Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 281 Combined vertical and horizontal [Thanks for the reward of '1 Song Wang Can Nian&#0

Chapter 281 Combine Vertical and Horizontal [Thanks for the reward of 'A Song of Forgetful Years']

Above the peak, the cold wind gusts.

Jun Wuji, who was recovering from his injuries, watched Yuan Wuji's death coldly.

"Yuan Wuji looks shrewd, but he is actually stupid. He is as dead as a kid. Do you think everyone is a fool?"

Behind the very Jun, a miserable green ball of light floated, and the eerie words came from the ball of light.

"Being able to force me and Earth to this point, do you think we are worse than fools?"

Jun Fei snorted coldly, and continued: "Don't you know that he did this on purpose, whether it's true or false, so what if you know."

"Hahaha..." The ball of light behind him suddenly burst into laughter, "It seems that the battle that day frightened the very king, which made the widow wonder whether he should continue to cooperate with you!"

"Come to me, haven't you already made a decision?" Very Jun was noncommittal, and continued: "Although I don't know what Yuan Wuji's intentions are, her women and children are destined to be weaknesses."

"You're right, his wife likes it very much, and his child's two beautiful little heads should also be his favorite!"

The green light on the bright green light ball is shining brightly, and it seems to be extremely emotional.

"Eat a fall and gain wisdom, do you think he will sit back and watch this weakness be easily broken?"

Very Jun did not report much hope for this, he would not make the same mistake a second time, and the same was true of his opponents.

"Hmph! In front of the widow, there is no difficulty that cannot be overcome. Furong Zhuke's head was taken by the widow, and Hong Chenxue was taken by the widow himself!"

One of the evils of Moshi's popularization appeared, and he joined forces with the extraordinary king to add more variables to the disaster of Baqi.

"Want to hide and disappear by splitting your soul? Hmph! If you are widowed, I will make you disappear forever..."

The bright green light flickered frequently, which seemed to represent the mood of the sinner at the moment.


Very Jun's eyes moved slightly, he still had Zonghengzi in his hand, he didn't think it would be difficult to complete this deal, "But I hope that after this is done, you will help me kill Jun Fengtian and the best of men!"

"Jun Fengtian..."

There was a hint of weirdness in the sinister voice, "Hahaha! This matter, I'm so sorry!"

As soon as the words fell, the bright green ball of light exploded and disappeared without a trace.

On the top of the mountain, Mr. Fei took a deep look at the Vientiane Heavenly Palace in the distance, and also retreated into the vortex of space.


And under the blood-dark vortex, within the huge darkness, a figure gradually took shape, and with a bang, the legend of immortality reappeared.

"Fengdu road, martyrdom, tyrants bury their bones. The sky is silent, the earth is silent, how can mortals see the end of the world. Doomsday, atheism."

The reappearance of the earth and the underworld, and the death of heresy, what action will he make?

"Yuan Wuji, do you really think that the dazzler will believe that you just died like this?"

"Although the poison of life has devoured your vitality, with your ability, you will never stand still. Could it be that you are playing the trick of stealing money?"

There was a sneer on the corner of Di Ming's mouth, "Those who destroy Dazzler's mission and kill Dazzler, how can the hatred between us end here? You can hide, but if you don't believe that you can continue to hide the wife and child you killed. "

At this moment, Di Ming's face suddenly changed, and he suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance, "No, it's the power of the evil god."

Realizing this, Di Ming immediately used thaumaturgy, but soon his expression changed again, "The seal on Shadow has actually weakened, and the evil spirits are about to break the seal and return, how could it be so fast?"

The sudden change made Di Ming no longer have time to take care of Yuan Wuji, because all his missions were to fight against the evil god Baqi in the end.

In front of the evil god Baqi, the hatred with Yuan Wuji is not worth mentioning.

Now, unexpected changes have occurred in the eight parts, leading to more variables.


A group of Confucianists left with Xi Duanhong.

Of course, Xi Duanhong's changes are indeed astonishing, especially because he is so close to the sword, he is a little at a loss.

The current Xi Duanhong has forgotten her two sons, and she doesn't even remember that she had a son, just like a girl who has just stepped into the rivers and lakes.

Infinity and Suzaku Yi also saw the Forbidden City Relic and Heaven Weaver Lord.

