Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 307 Displacement Restriction 【Full Order】

Chapter 307 Displacement Restriction 【Full Order】

"Taifu, Yiqing Heaven and Man have gone far, why continue to pretend to be asleep? Isn't this tiring?"

Yuan Wuyu approached the room, kicked Bo Ying Phantom Master, seeing that he still didn't want to talk, Yuan Wuyu said to himself:
"It's really a headache, I know, you don't want Yiqingtian to be manipulated by others, and death can't threaten you, but if you destroy my plan, then Yiqingtian won't be able to live.

On the contrary, as long as Yiqingtian completes the task, I will save you from trouble, and let you and Yiqingtian join hands for a lifetime, the choice is up to you. "

"However, to be on the safe side..."

A strange light flashed in Yuan Wuyu's eyes, and there was already an extra crescent moon bead hairpin in his hand, "Shape-shifting restraint."

Accompanied by a soft drink, an invisible force formed a mysterious seal, which was imprinted into the body of Hakuo Phantom Master.

Immortal art 'Shape-shifting Restriction' showed its power for the first time, the mysterious and magical art was applied to the powerless Hakuo Phantom Master, and he suddenly felt as if something extremely important was far away from him.

Immediately, Boying Phantom Master suddenly opened his eyes, and asked Yuan Wuyu, "What did you do to me?"

In fact, he had been secretly accumulating strength to attack the seal left by Yi Qingtian before, but before the seal was broken, he was subjected to spells.

"Aren't you pretending to be asleep now?" Yuan Wuyu shook his head, "You don't need to know what I have done, you just need to know that your life rests on this pearl hairpin, if the hairpin breaks you, you will die. I don’t want Yiqingtian to end up like this in the future, so let’s just wait here for his return.”

Yuan Wuyu turned his hand to put away the pearl hairpin. In fact, the "shape-shifting prohibition method" is similar to the effect of the evil god of Baqi in saving Baichuan Linghua, except that Baichuan Linghua was resurrected by the evil god of Baqi and entrusted his life to a flower. superior.

However, the 'Transformation Restriction Method' can only transfer the life of a living creature or the soul related to life to a certain object, so as to control the life of the person being cast. If the entrusted object is destroyed, the person will also die.

Although Bo Ying Phantom Master doesn't know the details, but he is proficient in spells, and even the Onmyoji Association is afraid of him, and he understands what the other party has done to him in an instant.

He is not afraid of death, but he is worried about Yiqingtian.

Even if it wasn't for keeping his hands back at the beginning, and Si Yang broke out to protect Yi Qingtian Zhouquan, he wouldn't have been captured so easily.

He also knows Yi Qingtian's character very well. Although Yi Qingtian is strong, he can't play against such a sinister villain.

After all, the person in front of him is the one who destroyed his father's plan!

And she knew how vicious, insidious, cunning, and clever her father was.

But even her own father was planted, so Yiqingtian naturally...

But Yuan Wuyu didn't pay any attention to Master Bo Ying, but raised his head to look at Miao Ruofan.

Seeing Yuan Wuyu's method, Miao Ruofan turned pale and retreated slowly.

"Ha! I'm your savior, what are you afraid of?"

Yuan Wuyu directly raised Miao Ruofan's chin, leaned close to Miao Ruofan's lips, and said in a low voice: "Take care of Master Boying Phantom, you must know a lot of interesting stories from him, wait for Yiqingtian to complete the task , I can consider giving you back your freedom, I hope you don’t make mistakes.”

After finishing speaking, Yuan Wuyu turned around and left directly. At this moment, he still had important matters to attend to, because Ji Xuangu was about to arrive, and he wanted to prepare a big gift for him.

Yuan Wuyu who had walked out of the room hadn't left when the door of the next room opened.

"You lied to me! You and benefactor are not friends at all?"

Yan Feihong walked out of the room, fixed her eyes on Yuan Wuyu, her expression became a little indifferent.

Yuan Wuyu turned around slowly, with a faint smile still hanging on the corner of his mouth, "Madam, this does not affect the relationship between you and me."

Yan Feihong showed anger on his face, "I have nothing to do with you, please respect yourself."


Yuan Wuyu chuckled, and slowly approached Yan Feihong.

"You, what do you want to do?" Yan Feihong took a few steps back until she was leaning against the wall, unable to retreat. Then a dagger appeared in her hand, her eyes showed the will to die.

