and the faces of all the heroes changed.

"Junior brother, it seems that you and I will have to wait for the next time!"

The chess player snorted coldly, and then disappeared.

On the other side, a black hole appeared behind Hate Wufeng and Jian Zhiji, and they both plunged into it and disappeared at the same time.

"The same trick!"

"Let them run away again."

Mo Qingchi frowned, but felt helpless, and then walked to the opposite of Guan Jiuzhou, "I'm sorry, but I failed to stop this person from taking action, and killed Mr. Yuan."

"Let's talk about this after the fact!"

Guan Jiuzhou, transformed by Yuan Wuji, said something calmly, and then appeared beside the wooden Hong Chenxue and the 'Corpse of Mr. Yuan', and they disappeared immediately.

And at this moment, the disaster of ground fissure cannot be reversed. The ground of Shenzhou is shaking, the ground is cracked, countless homes are destroyed, and many people fall into the gap of the abyss and die.


"The third plague of blood darkness has officially begun, and the next situation will become even more exciting."

Inside the Eternal Night Theater, Di Ming waved his hand, and the water mirror in front of him disappeared, "Now that Mr. Yuan is dead, it seems that Guan Jiuzhou and Mr. Yuan may have shared identities, so they should be two people.

And Guan Jiuzhou trusts Master Yuan so much, it is obvious that the relationship is very close, then the chess player who killed Master Yuan will also be immortal with Guan Jiuzhou. "

"The chess player, the ending arranged for you by the dazzler will be staged soon, I hope your performance will be more exciting!"

Accompanied by the mysterious laughter of Earth and Ming, the curtain of the Eternal Night Theater closed and fell into silence.


"Although Zonghengzi is not dead, he should be safe in the short term. Next, get rid of the great enemy, the chess player!"

On the heaven and earth, the ghost unicorn made a cold sound.

On the other side, Hate Wufeng returned to Xiao Suo's other courtyard, but there was nothing in the house.

"Chu Yi?"

"Chu Yi, where are you?"

Shocked to see Jing Chuyi missing, Hate Wufeng's face changed drastically, and he was flustered.


At this moment, Liao Yin came in from the door.

"Jing Chusheng, tell me where Chu Yi has gone?" Hen Wufeng turned around suddenly, grasping his shoulders with both hands, his eyes shone red like a wild beast.

"Brother-in-law, calm down."

Liao Yin showed pain between his brows, but he didn't cry out in pain, and said directly: "Sister, she was taken to the strange city of mountains and seas by your people."


Hearing this, Hate Wufeng's face became even more ugly. He just helped someone kill the important person in Shanhai Qicheng, Mr. Yuan.

If Chu Yi is taken to the strange city of mountains and seas...

Hate Wufeng didn't dare to imagine such an outcome, so he immediately turned around and was about to kill the strange city of mountains and seas.

"Brother-in-law, don't."

Knowing what Henwufeng wanted to do, Liaoyin hugged Henwufeng tightly from behind, and at the same time said eagerly: "Brother-in-law, the holy king said that Shanhai Qicheng will have a way to save my sister, you must not be impulsive. "


Hate Wufeng paused, but the worry in his heart was even more serious, "I know, I will ask myself!"

Having said that, Hate Wufeng is ready to kill, no matter what the price is, he must save Chu Yi, and if they can really heal Chu Yi, he is willing to pay any price.


Seeing Henwufeng break free from his embrace and stride away, Liao Yin stared blankly at the disappearing figure of Henwufeng, and sighed, "I hope that what the saint said is true, I hope that my sister can recover and stay with my brother-in-law..."


Inside the Vientiane Heavenly Palace, in the Gouchen Hall, 'Mr. Yuan' lay quietly on the jade bed.

In the hall, only Guan Kyushu and Hongchenxue transformed by Yuan Wuji are left.

After a long silence, Hong Chenxue suddenly said, "Why did you lie to me?"

Before Yuan Wuji could speak, Hong Chenxue continued, "Your aura can be hidden from others, but it cannot be hidden from me!"


Yuan Wuji turned around, recovered his real body, and smiled wryly at Hong Chenxue, "That's right, after all, you and I are in harmony with each other, and we have long been indistinguishable from each other."

"Don't say it!" Hearing the fusion of skills and body, Hong Chenxue blushed slightly, and scolded softly, but soon frowned, suppressed the ripples, and said angrily: "Why did you do this?"

Having said that, Hong Chenxue's eyes revealed complicated, "I thought you would be..."

Hongchen paused for a moment, did not continue, and changed his voice, with a bleak tone, "Maybe I misread you, I think we are not suitable."

"I just went through the war, and you told me this?"

Yuan Wuji was also a little annoyed, "What do you think I am? A person like a life trainee? From the first time we met, you should know that I am not such a person!"


Hong Chenxue's pretty face flushed, her beautiful eyes revealing disbelief and sadness, "I never thought that this is the kind of person I am in your eyes?"

"Sorry!" Looking at Hong Chenxue's appearance, Yuan Wuji's anger subsided for a moment, and a look of embarrassment appeared on his face, "I made a slip of the tongue."

"Let's stop here. You continue to play with your schemes and schemes, while I return to my Jiangshan Tower. From then on, the kindness between you and me will be gone."

Hong Chenxue turned her back, left a cold word, and walked towards the outside of the hall.

"Do you think I would?"

Yuan Wuji slapped the jade bed hard, "Why did I risk my life to set up this game? Isn't it for you?"

Hongchenxue paused, Yuan Wuji disappeared, and hugged Hongchenxue tightly from behind in the next moment, "I thought you would understand me, the rivers and lakes are undercurrents, since we have entered the game, we have to sit on that chess player, if Being manipulated at will, all the security now will no longer exist."

Feeling the softness in his arms, Yuan Wuji pressed his chin on Hongchenxue's shoulder, took a deep breath of the fragrance in his hair, and continued in Hongchenxue's ear, "Hongxue, you have to remember that all I did was for It will keep you safe from the waves of the rivers and lakes."

Hong Chenxue was silent for a while, but finally got rid of Yuan Wuji's embrace, "Sorry, our ideas are not the same, it was my wishful thinking before."

"Haha, wishful thinking? Forget it, I will give you time to calm down." Yuan Wuji laughed, took a step back, and stopped blocking.

(End of this chapter)

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