Tianzhizhu wanted to take away the jade from the Forbidden City, but she still had unfinished tasks, so she rejected Tianzhizhu's proposal to retire, and planned to return to the Netherworld with Infinity to complete the master's final entrustment.

Regarding Yuan Wuji's death, Wu Wuji was filled with indignation, because the other party did not fulfill his promise, and only left him the jade left over from the Forbidden City, saying that he would remove hidden dangers for him.

And the persistence of the jade left in the Forbidden City also made Master Tianzhi not at ease, so he chose to go with him.

The elves and ghosts, the old enemies, cooperated because of this.

And Furong Zhuke followed the traces of the sky and prepared to return to the fairy gate, and then traced Zonghengzi's trace.

Within the Vientiane Heavenly Palace.

Yuan Wuji's soul was integrated into the Vientiane Orb, and at the same time, the Divine Martial Stone had also been used.

Unknown changes gradually appeared in the Vientiane Orb and even the entire Vientiane Heavenly Palace.

"Vientiane Armor!"

Yuan Wuji looked at the illusory battle armor formed inside the orb, and couldn't help nodding. The first form of the Vientiane battle armor may not be able to compete with the invincible battle dragon, but it can definitely beat the legend, and it has a certain resistance to near gods .

In today's difficult situation, except for the gods who can defeat him, everyone else has difficulties.

At this time, with the opening of the palace gate, Hong Chenxue, Cong Cong and others also returned.

In addition, Yuan Wuji's body was placed in an ice coffin.

It is indeed a novelty to see one's own body with the eyes of an outsider.

"Is the young master really dead?" Hastily said in disbelief, in disbelief, in her eyes, the young master is omnipotent, how could he die?

At this time, Hong Chenxue had recovered from the previous shock and calmed down on the surface.

Because, she thought of the puppet stand-in that Yuan Wuji used after the battle with Zonghengzi, who had the same mortal wound, but returned intact.

"Is this game really fun?"

Hong Chenxue put the child back in the cradle, looked at Yuan Wuji's body and asked.

A pair of beautiful eyes are full of dissatisfaction, "You will never know how to understand the worries of others, and you will always only care about your own interests. Nowadays, so many things have happened, and you never know how to repent. Is this really interesting?"

Hong Chenxue's face showed anger, and after several times, she would not believe that Yuan Wuji would really die.

I am afraid that few of the wise men and masters in the world today believe that he will die.

However, no one answered Hong Chenxue's question, and the cold corpse seemed to be proclaiming the truth.

Yuan Wuji naturally heard Hong Chenxue's question, but he didn't show up.

Because as long as he appears, he must be facing Hong Chenxue's wish to retire.

After entering the rivers and lakes, how many people can retreat unscathed.

Yuan Wuji didn't want the gap between the two to widen, so he could only be silent.

Now, his enemies are all alive and well, even secretly planning how to get rid of his wife and children and force him to show up.

He will never retire until all enemies are eliminated.

Of course, for the safety of his wife and children, no matter Moshi, Weijun and Babuzhong, they have already started to target.

Originally, he wanted to wait for Mo Shi's plan to succeed before reaping the fruits of victory, but for the safety of his wife and children, everything had to be brought forward.

Ji Meng, Zao Sie and Haotian, the three incarnations left in the plight, were the first targets Yuan Wuji got rid of.

There are also theories of heavenly traces, Confucianism, Confucianism, Confucianism, and Jitan to target people's perception and earth's darkness.

Before that, Yuan Wuji was not going to show up, let alone retire.

One night passed,

The hasty gaze changed from surprise and anticipation, and as the night passed, the corpse still remained unresponsive.

Even Hong Chenxue couldn't help but start to doubt.

"Is it true?"

Hong Chenxue's eyes dimmed, then she shook her head suddenly, "No way!"

Saying that, Hong Chenxue's eyes fell on the core of the Wanxiang Tiangong, on the Wanxiang Orb.

"I want to see what you left behind? I won't believe that you died like this!"

 Thank you for the rewards of "A Song of Forgetful Years"; thanks to: Hanging mirror against dust, everything is inferior, only reading is high, gods, demons and kings are all occupied, all gods, gods, stars, stars, Baqi evil gods and other Taoist friends Reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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