Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 225 Farewell to the Underworld

Chapter 225 Farewell to the Underworld [Third update: Forty thousand recommendations plus updates]

At this moment, Yuan Wuji, who was rushing over thousands of miles away, also felt the shocking fluctuations of Buddha energy and evil energy.

"Such a vast Buddha energy, it seems that Jitan said he found Diming."

Speaking of this, Yuan Wuji had a smile on his lips, "It's not in vain that I let you see this. It seems that the effect of panic has gradually begun to show."

"Diming, can you escape this catastrophe? Even if you defeat Jitan, how much strength can you retain? I'm looking forward to it..."

And in the center of the battlefield, extremely powerful moves have collided.


With a sword, the mountains and rivers were split. Ji Tan said that the Sanhengzhaoshi in his hand could not withstand the power of God Weeping, and it collapsed suddenly. His body also flew out like a kite with a broken string, directly piercing through the rocks, leaving a huge hole .

"Hmph, if that's the only thing people can do, it's hard to bear the power to save the world, such a waste, just go to death!"

Diming's eyes turned cold, and the divine sword was raised again, and the powerful sword aura mercilessly swept Jitan again, and at this moment, suddenly a palm force and a knife gang struck at the same time, blocking the sword.

"Old Tan, I knew you would be in danger, but fortunately we came quickly!"

Chu Tianxing stood in front of Ji Tanshuo, and said without turning his head. Although there was a relaxed smile on his face, the cold sweat on his forehead showed that he was serious.

Because the person in front of him reveals a fatal danger, which cannot be ignored.

"People who do bad things, court death!"

Facing Gan Wuhen and Chu Tianxing who came suddenly, Di Ming's expression remained unchanged, the power of blood darkness condensed again, a sword swept across, and the two of them flew upside down at the same time.

"Pfft... Chu Tianxing, are all the opponents this monk provokes so terrifying?"

Gan Wuhen knelt down on one knee, and the long and short Mingsha were out of their sheaths at the same time, but facing the completely erupted Earth Ming, he also felt deeply pressured.

"It's time to end, this sword, I will send the three of you to be buried together!"

Di Ming walked slowly for a few steps, the sword in his hand was raised backwards, and the evil power was transported to the limit.

"The sun and the sun are dead!" With a cold voice, the lore move came out, but——

The direction of this sword was not the three of Ji Tan Shuo, but the void on the other side.

"What a big meeting gift!"

At this moment, ripples appeared in the dark void, and the noble young man appeared, and he pushed with one palm, with the ultimate power, "Ten suns are in the same sky, all things return to the ruins"

The ten suns came out from behind Yuan Wuji, and immediately burst out with fiery power, as if the whole world had been reduced to ruins.

The explosion sounded, and the two retreated at the same time. Yuan Wuji took over in full swing, still calm, while Di Ming was fighting in front for a long time, his face turned pale, but he did not show weakness, showing great strength.

"It's really bearable!"

Yuan Wuji sighed inwardly, but it was not surprising, if Di Ming easily showed his defeat, he would no longer be Di Ming.

"When my friend arrives but doesn't show up, do I want to help the dazzler sneak up on the person or help the person get rid of the dazzler?"

With a wave of one hand, Di Ming disappeared and turned into the Ghost Truth Scepter again. At the same time, he looked at Yuan Wuji with a smile on his face, and asked if he pointed.

Yuan Wuji laughed lightly, and said: "I'm joking, but both of you are extremely strong. I just don't want to increase internal friction among the human race before the catastrophe arrives."

Hearing these words, Di Ming not only moved, but then coldly glanced at Ji Tan Shuo, Chu Tian Xing, and Gan Wuhen, "Today I will spare your lives, I hope that next time, the most human being can bring me true love." amazing!"

After finishing speaking, Di Ming turned around and said to Yuan Wuji, "Since we're here, let's talk."

"it is good!"

Yuan Wuji nodded directly, and said to the seriously injured Ji Tan that the three of them nodded slightly, and then disappeared into the devil's tears together with Di Ming.

And Chu Tianxing and Gan Wuhen also helped the severely injured Jitan and said to leave.

In the palace where the sun never sets, Yuan Wuji and Di Ming sat opposite each other.

