Chapter 371

In the world of elves, the same glory in March, showing an unusual atmosphere.

Seven-color spiritual spring.

The most important place in the elf world.

Chi Luo, king of Yasha owls, was bathing, and was nourished by the seven-color spiritual spring, which revitalized his body, making the fusion of soul and body more perfect. .

On the shore, Bai Chuan Linghua licked her red lips, looked at Chi Luo bathing in the spring water and said nothing.

"The body of an elf can be united with my body and soul only after being nourished by this place, so that my strength can be restored to integrity!"

Chi Luo said flatly, as if explaining the reason.

"Now that the good show has been staged there, I don't know who will be the ultimate winner."

But Bai Chuan Linghua turned his head and looked into the distance, where the fierce aura was soaring to the sky, and the images of wolves and tigers appeared, already stalemate.

"It doesn't matter who wins or loses, the dragon head has been unsealed, and when the evil god returns, everything will be reshuffled!"

Chi Luo, who was soaking in the spiritual spring, slowly got up, and a deep voice came to his ears. Chi Luo had already appeared behind Bai Chuan Linghua, with his arms in his arms.

Bai Chuan Linghua froze, but he didn't resist. After a long time, Chi Luo continued: "Let's go and see if we can catch up with this big show. If there is a chance, I don't mind giving them a ride." !"


Apocalyptic desert.

At the beginning of the miracle, the evil king will end at the end.

"The wind is cold, the moon is hooked, and the hero shines on the ancient city; the sky has its way, but the earth has no trace, how can a thousand years be swept away by a sword, and the spirit is at ease."

In the yellow sand all over the sky, suddenly five colors of fairy light filled the clouds, and an extraordinary figure descended slowly holding Yu Xiaoyao in his hand, "I've arrived, Mo Xie King!"

As soon as the words fell, a strong wind swept through.

Then heard the voice of indifference, "In the age of the end of the Dharma, evil wings swept the world and the sea of ​​​​hell. The world is sad, and the flames of war start a fire and the dragon disaster."

As soon as the Dianbian Jialuo landed, the earth roared and the flames of war raged.

"This face?" Tianji couldn't help but backed up a few steps and shouted in shock the moment he saw Mibian Jialuo.

"Are you familiar? Unfortunately..."

Dian Bianjia Luo's last evil blade came out from his hand, and the knife slashed across, igniting the flames of war.

Although Tian Ji was astonished, his hands were not slow to move, and the oracle came out together, "Damn it, it's unforgivable to act in the face of my deceased friend!"

"Tianji, ha!" Dianbian Jialuo smiled silently, and in the sea of ​​consciousness, he spoke to the remaining primordial spirit of the desert goshawk, "I said, I will kill Tianji, now, use your eyes to witness all this! "

"Controlling the Divine Wind·Evil Sword Style!"

Dian Bian Jia Luo blended into the wind, and the sword came out like a torrent, sweeping the world with one blow.

The whole desert is howling with violent winds, rolling up thousands of feet of yellow sand, which is fascinating to the eyes.

All of a sudden, the vast expanse of Dharma Doomsday was howling with strong winds, and dust filled the sky, forming a death jeopardy.

"Heavenly Saint Astral Wind!"

Holding the oracle high in Tianji's hand, he will use the immortal style to fight against the evil wind with the immortal wind.

Righteousness and evil collide with each other, heavenly traces and scorpions merge into the wind, and swords and swords slash quickly, and dozens of moves are made in the blink of an eye.

"The successor of Xuanzun Jiutian shouldn't live, Tianji, this place is your burial place today, wake up!"

The evil wings on the back of Dian Bian Jialuo are spread out, and the evil energy around his body is soaring. The last evil blade in his hand is held high, gathering a terrifying ghost light, "Fuck the evil light, gather the ghost light, and destroy the world!"

Bang Majestic slashed down with his sword, and the entire Guang Mo was like the end of the world, and the world collapsed.

"It's really hard to deal with. It seems that I can't hold back any longer. Now that I have defeated you, I'm asking about the Desert Goshawk!"

Faced with the killing move, Tianji's expression was serious, and he pointed across the long front, and the celestial energy in his body swelled violently, "Wind Yijian · Cloud Yijian · Heaven and Earth Ends the Edge!"

The wind is the power, the cloud is the power, all the wind and clouds in thousands of miles can be absorbed by one sword.

The Heavenly Sword and the Evil Knife collided with each other like a collision between heaven and earth. The whole desert was in turmoil and turned upside down.

Fortunately, there are no people here, so the two fought to their heart's content without hurting innocent people.

Otherwise, with the two of them exerting their full strength without any scruples, a hundred miles around would have already collapsed.

After a long time, the raised dust gradually subsided, revealing the two people inside.

At this time, both of them had suffered trauma, and their breath was a little sluggish.

"Tell me the whereabouts of the desert goshawk?"