"What is this for?" Yuan Wuyu raised his hand a little, and the dagger in Yan Feihong's hand was broken instantly. Yuan Wuji pressed his palms on the walls on both sides, and looked down at Yan Feihong, "After I leave, the two of them will I leave it to you, if there is any mistake, I will ask you to get it back."

"You!" Yan Feihong clenched her fists tightly, feeling extremely annoyed in her heart, "You brought people here, you are not welcome here, so you take them away too, and return this place to be quiet."

"You should have heard it too. The Phantom Master Boying has the soul of your benefactor's beloved in her body. Are you sure you want to drive her away?"

Yuan Wuyu clasped his hands in front of his chest, touched his chin with his fingers, and looked at Yan Feihong who was close by with a playful face. The person who is full of anger and anger really has a special flavor, if there is no other important matter...

"You, you are just a villain. I will take care of the benefactor's people, and you don't need to take care of them."

Yan Feihong really couldn't allow any accidents to benefactor's people, so he could only grunt angrily to express his dissatisfaction.

However, under Yuan Wuyu's aggressive gaze, she felt chills all over her body, she could only turn her head away, with a determined face, and the broken sword in her hand tightened a bit, but if Yuan Wuyu did anything wrong, she couldn't kill her The other party will never allow himself to be insulted again.

"Okay, I won't play with you anymore." After a long time, Yuan Wuyu moved his eyes and took a step back, disappearing into the whirlpool of the five elements.

It wasn't until Yuan Wuyu disappeared that Yan Feihong breathed a sigh of relief.

Even so, thinking of the future, Yan Feihong became anxious again, "This time I will help my benefactor save my beloved, and I will find another place to live in seclusion. As for Qiushui, I will send someone to send a message to the fairy gate at that time. I can't stay here for long."


Yuan Wuyu's appearance changed again after leaving Yan Feihong's residence.

Or it can no longer be seen.

With a large black robe and a hood, the face is covered in darkness, as if covered by a black mist, making it impossible for people to pry.

In his hand, he held a black scepter engraved with blood patterns. On the top of the scepter, there were two bells.

However, after his careful processing and deployment of this thing, the effects of the two will naturally far exceed the previous ones, and become even more strange.

In short, this outfit does not look like a good person no matter how you look at it.

"From now on, I am the originator, the great director of doomsday! Tianhun, are you ready to accept the gift I gave you? Hahaha..."

A deep and strange smile came out from under the hood, and he looked eagerly at the Northern Sea King City ahead which had turned into a forbidden death zone, his eyes behind the black mist were full of splendor.

Although Shi Yang was transferred by some unknown method by Moshi, the power erupted by the remaining half was still terrifying, and the remaining power made this place a death jeopardy.

And with Tianhun's character, he will definitely not allow the vast state to be reduced to death, and will find a way to solve the source and restore its original appearance, so it is bound to go deep into the Beihai King City.

If the Heavenly Soul consumes a lot of cultivation in it, this will be Yuan Wuji's opportunity to influence the Heavenly Soul again, and it will also be his left some means to ensure the smooth fusion in the future.

Three souls and seven souls, the current sky soul is the strongest because it is transformed from sky crystal, has the highest degree of integration and compatibility, and has its own rules of conduct.

Yuan Wuji wanted to merge with the Heavenly Soul in the future, but the Heavenly Soul would not return easily if it had its own will. For this reason, Yuan Wuji had to make more preparations.

In fact, Yuan Wuji had already thought about the problems he was facing today or in the future.

But if you want to become a god, why don't you pay some price or spend some time and means?
The independence of Tianhun is just a powerful representative, and the benefits of Tianhun's body Tianxin are unimaginable, and it will also be the strongest support for Yuan Wuji's evolution of the soul of God.

The three souls of heaven, earth and man.

The heavenly soul understands the mysteries and unfathomable nature of the heaven and earth, the earthly soul is rational, calm and heartless, and the human soul contains the seven emotions and six desires, which is the real self.

The three souls each perform their duties, and Yuan Wuji is also assigned in the same way, making the best use of everything, making them stronger and stronger in their own fields, so that they can be unified in the end and become gods against the sky.

 Thanks: Duan Ge Ji Yin and fellow Taoists for their rewards these days, thank you for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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