Chapter 202 Hong Chen Shang (Please beg!)

After listening carefully for a while, Infinite's face gradually turned red, is it annoyed?Is it shame?
Unlimited clenched his fists and hesitated a few times, but he didn't rush in directly, but let out his breath after leaving a certain distance.

And when he entered the Holy Land of Birth, there was only the Holy Mother standing dignifiedly inside.

It's just that the Virgin's cheeks were a little red. If he hadn't heard that before, Infinity would never have done what he thought, but now...

Infinity bowed, pretending not to know, and replied: "Holy Mother, I have seen the Cambrian in Bifang Mountain, and learned about the Tianzheng Dragon War from him."

"That's right. This matter is a battle agreement I made with him a few days ago. It concerns my honor and disgrace in the Nether Realm. I ordered someone to send a message to you. I never thought that you would know about your return in advance."

Jiuying said with a gentle face. It seemed that his attitude was the same as before, and the same holiness was reassuring.

But at this moment, these words fell into Infinite's ears, but he felt ironic, and he was even more angry in his heart, "Honor and disgrace? Such a shameful thing, there is no shame, what about honor and disgrace?"

"Infinity, what are you thinking?"

Seeing Infinity distracted, Jiuying raised her brows slightly and asked in doubt.

"No, I'm just wondering who the Goddess of Tianzheng Longzhan decides to fight?" Infinity replied calmly, and there was nothing unusual on the surface.

"I have already decided on the candidates. The first battle will be played by Jian Langya, the daughter of the front demon, and you will be represented in the second battle. If there is a third battle, we will make arrangements at that time."

Jiuying didn't take it seriously either, she naturally didn't know what infinite was thinking, so she told the root causes of the matter one by one.

After saying this, Jiuying said again: "Yi'er has been away from Youjie for a while, you go and find her back."

"Little sister has indeed been away for a long time, Infinity will do it now." Infinity lowered his head slightly, his lowered eyelids concealed the strangeness in his eyes, and replied calmly.


On the other side, inside the Yiqing Jiangshan Building.

Hongchenxue still taught Yiyu as before, but thinking of what Yuan Wuji said at the beginning, the demon king and Yiyu were related by blood after all, and finally couldn't bear it, so she still taught all the forbidden jade seals.

At this time, Ying Chaoyang also returned again, leaving only one sentence, 'I want to go back to Tianjian Lake to cultivate', and left directly.

Hong Chenxue's eyes showed hidden worries, she could feel that her father was preoccupied at the moment, but she couldn't help, she could only pay more attention.

On the other side, Huo Tianwei and Yi Zhan Mowan came at the same time.

In the darkness, Yue Jiaozi reappeared, looking at the calm Yiqing Jiangshan Tower, he couldn't help but sneer, "Looking at Kyushu and reflecting the morning sun, those who dare to play with ghosts will have to pay a price."

"And this price, you can't afford it."

Accompanied by gloomy laughter, an invisible murderous aura enveloped Jiangshan Tower.

Hong Chenxue opened her beautiful eyes, and the jade hairpin in her hand turned into a frightening sword string. She stood up in front of the jade left in the Forbidden City, looked out of the Jiangshan Tower with a solemn face, and at the same time scolded, "Who is sneaking!"

The crisp voice spread throughout, and what responded was a huge ghostly atmosphere.

"Sword Tribulation·Hua Tianwei will be your doom!"

Following a mad voice, an insolent figure stepped towards him, with gray hair, long teeth exposed, evil and murderous aura unscrupulously attacking all directions.

"The visitor is not good!"

Although I don't know why the visitor came here, but it is obviously an enemy, Hong Chenxue's long sword flicked, and the sword energy smashed the rocks, shocking the spot.

"It's powerful enough, I hope your sword can surprise me!"

Huo Tianwei showed an iron sword in his hand, and murmured at the same time, "Master Gui Qi, one person is rewarded for three things, this is the second one!"


With a cold kill, the mad sword has arrived.

"Leave the jade behind."

"I'm here, don't worry." Suzaku Yi rolled his eyes, pulled the jade away, and stared at the battle between the two swordsmen.

One is evil and mad, and his moves are vicious and vicious.

One is like a fairy, with free and refined sword moves.

"Where did you hear this person's name?" Suzakuyi glanced thoughtfully at Huo Tianwei, and pulled the worried Yi Yu back step by step.

But I thought to myself: "At the beginning, Guan Jiuzhou said that besides Hong Chenxue and Gu Xinglei, the other person who can break the Cambrian wound on the devil should be this child. Should I take this opportunity to bring her to the hospital?" back?"