Leaning on the ground with the Heavenly Miracle Sword, he slowly straightened up and asked resolutely.

"Hmph! Tianji, I said, you will definitely die today!"

Facing Tianji's questioning, Dianbian Jialuo sneered, and the next moment, a low and hoarse voice suddenly came from behind, "Yuwuzhixie·Going up to the world·Dark my world!"

The doomsday cemetery reopened, and the surroundings were suddenly plunged into endless darkness. Tianji suddenly felt the evil energy coming to him, and his body was suppressed in an instant.


At the same time, the war against demons in the world of elves also reached its peak.

The two fierce and frenzied swordsmen went completely berserk, their sword qi soared, and there were countless ravines in Fang Yuan's hundred miles.

"Wolf Howl is invincible!"

Infantry Shang's murderous aura was soaring to the sky, and he slashed with all his strength, just like killing a god on the battlefield, showing his invincible madness.

Zhan Tianjiao's demon sword swept across, and hail fell from the sky, freezing thousands of miles.

Forget about this battle.

In front of the two of them, there was only one knife.

Wolves howled and tigers roared, landslides and ground cracked.

Sheng Yuchen and Lord Shenhui wanted to intervene, but they couldn't find the slightest chance. They could only watch as the two fought more and more bravely, and the more injured they became, the stronger they became.

Similarly, there are more and more bloodstains on the body.

The two had no defense, only to kill the enemy, the blood had already stained the ground red, shocking.

"The last move—the wolf howls all over the world!" Bu Junshang roared suddenly, and the bloodthirsty wolf rushed into his body from behind, two red lights shot out from his eyes, and at the same time, an extremely violent breath was blowing The body erupted, and the power soared by [-]%.

Zhan Tianjiao on the opposite side was also not to be outdone. With a roar, the demon tiger galloped, turning into a stream of light and melting into the knife, "Then I will pay tribute to you with this——Swallow the sky and destroy the earth!"

With the combination of two moves, the sky and the earth vibrate at the same time, and the space is broken.

The two magic knives, one as agile as a wolf and the other as powerful as a tiger, collided loudly.

Deafening, echoing and turbulent in all directions.

After the strong attack, the void shattered, revealing endless darkness, and the two of them flew hundreds of meters before stopping.

Bu Junshang knelt down on one knee, spat out a mouthful of blood, his breath was sluggish, but the ferocity in his eyes remained undiminished, his killing intent boiled, but his strength was unsustainable. Although he wanted to fight again, his body was out of control. Just standing up, his body As soon as he was soft, he fell down again, the true energy in his body was exhausted, and he couldn't bring up his strength for the time being.

On the other side, Zhan Tianjiao slowly raised his head, a sinister smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "As a man, your stamina is not enough!"

As soon as the words fell, I saw the tiger's soul feeding back, the scarlet power poured into Zhan Tianjiao's body from the handle of the knife, and Zhan Tianjiao reappeared in a peak posture in an instant, the hideous wound on his body healed at a speed visible to the naked eye while his robe was bulging, and his breath was also gone. Go berserk again.

"Not good!"

Sheng Yuchen's face changed and at the same time, the holy palm came out again, but seeing the Zhan Tianjiao's revolving knife, Sheng Yuchen saw blood in his palm, and retreated violently.

"He actually recovered, Xueyan, take Bu Junshang and go first."

Surprised that the crisis was approaching, Sheng Yuchen let out a low growl, his Haoyuan drummed, and Shenhui's master technique appeared at the same time, wanting to suppress Tianjiao again.

But since he had been tricked once, how could he fall into the trap again.

I saw the invisible force field spread all over Zhan Tianjiao's body, directly counteracting the suppression of Shenhui's master's technique. After only three strikes, Sheng Yuchen and Shenhui's master vomited blood.

"If you want to hurt my master, pass me first."

Bi Xueyan didn't back down, seeing her father and master being injured, the sword dance came out again, with a bright edge.

"Sword Dance Warriors!"

The sword moves like a phoenix dance, amidst the splendor, countless sword threads twine out from all directions.

"too weak!"

Countless sword threads passed by, but as soon as he approached Zhan Tianjiao, he was swallowed by the position of the demon.

The majestic devilish energy attacked Bi Xueyan, and Bi Xueyan also spat out a mouthful of blood and flew out, staggering towards Bu Junshang along with Sheng Yuchen and others.

"The elves are really weak chickens, and weak chickens shouldn't survive. This knife will send you to hell together!"

Zhan Tianjiao swept across the four of them indifferently, his scarlet eyes revealed deep malice, which made people shudder when they looked at them.

With the Tiger Soul held high, the majestic and fierce power covered Fangyuan for hundreds of miles, and the whole space seemed to freeze for a while.

Just when several people looked desperate, suddenly...

 There is something to do in the afternoon, and more in the other evenings!

(End of this chapter)

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