Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 233 Saint Confucian Warriors

Chapter 233 Saint Confucian Warriors (ask for a ticket!)

"Honorable Confucianism knows this person? Could it be that he is also a member of the Confucian school? Why have I never heard of it?"

Yulijing showed a dazed look, even Yingshuangqing who was beside him also showed a pensive attitude.

"He is a genius of Confucianism, whether it is economics, literature or martial arts, he is superb. I invited him to lead the Confucianism, but he declined. Since then, he has not been seen since leaving Confucianism. I didn't expect you to have met him before, it seems that it is fate!"

A long sigh expressed Huangru Wushang's regret for being rejected at the beginning.

"A good friend is indeed full of knowledge. It is better to walk with him for several months than decades or even hundreds of years." Ji Xuangu also admired him.

"Yes! Then where are you going next?" After sighing, Huangru Wushang asked again.

Ji Xuangu pondered for a while before saying: "The calamity and catastrophe in the world is over, maybe I want to find another Confucianist to continue learning the scriptures and improve my knowledge! I will also look for Yuru during the period, I hope he is safe!"

"I found out that your soul and body are damaged before, and it seems that there is a seal. If you leave alone, you may be in danger if you encounter the person who attacked you back then. Why don't you stay in Haozheng Wudao. It will not delay your continued study, and you can watch and help each other."

The voice of Emperor Confucianism came again, but there was something in the voice that could not be refuted, and this was the character of Emperor Confucianism. Although he was overbearing and stubborn, on the surface serious and meticulous, he actually cared about the Confucian sect's affiliation and spared no effort in supporting the younger generation .

He said this out of good intentions, and was worried that something would happen to Ji Xuangu if he left here, but it was not that kind of taste when he said it out of his mouth.

Fortunately, Ji Xuangu didn't take it seriously, or he remembered the so-called Chen Naque and Yuru Wuxia's disposition about Huangru, so he hesitated for a while, then nodded and agreed, "That's fine, then I'll bother you."

"If someone like Senior Ji joins the Ancient Virtuous Path, we will be able to do more for the common people."

Yu Lijing said with a happy expression.

"Who said he joined Defeng Gudao?"

Huangru Wushang asked strangely, and Yu Lijing's expression froze immediately, with a puzzled expression on his face, and then he heard Huangru Wushang's voice, "With your cultivation level, you should enter the Haozheng Five Ways."


Ji Xuangu was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Huangru Wushang to be so direct.

Yulijing and Yingshuangqing who were on the side were also stunned. They also didn't expect Huangru to value and trust this person so much. However, Huangru Supreme is the leader of Haozheng Wudao, so they didn't say much.

"Since you didn't refuse, it means you agreed, and Feng Ru will be responsible for this matter!"

After finishing speaking, Huangru Wushang's voice disappeared, and Haozheng's second path also fell into silence.

"This..." Ji Xuangu smiled wryly, and sighed: "The character of Emperor Ru Zunjia is exactly as Yu Ru said, it really makes people..."

"Being honored by the emperor and Confucianism is so important, sir, there is no need to be humble. Oh, no..." After saying this, Yingshuang paused, "Now you and I are colleagues, and should be called the honorable saint and Confucianism."

"Jade Li Jing sees the venerable Confucianism!" Yu Li Jing also bowed deeply again, without compromising the ritual of Confucianism.

"You two, please don't do this."

Ji Xuangu quickly raised his hand, and not long after, Yu Lijing returned to the ancient road of Defeng, and at the same time ordered people to send a message to all parties of the Confucian school, inviting members from all parties to come to watch the ceremony and witness the new sage of the Confucian school.


At the same time, Bi Fangshan, the second battle of Tianzheng Dragon War is about to start.

"Without Infinity, I can only fight this battle myself, so who should respond to the third battle?"

On Bifang Mountain, Jiuying looked at the ghost Qizhu beside him or asked.

"I have already found out the whereabouts of Infinity. He and Zhuqueyi are now imprisoned in a strange city. After this battle is over, I will go with you to exchange them. Maybe you can also exchange for Young Master Yuan to help you integrate the yin and yang bipolars." origin."

"Master Yuan really has this strength?" Jiuying was still a little surprised.

The assistant laughed lightly, and said quietly: "This person is very scheming, Mr. Yuan may be just one of his identities."

"Oh? So, does he have other identities?" Jiuying asked curiously, his eyes moving slightly.

"That's right, it's his other identity to count all the common people and observe Jiuzhou." Many people already know this identity, so Yuan Wuji didn't hide it, and he even suspected that Jiuying already knew it, but just pretended not to know it in front of him. That's all.

Jiuying is a very scheming girl, even if she shares the same bed, she will only be more scheming.

"No wonder!" Jiuying nodded as if in a daze, and then said: "It depends on who the opponent will fight in the second battle, maybe you can win without the third battle in Youjie."

"Ha!" The assistant chuckled, "Shadow lost the first battle, and he will never be careless in the second battle. The ghost is also looking forward to what Shadow will do."

Not long after, the rift in the sky cracked open, and endless skeletons floated in the purple-red star universe. Immediately, a low and hoarse voice came from the depths of the star universe, "The heaven and the earth are dark and yellow, the universe is prehistoric, and I have received grace—Genesis. The sun and the moon have fallen, The yin and yang subverted, and I entered the way of extinction—the end of the world."

With the last three words falling, the entire Bifang Mountain was in turmoil, and then Gu Xinglei and Ziye Jixie came hand in hand, but on the other side, the Heavenly Weaver Lord did not come, but took this opportunity to sneak into the Nether Realm to find Leng Mimiao's whereabouts.

