Chapter 212 Conversation
within the realm.

Infinite and Suzaku Yi return, but compared to before leaving, there is one more little guy behind Suzaku Yi.

"Holy Mother, I'm back!"

As soon as he saw Jiuying, Suzakuyi yelled, then rushed over, hugged Jiuying tightly, and said coquettishly, "Holy Mother, Yier misses you so much."

"I want Yi'er too!" Jiuying smiled lovingly, and reached out to stroke Suqueyi's soft hair.

On the side, infinitely lowered his head slightly, and suppressed the strangeness in his eyes.

Not long after, Jiuying looked at the jade left in the Forbidden City, and asked doubtfully, "Who is this girl?"

Afterwards, Zhu Quyi explained the origin of the left jade to Jiu Ying, and Jiu Ying's eyes lit up when he heard about her relationship with Hong Chenxue and Mr. Yuan.

Although she still doesn't know what happened in the most recent period, but Kui Yujiang was defeated in the face of this person back then, if she can become the help of Youjie...

Jiuying's eyes flickered, and the first thing he thought of was profit.

"In this case, then you take the person down to rest first, and I will go to meet the Demon Lord to find a suitable time to solve the hidden danger of the Demon Lord's injury."


As Infinity and Suzakuyi retreated with the jade from the Forbidden City, Jiuying also fell into deep thought.

She didn't realize that the Jade of the Forbidden City contained Youjie's original power of life. After all, if the trainees hadn't stimulated that power, Youjie wouldn't be able to sense the source of the demon king, not to mention that the Jade of the Forbidden City only inherited part of it. Inherited the righteousness of the world and the hidden methods left by Yuan Wuji.

At this time, unless the Demon Lord wakes up, other people, even Jiuying, will not be able to notice it, and Wu Wuxing and Suzaku Yi will not think that they have an extra sister, or half.

Just as Jiuying was contemplating, the ghost Qizhu transformed into a secondary body walked out of the darkness.

"Are you thinking about how to use this little girl as a bargaining chip to get help from the strange city of mountains and seas?"

The assistant body walked forward slowly, stood beside Jiuying, and said with a relaxed face.

At this time, Jiuying suddenly chuckled, "How come, you are enough in Youjie, besides, I have also heard that you have a grudge against Shanhai Qicheng, and now I am just thinking about how we can use this little girl to help you achieve our goals .”

"Sister Ying is really caring!" The assistant's hand gently held Jiuying's waist, with a gentle expression on his face, and after a while he said: "It should be safe for Jian Langya to take the first fight in the Tianzheng Dragon War, and the rest of the paragraph It's time, I should go to solve some other things!"

Afterwards, the two chatted about the follow-up again, and the auxiliary body disappeared in the Youjie.

On the other side, Infinity was also lost in thought.

"Even if the special gunshot wound left by the Cambrian period is resolved, the Demon Lord will definitely not be able to recover quickly, and the only way to recover the Demon Lord quickly, if the records in the Shenan Scroll are not bad, is to devour it."

"And Suzaku Yi and I are the only ones who can make up for the origin of the Demon Lord. Therefore, the Demon Lord can never recover, but what should I do with the Holy Mother and the Ghost Lord?"

"According to the observations of the past few days, the ghost unicorn master seems to have some grievances with the devil, and he may not be willing for the devil to recover smoothly, or he can do something here."

"And who is that ghost Qi master from the outside world?"

"Is the Ghost Qi Lord in Youjie really the Ghost Qi Master?"

"It should be true, the Holy Mother will not admit her mistake, let alone what happened to them..."

Thinking of everything he heard that day, Wu Wu's face was extremely ugly, this is a family scandal!

After a long time, Unlimited calmed down, and whispered to himself: "In the next few days, we must watch the Suzaku clothes and the jade from the Forbidden City, and we must not give them a chance to leave alone!"


On the other side, in the city of Yin Ruins.