Suzakuyi's research began to turn around, and a pair of smart eyes flashed a hint of slyness, "It doesn't matter, everything is worthwhile if you can help the Holy Mother and make the Holy Mother happy."

At the same time as he was thinking, Suzakuyi had already started coaxing, "Don't worry, Sister Hongchenxue's strength can definitely repel powerful enemies. I will take you to avoid the battlefield first, so as not to drag her down."

After all, Yiyu was young, so she never thought that a very good young lady would pay her attention, so she nodded obediently, and the two gradually disappeared in Jiangshan Tower.

And Hong Chenxue has no time to care about him at this moment, because the strength of the incoming enemy is really strong.

"The bright sun and the morning glow sweep over the frightened Hong."

Hong Chenxue's figure flitted lightly, covering her eyes in the rays of the sun, a person had appeared behind Huo Tianwei.

"not enough!"

Huo Tianwei didn't move, the iron sword in his hand was turned upside down and stood behind his back, blocking the killing sword behind him.

"Night Ghost Killing Scar."

Immediately, his figure turned around, the sword moved with him, and the figure disappeared, leaving only a sword mark across.

"Flying away, the wind returns to Jinghong."

Hong Chenxue's figure swirled, and the stream of swords converged into a spin in an instant, blocking the ultimate move, but the next moment a sword broke through the stream of swords and reached her eyes.

Just when Hong Chenxue was reappearing his unique move, he suddenly felt cramping pain in his abdomen, and he couldn't help but slow down the sword movement. The iron sword of Huo Tianwei suddenly pierced Hong Chenxue's shoulder, and immediately sprayed a handful of red blood.

"It seems that I will easily complete this task!"

Huo Tianwei's sword swirled and slapped Hongchenxue's abdomen fiercely. Hongchenxue suddenly became alarmed, worried about the safety of the child in her belly, she instinctively turned around, and the sword slashed across her waist, leaving a hideous wound, and the blood instantly stained the ground .

At the same time, a ferocious saber energy from behind slashed on Hongchenxue's back, causing Hongchenxue's power to collapse immediately, and his breath was sluggish.

"It's over!"

Just as Huo Tianwei's killing sword approached again, a blazing sword energy blasted from a distance, followed by an angry roar, "An dare to hurt my daughter!"

Ying Chaoyang, who noticed the changes in the Jiangshan Tower, finally rushed back. Seeing the blood on the ground and the scene of Hong Chenxue being seriously injured, Ying Chaoyang became more and more angry, "You guys are really hateful!"

Accompanied by a roar, Ying Chaoyang made an extreme move, "Burning the sky and refining the sky."

The red fire burned the sky, and the sky was cleansed, and Huo Tianwei's eyes lit up, "A good opponent, a thousand ghosts howling."

Taking a step back, Huo Tianwei's long sword slashed vigorously, and suddenly the vast ghost essence condensed thousands of skeletons, and rushed to kill them.

Immediately, Chiyan and Ghost collided with each other.


Sensing that her daughter's life is in danger, Ying Chaoyang dared not delay. She repelled the strong enemy with one move and was about to take her daughter to evacuate, but the next moment, the sword came again.


Although the magic knife was not activated, Ying Chaoyang, in order to protect her daughter Zhouquan, resisted the forceful move, and immediately saw Zhu Hong.

"Different cuts open the way to prison, and the natural danger wards off demons. Life, only the sword. Death, only the sword."

A decadent phantom with disheveled hair and twisted fingers dragged the iron chain as if walking out of purgatory.


Ying Chaoyang wiped away the blood from the corner of his mouth, with a serious expression on his face, "It seems that the Ghost Qi Master is not dead, but as long as Ying Chaoyang is still alive, there is no need to hurt Xue'er."

"Father, I can still fight!"

Hong Chenxue clenched the Jinghong Sword tightly, although she was covered in blood, she still had a firm expression.

Now, not only for herself, but also for the child in her womb, "I can't die, I have to be responsible for them!"

Hong Chenxue crushed the wounded patient with determination.

"Be tenacious, but the result is doomed!"

Huo Tianwei smiled coldly, "Get rid of you two, maybe the favor will be completely repaid!"

"To kill them, first ask about the sword in my hand."

At this moment, with frost and snow falling, a figure with a bamboo hat on his head and a jade bamboo staff in his hand came slowly, and behind him was a short girl.

 Ask for an order, ask for a monthly ticket, ask for a recommendation, ask for a reward!Speaking of the book review area and this chapter saying that it cannot be published, I always feel that a very important piece of content is missing!
(End of this chapter)

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