Chapter 230 Captive (for Subscription)

On the other side, Infinity was about to leave the Nether Realm with the Suzaku clothes and the jade left over from the Forbidden City. Halfway through, a figure stood with his back facing him.


Unlimited blocked the weak Suzaku clothes behind him, and the Yang Moqin reappeared in his hand, ready to go.

"You have kidnapped my disciple for so long, aren't you going to give me an explanation?"

Yuan Wuji turned around slowly, with a smile on his handsome face, but that smile was so cold that it made people shudder.

"and many more."

Just when the atmosphere was tense, Suzakuyi suddenly yelled, put down the unconscious left jade, opened his arms and stood in front of Infinity, and shouted firmly: "I brought the left jade back, if you want trouble, come to me! "

After finishing speaking, Zhu Quyi snorted again, and said contemptuously: "I didn't see you when Jiangshan Building was in danger, but now I'm here to show off!"

"Little girl, you have a lot of guts." Yuan Wuji squinted his eyes, and continued: "Don't provoke me, one of the two demons who attacked Jiangshan Tower back then has already been executed."

"What exactly do you want, Your Excellency?" Knowing that the other party had no intention of killing, Infinity also heaved a sigh of relief. After all, at this moment, his strength is less than [-]%, and he cannot save the little sister. A peaceful solution is the best way.

"For the sake of the fact that you didn't harm Yiyu, I can forgive you once, but the death penalty is inevitable, and the crime of living is inevitable. As long as you keep Yiyu in custody, you can stay in Shanhai Qicheng for as long as you want!"

As soon as the words fell, Yuan Wuji raised his palm slightly, the invisible gravitational force spread, and the Suzaku clothes and the comatose Forbidden City jade were levitated uncontrollably.

"What are you doing? Let me go..." Suzakuyi kicked his legs in the air and shouted angrily, but Yuan Wuji didn't hear him, and just reached out with his hand. He fell into his arms.

Seeing Suzakuyi screaming strangely, Yuan Wuji chuckled lightly, and said lightly: "Don't worry, you are also Yiyu's elder brother and sister anyway, I just want to invite you to the strange city of mountains and seas as guests, I believe you will not refuse. "

"Who says you won't refuse, you are forcibly robbing!" Suzaku Yi shouted in mid-air, claws and claws, but his body was weak, and under the gravity of the floating hand, he could only shout.

"Little sister!" At this time, Wu Wuji, who had been silent for a long time, shouted, seeing Suzaku Yi shut up indignantly, then smiled slightly at Yuan Wuji, "Then I will trouble you to entertain me."

"Earth Cocoon Infinity really understands the current affairs!" Yuan Wuji nodded slightly, and as soon as the energy was scattered, the Suzaku clothes immediately fell to the ground, eating a mouthful of sand.

This made Suzaku, who was used to being favored, flushed with anger, looked at Yuan Wuji's back full of anger, and at the same time made two fierce gestures.

Yuan Wuji doesn't take Suzakuyi's arrogant performance seriously. This time his goal is infinity, or the atavistic infinity and the pair of Moshi's pupils, as well as the Moshi hidden in the darkness that has not yet appeared.

Infinite Six Killing Soul is a weakened version of Moshi's split soul transformation, and Moshi's pupil is also inherited from Moshi. Therefore, the infinite ability is the person closest to Moshi.

Maybe Moshi's ability can be researched from him.

"In other words, even the original demon king didn't have these abilities, but Infinity has inherited so many abilities from Moshi. It's really weird."

"If it wasn't for the clear relationship in the play, and Mo Shi's physical body would have been destroyed long ago, I would have wondered if Jiuying would have had an affair with Mo Shi, and Wu Wu is Mo Shi's son..."


And in a remote cave near the exit of Youjie, the drowsy Skyweaver faintly woke up.

"Cold Misty!"

As soon as he opened his eyes, Lord Tianzhi looked around and shouted eagerly.

"Where is this place?" Didn't see Leng Mimiao at the side, Master Tianzhi panicked and got up quickly, even though his body was weak, he still left the cave.

"Still in Youjie, what about Leng Mimiao?"

There was a bad feeling in Tianzhizhu's heart, and when she was looking around, the shadow also appeared with Lonely Star Tears and Ziye Jixie.

"Lord Tianzhi, I finally found you, but why are you alone? Where is Leng Mimiao?"

Shadow swept his eyes, and the brows under the silver visor couldn't help but raised, and asked strangely.

Immediately, Master Tianzhi told the whole story.

After pondering for a while, Shadow said, "With Leng Piaomiao's strength, he should be able to protect himself. Maybe something dangerous happened and the other party drove away the pursuers. Don't worry, go back to Yinxu City and wait."

"How can I not worry, this is the Nether Realm, and Leng Mimiao is for me..." Tian Weaver Master was so emotional that he wanted to go deep into the Nether Realm alone to find someone.

"You will bring more troubles to yourself if you enter Youjie like this. Let's do it, the second battle of Tianzheng Dragon War will be in one day, and I will talk to Youjie at that time. It will be replaced."

Lord Tianzhi also understands the danger of her going deep into the Netherworld, but she has lost enough, so she is in a mess. After hearing the shadows shouting, after a while of silence, she said solemnly: "Okay, if Leng Piaomiao is in this battle I haven’t come back before, so I will go to this battle.”

"Yes!" Yingying agreed without hesitation, and then the four of them left Netherworld together.


The secondary body trapped in the sky fire formation sits cross-legged on the ground unhurriedly. After all, the formation will be damaged, and the demon will also be injured, so he can only be temporarily trapped, and will not bring life danger.

