Chapter 293 Unblocking
Within Renyu Mingsheng.

The ceremony is over.

Jing Tianhuai made a request to discuss with Yulijing. Facing the challenge, Yulijing, as the master of Confucianism, will not shrink back.

If he wants to be respected by all Confucianism, he must show his due strength.

After a fierce battle, the two exhibited the extremely unique knowledge of Confucianism, the exquisite sword, and the profound cultivation, which made others amazed.

At the height of the battle, the two of them were too late to stop. At a critical moment, they suddenly saw a powerful palm force to end the battle.

"Build a heart for the world, establish a life for the people, inherit the knowledge of the past, and create peace for all generations. Confucian saints, Wugou, holy Confucians, unparalleled."

But seeing the vast holy light paving the way, the pure and holy joy resists the distracting thoughts of the people, and one person falls like a saint.

"We will see the venerable sage!"

Although Ji Xuangu's arrival was unexpected, but everyone didn't bother to ask more questions, and hurriedly saluted.

Just as everyone straightened up, they saw a chivalrous shadow approaching from afar, "There are endless mountains and rivers, and a dream lasts a lifetime. Why do you want eternal fame. Singing Huai Chengling, the boat is flat and the waves are startled, and the wind is light as the sword dances with long screams."

"Mu Lingfeng has met Master Yu, Master Jing, and Deputy Master Mo." Feng Ru Yingshuang, who had recovered her identity as the deity, bowed to everyone one by one.

"I don't know how Sect Leader Mu is walking with the Sage and Confucianism?" Yu Lijing's eyes swept over Mu Lingfeng and Ji Xuangu, and there was a hint of suspicion in his eyes.

Ji Xuangu would not lie, as soon as he opened his mouth, Mu Lingfeng had already opened his mouth, "I ran into Shengru Zunjia halfway, and because Feng Ruzun had something to leave, I brought Shengru Zunjia to pay homage to the ancestor. I didn’t think it would be a step too late after all.”

"I see." Yu Lijing nodded suddenly, but the doubt in his eyes did not disappear because of this.

Although Ji Xuangu didn't want to lie, seeing what Mu Lingfeng said, he didn't know why he chose to remain silent and didn't object.

Afterwards, several people exchanged pleasantries for a while, and then said goodbye one by one.

"Sage Confucianism, do you want to go back to the ancient path of virtue?" Yu Lijing looked at Ji Xuangu and asked softly.

"This..." Ji Xuangu hesitated for a while, while Mu Lingfeng looked at Ji Xuangu and said: "I still had doubts on the way to ask the venerable sage for advice, I'm afraid I will delay the venerable for some time."

"Uh...Okay!" Ji Xuangu pondered for a while, then nodded slightly, and then said to Yu Lijing: "Master, you go back first."

"If that's the case, then I'll take my leave first." Yu Lijing and Mo Qingchi said at the same time with slightly lowered eyes.

Afterwards, Ji Xuangu and Mu Lingfeng also left Renyu Mingsheng. On the way, Ji Xuangu hesitated a few times, and finally asked, "Ying... Why doesn't Junior Sister Mu want to confess?"

"Heh..." Mu Lingfeng turned around, his long hair swaying across Ji Xuangu's cheek, "I thought how long, Senior Brother Ji, you can bear it? Now I'm finally willing to speak."

"Sigh!" Ji Xuangu shook his head helplessly, "I'm used to being straightforward, and I'm not good at lying. I hope I didn't cause trouble for your identity."

"Senior Brother Ji, don't worry too much, I just don't want to stick to the old way of morality, so as the head of Mu, I can go around doing things for the Confucianism, and it can also help you, Senior Brother, look up the lost memory and the culprit behind the plot against you and Yuru .”

Mu Lingfeng, who had recovered his true self, also recovered his straightforward personality, and said directly, with a bold look.

On the contrary, Ji Xuangu was quite moved, "That's it, thank you, Junior Sister."

"Okay, you and I don't need to say thank you." Mu Lingfeng waved his hands casually. After a while, Fang realized that the words seemed to be wrong, and her cheeks were slightly red. Valley parallel.

On the contrary, Ji Xuangu didn't hear other meanings, and still expressed his gratitude.


After Ji Meng's soul body returned to the demon brain, the voice of the system echoed again in Yuan Wuji's sea of ​​consciousness who rushed to the Youjie.

Although Ji Meng is a badass, but because he is one of Mo Shi, one of the souls who have created several god-slaying incidents, and the big boss in the future, the system is still very generous about this, a random chance to draw a fairy martial arts.

Not long after, Yuan Wuji got another celestial martial art.