In the main hall, there are only three people left, Shadow, Skyweaver, and Leng Mimiao.

"Who are you?"

Lord Tianzhi glanced at Shadow's pointed ears, and asked in a deep voice, "Why did you stop me from taking revenge? If you can't give me a satisfactory answer, you will never leave this palace today."

"Lord Tianzhi, long time no see, your temper is becoming more and more extreme!"

Shadow's voice was low, like an old friend.

"Huh?" Lord Tianzhi frowned, and said in a cold voice, "I don't remember knowing you."

"Really?" Shadow made a move suddenly, and a strange light blasted towards Heavenly Weaver Master, Heavenly Weaver Master instinctively raised his hand, and the next moment, two strands of true essence merged in the field.

"This is..." Lord Tianzhi suddenly showed surprise, and looked at the shadow in disbelief.

Leng Mimiao didn't know what was going on, and asked strangely, "Yapiao, Poppy, what's going on?"

Lord Tianzhi didn't answer, but looked at the shadow hesitantly, "Are you... the Cambrian?"

Because this move was a joint killing move created by her and the Cambrian to deal with the Demon Lord. At that time, only the two of them knew it, and they could never imitate it.

At this time, Tianzhizhu and Leng Piaomiao saw that the shadow behind the shadow gradually distorted, and then the shadow disappeared, and there was a familiar figure on the spot, which was the Cambrian period.

"Cambrian, how did you become like this?"

Shocked to see his former comrades-in-arms, Tianzhizhu was not only shocked, but also happy.

"It's a long story. This time I just want to stop you. I just hope that you will not act impulsively. If you want revenge, you must go through careful arrangements, otherwise you will only fall short and even lose more."

"I have nothing to lose now, I just want Yuan Wuji to die! I want his family to be ruined!"

Lord Tianzhi was burning with hatred. When he mentioned this name, he thought of what he had suffered these days. In just a few months, it was more humiliating than the countless years of imprisonment of the father of boasting illusions.

"Yapiao, poppy, calm down, I have everything, this time, I will avenge you!" Leng Mimiao tightly held the hand of Tianzhizhu, even though he was always peaceful, this time he was completely angry.

In the past, even if he knew that the life trainee or the devil had insulted Lord Tianzhi, he could endure it for the sake of his safety, but when he learned that everything was calculated by someone, he suffered all kinds of schemes. After suffering and tormenting, Leng Mimiao finally couldn't calm down anymore.

"As elves, this person's plan for you is no less than that person's. Cambrian will not sit idly by." Cambrian also said solemnly.

He has always been upright, the most shameful thing is such unscrupulous villain behavior, to a certain extent, Yuan Wuji is even more hateful than Di Ming.

After a long time, Master Tianzhi suppressed his anger and asked in a deep voice, "Then what are you going to do?"

Cambrian narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked in the direction of Youjie, "Tomorrow is the first battle of the Tianzheng Dragon War that I agreed with Youjie, and I will solve the trouble of Youjie first."

"Tianzheng Longzhan?" Leng Mimiao raised her brows in confusion.

Soon, Cambrian don't explain the ins and outs for the two of them.

"The loser will promise the winner three conditions. Cambrian, have you decided who will play? Can you guarantee that you will win?"

Lord Tianzhi's eyes lit up. In her heart, Yuan Wuji was the number one enemy, and the second was the Demon King. As for the father of Kua Huan, he was already ranked third.

But they are all enemies, as long as there is a chance, Lord Tianzhi will never give up revenge.

"I have found out that the devil's injury is not out yet, and I am fully confident in this battle!"

Speaking of this, Cambrian paused again, "Of course, if something really happens, I will come to you for help!"

"Okay, I hope that I will have a chance to make a move at that time. I will also take back my enmity with the Demon Lord myself!"

Lord Tianzhi nodded and said in a cold voice.

(End of this chapter)

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