"Jiuying, if the source of life merged so easily, then the two powers in the Netherworld would not have been separated for so long since ancient times."

There was a mysterious smile on the corner of the auxiliary body's mouth. At the beginning, Kui Yujiang swallowed Jiuying's cathode source of life and his power soared, but he didn't understand it at all, so he insisted on the unity of yin and yang. In fact, he really got the anode source of life. Nor can it be easily integrated.

Even the demon king devoured the Suzaku clothes or infinity that were the same as his own life source, and he never had the idea of ​​Jiuying.

This is not only to keep Youjie from losing the ability to conceive all demons, but also because these two completely different origins cannot be easily integrated.

Therefore, Yuan Wuji was sure that Jiuying would return disappointed.

At least not yet.

as predicted……

Jiuying, who had returned to the territory of Yunsheng Sheng to retreat and refine the source of life of the anode, slowly opened his eyes, with a gloomy expression on his face.

"It is really not easy to integrate these two forces. It seems that the 'Ghost Qi Lord' has already known it, so he is so calm, does he have a way?"

After thinking for a while, Jiuying got up immediately, "Go and ask."

Soon after, Jiuying came outside the Tianhuo Formation.

"You are finally here." The assistant body slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes seemed to see the Jiuying outside the formation as if through layers of flames.

"You really have a plan." Jiuying snorted, and with a wave of his sleeve, the demon disappeared, and the formation also collapsed.

"Oh, baby girl really has me in her heart, you still can't bear me!"

The assistant laughed lightly, as if he didn't take the previous estrangement into consideration, and walked in front of Jiuying, shaking the Bone Senluo Fan.

Regarding the hippie smile of 'Ghost Qizhu', Jiuying's cold face disappeared, replaced by a soft smile, "Before, my little girl just thought that someone was pretending to be a ghost Qizhu, but now it seems that my little girl is worrying too much.",

Jiuying put his hand on the shoulder of the auxiliary body, and said softly: "The infinite serious injury has disappeared, and now the demon king is dead, and the Youjie is already the world of you and me. However, the source of the demon king and the source of the cathode are mutually conflicting, but they cannot be merged. If I can't integrate the origin of the Demon Lord, I'm afraid that the Tianzheng Dragon Battle and the Youjie will lose because of this one day later, presumably this is not what you want."

The assistant squinted his eyes slightly, and said calmly: "Don't worry, I already know what the Cambrian wants. It doesn't matter if you lose this battle, but you should also help the baby girl to integrate the origin of the demon king. In this way, it is justified." .”

The hand of the auxiliary body slowly descended, already passing through the robe, swimming in the tenderness.

"Then how can you help me?"

It has long been known that the person in front of him is not the real ghost unicorn master, and both parties know each other well, but they just pretend not to know it, which really tests people.

Especially when meeting Yuan Wuji, a person like Yuan Wuji who has no cultivation and likes to use hands and feet, Jiuying is secretly annoyed, but before she achieves her goal, she will not let the other party easily succeed again, so she holds it on her body The swimming hand asked directly.

"Hmm..." The assistant narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said: "Actually, this matter is easy to say, but difficult to say, and its root lies in the founder of Youjie."

"Creator of Youjie?" Jiuying murmured, then frowned, and said solemnly: "You mean..."

"That's right, only those who have returned to their ancestors have the opportunity to fully accommodate the source of life with both yin and yang, otherwise they can only master one of them, of course..."

Having said that, the vice-body's voice paused, Jiuying raised his head, and couldn't help asking: "What? Is there any other way?"

"Well..." The auxiliary body shook his head and sighed, "If someone with a yin-yang bipolar body helps, there is a chance to solve the repulsion of the two forces for you, but this is not easy either."

"Yin-yang bipolar body." Jiuying murmured, eyes flickering for a while, and said quietly: "Since you said this, it means that you know who has this kind of physique, so it shouldn't be..."

Jiuying's eyes were fixed on the 'Ghost Qizhu', not letting go of any abnormalities on his face, and there was a touch of coldness in his voice, "Could it be that you own it?"

"Ha!" The assistant chuckled, "How could it be? Yin-Yang bipolar body is a major skill of the immortal sect, and it is extremely difficult to condense. As far as I know, there are only two or three people who have Yin-Yang bipolar body in the world today."

"Oh? Who is it?" Jiuying asked curiously with a flash of his eyes.

"Confucianism, Confucianism, Confucianism, selfless monarch, Fengtian, one of the three vehicles, who feels that he is very monarch, and the strange city of mountains and seas, Zhanlu, has no squares and circles."

The auxiliary body directly said three names.

"These three people?" Jiuying's expression was slightly condensed. Although she seldom went out, she still knew about the top powerhouses in today's difficult situation. Faru and Renjue would never be able to help her, but Mr. Yuan?
A thought flashed in her mind, and Jiuying suppressed it, because she still didn't know the truth of what the "ghost unicorn master" said, so she said playfully: "You know it really well, this makes me know your true identity. Getting more and more interested."

"Really?" The auxiliary body's hand swam again, reaching under Jiuying's body for a moment, Jiuying suddenly let out a soft cry, and his body went limp.

"If you say no, your body is still very honest!"

Accompanied by a chuckle, covered by the veil, everything is silent.

 Thanks: Hongcheng reciprocating regret sword sound, Ruan, NineChen, Shuyou 2017^0460, Dutianshensha, Zhoutianxingchen, Shenmaoshengwang are all taken up and other Taoist friends for rewards, thank you for your monthly ticket recommendation ticket support!
(End of this chapter)

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