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the Sword Art of the Son of Heaven!"

Swordsmanship of the Son of Heaven: Fire Dragon rises from the heavens, Shenlong spits pearls to dazzle the common people, Dragon crosses thousands of peaks and covers all directions, Green dragon breaks ground and shakes the world, White dragon pours the sea and floods Shenzhou, Dragon swims in the sky and picks up stars, Black dragon roars and swallows the sun and moon, Golden dragon is shocked Heaven and earth, king's land, purple dragon spirit.

For the current Yuan Wuji, what he lacks is the nirvana, so to him, ordinary immortal martial arts are just icing on the cake. Only martial arts or divine martial arts with nirvana among immortal martial arts can bring him qualitative benefits. leap.

However, so far, Yuan Wuji has not obtained the martial art of martial arts that he can use in the true sense.

Even if they are brought by divine soldiers, most of them are at the top of Xianwu.

As for the Sky Crystal Martial Arts, it has the might of a god, but unfortunately it can only be used by Ji Xuangu, and it has no effect on him.

At this time, he was finally approaching the Nether Cave of Youdu.

On the other side, Earth Ming, who had disappeared for a long time, also reappeared, and his target was - Shadow.

Apparently, the weakening of Mingri's seal forced Diming to solve this problem himself.

Outside of the Nether Cave, Chi Luo had activated the power of the evil god in his body.

The evil power resonated, and suddenly, the gloomy evil wind swept out, and the entire Nether World was in unprecedented turmoil. At the same time, a pure purple evil energy burst out, turning into a ferocious dragon roaring into the sky, shaking the heavens and the earth. The whole master in adversity seemed to feel a monstrous evil.

"Huh? Looks like Chi Luo has made a move."

Yuan Wuji, who was rushing to the Nether Realm, had a gloomy look in his eyes and quickened his pace.

And Di Ming raised his head in astonishment, "This is—the dragon head!"

Everything Di Ming did was to finally fight against the evil god of Baqi, and he was most familiar with the dragon head and the evil power of Baqi, so he reacted in an instant, "Someone wants to unseal the dragon head, and the shadow is still here. Who did it?"

Just as Di Ming looked at the shadow, he saw that the shadow of the battle with the Sky Weaver hit the Sky Weaver severely, and then the evil power around him surged out uncontrollably, as if echoing the boiling purple dragon in the sky.

"This is? Ah..."

Shadow howled miserably, and the evil force charged, and in his mind, another consciousness began to recover under the stimulation of the evil force, and the majestic force immediately suppressed the two souls of Darkness and Shadow.

"Not good!"

Sensing the situation of the shadow, Di Ming's face changed, and then he appeared behind the shadow in a flash. A blow pierced through the shadow and swept the evil force wildly. At the same time, he mobilized the power of blood darkness in his body to perform thaumaturgy, "Blood Dark Forbidden Pattern."

The blood-colored and complicated lines came out from the palm of Diming, and gradually expanded. The pretending to learn the lines wrapped the shadow, and the blood threads were like silk chrysalis, wrapping the whole body of the shadow in the blood threads, blocking the influence of external evil, and strengthening the influence on the body. The dark sun seal on the shadow.

the same moment.

Tianji and Yun Huizi, who had just returned to Yunhai Xianmen, opened their sky eyes, traveled thousands of miles away, and saw the magic dragon flying.

"This power is the same as that in Tan Wuyu Consciousness Sea, this is - Baqi evil power!" Tianji shouted in shock, with an extremely dignified expression.

In Haozheng Five Paths, Jun Fengtian was talking with Yulijing who had just returned from Zhirenyu Mingsheng. He was shocked to see the monstrous evil spirit rushing straight into the sky, and the always serious Mankong was even more dignified.

On the other side, Ji Xuangu also sensed the power of the evil energy attacking the universe, frowned, and then rushed towards the direction of Youjie, "There seems to be another monster born there, junior sister..."

"I'll go with you." Before Ji Xuangu could finish speaking, Mu Lingfeng had already chased after him, and said resolutely.

Ji Xuangu hesitated for a moment, then nodded slightly, "Be careful yourself."

"Don't worry about my strength!" Ji Xuangu's concern warmed Mu Lingfeng's heart, but she was not a weak woman, so she replied confidently.

 Thanks to: Bo Qing Fei Wu Qing, Xiyue Cang Tian, ​​Shattered Void Martial Immortal, Purple Yu Fen, Book Friends 2017^582, Du Tian Shen Sha Zhou Tian Xing Chen, God Demon Saint King are all taken up and other Taoist friends for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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