After a long time, I heard Di Ming say, "Whether it's Mr. Yuan, Guan Jiuzhou, or even a chess player, but the dazzler always thinks that you and I are the same kind of person, and you can sacrifice a part in exchange for a bigger one." victory, but I didn't expect that you are as old-fashioned as Jun Fengtian."

"Ha..." Yuan Wuji chuckled and shook his head slowly, "You are wrong, it's not that Mr. Yuan is rigid, nor is Mr. Yuan soft-hearted, but I don't think the so-called power of blood and darkness will become the power to turn the tide. I believe in my own strength more than relying on others' external strength."

"Very bold, but the mission left by Xuanzun must be completed. Anyone who prevents the dazzler from completing the task is the enemy of the dazzler, and how to deal with the enemy..."

Di Ming clenched his fist violently, shaking the whole hall, and then coldly said three words from his mouth, "Only death!"

"There are many people who want me to die, but Diming, do you have the ability?"

Yuan Wuji's eyes also turned cold, and he said without fear, now he is on an equal footing with Di Ming, and there is no need to be patient.

These fierce words made Di Ming's face darken, and he was no longer as calm as before.

After a long time, a loud laugh came from Diming's mouth, and then he clapped his hands and praised: "Few people dare to talk to the dazzler like this, and you are the first one who can make the dazzler unable to refute."

"So if you have something to say, you can directly announce it. Threats are meaningless to me."

Yuan Wuji's expression also returned to the same, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said lightly.

"It's very simple. What I want is your silence. I don't want anyone to intervene. If you insist on intervening, Diming will also fully target the strange city of mountains and seas. Mr. Yuan, You are not alone now, if you really want to turn your face, I am afraid that you will not be able to bear the counterattack of Diming."

"You want me not to intervene in your arrangement, and you don't target Shanhai Qicheng?" Yuan Wuji squinted his eyes and sneered, "It seems that I am at a disadvantage. Even if you want to fight back, but with me, Shanhai Qicheng You can't attack."

"Mr. Yuan, you are not a good person. You calculated and showed kindness to Confucian people such as Xi Duanhong and Sui Wudu. You also calculated layers upon levels against Youjie and elves, and you also helped the blood-dark calamity. If all these things Disclosure, there are two ways of good and evil, and there is no place for you, Mr. Yuan."

After these words fell, Yuan Wuji's mind was shocked, and his first thought was that this identity should find an opportunity to be silent for a while.

Now the only ones who know about his many schemes are Diming and Ghost Qizhu, both of them have mutual support, so they can be restrained for the time being, but according to his current behavior, it will only be a matter of time before everyone knows about the trouble.

Thinking of this, Yuan Wuji no longer persisted, "That's how it is!"

The moment he turned around, the corners of Yuan Wuji's mouth curled up slightly, and he said silently in his heart: "Keeping promises is a good virtue, Mr. Yuan is a man of integrity, and indeed he will not interfere in your affairs again, but if Ji Xuangu stops it, then it's nothing to do with me." It doesn't matter, hahaha..."

With a hearty laugh, Yuan Wuji left the hall.

It's nothing if the three identities of Mr. Yuan, Guan Jiuzhou, and Chess Player are known to others, because he has already expected that, but the identity of Ji Xuangu is absolutely unknown.

Because no one thinks that a person who can control the power of benevolence and love will have evil intentions, and when they are familiar with this ability to restrain and suppress all demons, they will not doubt it even more.

Although Tianhun will not be manipulated by him and do things that go against his ideals, as long as he can go against the demons, it is enough. For a long time in the future, the demons will dance wildly, and some of them will be Ji Xuangu's performance. Now, the first to bear the brunt is the earth And the ghost unicorn master transformed by the very king.

Yuan Wuji doesn't care how this incarnation does, what matters is how many strong men he can kill and how much he can bring him is what Yuan Wuji values.

 Thanks: I have [-] rewards for those who can’t answer; thanks: for the rewards from Taoist friends such as Tiantian, Leyouyou, who loves to read, Dutianshensha Zhoutianxingchen, etc., the third is [-] recommendation votes plus Even. (It seems that [-] is not far away!)

(End of this chapter)

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