"If it's him, this day's Dragon War will end!"

Jiuying's eyes fell on Gu Xinglei's body, he snorted coldly, and said disdainfully.

"Ah..." Gu Xinglei opened his mouth, and was about to step forward, but saw the shadow raising his arm to stop him, "Jiuying, you are indeed worthy of being the Holy Mother of the Nether Realm, and you actually plotted to kill the devil, maybe I should thank you for that , but even though the Demon Lord is dead, the Tianzheng Dragon Fighting Nether Realm must also be defeated."

"Why, do you want to do it yourself?" Jiuying giggled, "I'm looking forward to that Holy Mother!"

"There's no need to deal with you!" Shadow snorted disdainfully, and then, the sky filled with clouds of fire, followed by a roar of a beast that shook the sky.


A huge fire unicorn descended, and then the unicorn collapsed and turned into a mad figure.


The hoarse voice, the crazy eyes, and the fluttering long hair like a flame symbolize the identity of the person who came, and it is the Duan Tianlu who is controlled by the earth and becomes a demon.

"Hmm..." The ghost lord transformed into the auxiliary body had a strange light in his eyes, and said silently in his heart: "It seems that the situation of the elves is bad and the layout of the earth is greatly reduced, but it has deepened the cooperation between the two parties."

In the previous life drama, although the shadow was recreated with the help of the earth, but whether it is the dark truth transformed by the darkness or the Cambrian part of the shadow, they are all the enemies of the earth, and they have been secretly planning to get rid of the earth. manipulation.

But now, it is obvious that some kind of pressure is felt so that the shadow can only continue to deepen the cooperative relationship with the earth.

"It seems that this is your hole card!"

Jiuying looked at Duan Tiantu, then snorted disdainfully, "Playing with fire? Self-immolation?"

As soon as the words fell, I saw Jiuying cast a spell again, "Xuandi Witness·Eternal Ancient Evil Origin·Listen to my order·Transform!"

In an instant, the devil screamed, and the endless fire cloud filled the air, turning into a scorching sky fire and covering it down.

Fang Yuan's land suddenly fell into the Heavenly Fire Demon Formation.

The temperature of the strange magic fire, which is very different from that of the ordinary fire, makes people dare not ignore it.

I saw the phantom of the kylin reappearing behind Duan Tiantu, and the last blazing eye was retrieved by Diming and merged into Duan Tiantu's body, so that the thirteen blazing eyes gathered together and surrounded the top of the fire unicorn, as if adding a special force to the fire unicorn. halo.

The fire of the berserk unicorn forcibly overwhelmed the magic fire.

Immediately, the magma melted into Fang Yuan for tens of miles, and the troops of Shadow and Jiuying retreated violently, leaving a wider battlefield.

On the other side, within the Youjie, a black shadow flashed quickly.

"Where did Leng Mimiao go?"

Worried in his heart, Lord Weaver hurriedly walked along the route that the two of them had walked.

He was searched back and forth several times, and even sneaked into various secret places in the depths of the secluded world to search, but they found nothing.

"Huh? Here..."

In the end, Master Tianzhi returned to the place where Leng Mimi was attacked, and at this moment, she suddenly felt something strange.

"Cold air!" Sky Weaver Master's eyes lit up immediately, and he walked along with the vague cold air. Soon after, he came to a barren cave.

As soon as he stepped in, Master Tianzhi felt the cold air added to his body, as if he was in the snow of the extreme north. As he went deeper, frost and ice crystals appeared under his feet.

Not long after, Tian Weaver's eyes widened and he entered the depths of the cave, but then his face changed, because there was something left inside the ice wall in front of him.

A snow-white long knife.

"It's Huang Yang Yaoxue's knife..."

Lord Tianzhi exclaimed, and suddenly slapped out his palm, with powerful force, the ice wall shattered, and the frozen snow knife also fell into his palm, "Why is Huang Yangyaoxue's knife here? There are cracks on the blade, it must have gone through a fierce battle, but what about Leng Mimiao?"

Master Tianzhi whispered to himself, at this moment, he suddenly felt that there was something wrong with the handle of Xuedao, Master Tianzhi turned it over immediately, and a handkerchief as thin as silk clinging to the handle.

"This is what I gave to Leng Misty."

Seeing the silk silk, Master Tianzhi had a stronger feeling of foreboding. In fact, after waking up, he did not see Leng Misty, and this feeling has always existed.

"Leng Piaomiao has a profound cultivation base, is smart and wise, and will be fine."

The Lord Weaver comforted himself, and then unfolded the silk, only to see that there were writings on it, or the handwriting was scribbled because of his haste, "Poppy, poppy, that day you and Xuejue were attacked by a mysterious person, Xuejue did it for you. You and I are desperate to block that person.

But after all, I couldn't be relieved, and after bringing you into the hidden cave, I came back again, but only saw the flying snow falling on the battlefield, and Xue Jue was gone.

Because the matter is urgent, I left Xuedao and this letter nearby. If you come back here and see this letter, it means that I have found Xuejue's whereabouts. identity, they will return to Yinxu City. "

"Cold Misty!"

Lord Tianzhi clenched his fists tightly, "This matter must be related to Youjie, let's go to Bifang Mountain."

Thinking in his mind, Lord Tianzhi no longer hesitated, and left the Nether Realm.

But at this time, Bi Fangshan's battle had reached its extreme.

 All kinds of requests!Sapo rolls around asking for votes and support...

(End of this chapter)

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