Chapter 373

The angry dragons roared and collided with each other, and the entire Dharma-ending expanse was split into three thousand feet, and the violent energy filled all directions.

Yun Huizi and Tianji faced each other and turned to Jialuo.

On the other hand, Yuan Wuji singled out Andi, and his terrifying cultivation stripped Andi's body of evil forces one by one.

"Send you back to see Baqi, you should be happy!"

Yuan Wuji used the Xuanyin sword move, and within a short time, there were more and more bloodstains on Andi's body, and his breath became weaker and weaker.

At this time, the dark truth has reached the most dangerous moment.

"Kill me?" Andi suddenly laughed angrily, with awareness in his heart, all the power in his body exploded and gathered between his palms, "Then come—the first form of the Six Paths Forbidden Evil Burial Sun and Moon"

The dark truth raised his palm high, and in an instant, the sun and the moon sank, an unprecedented evil atmosphere covered the desert, majestic evil energy swept in like a torrent of river, and everything disintegrated in an instant.

"Heaven and earth are mine alone!"

Yuan Wuji's eyes froze, and Taiweiyuan was raised high suddenly. At this moment, it was as if there was only one sword between heaven and earth.

The domineering sword intent rejects all existence, leaving only the purest sword.


In an instant, the void disintegrated, darkness and light disappeared at the same time, and there was only chaos in front of my eyes.

Yun Huizi and the others were also affected, and they retreated hundreds of feet for a while, "What a terrifying force, Mr. Yuan is indeed a very special person, no wonder you tried your best to drag him into the water!"

Tianji's face turned black, what is dragging into the water?Can you speak?

But at this moment, he didn't have time to break his mouth. The explosion of the two of them caused countless turbulence, sweeping all directions indiscriminately, and the three of them were in danger.

"Dark Truth!" Dian Bian Jia Luo's expression changed, as if he had sensed something, his eyes could not help showing anger, and then he suddenly spread his wings and flew high, disappearing in an instant.

"He actually ran away?"

Tianji and Yun Huizi were taken aback for a moment, they obviously didn't expect Mianbian Jialuo to be so decisive, and there was no time to stop it.

At this time, the violent turbulence gradually subsided, and the core of the storm was finally revealed in front of the two of them.

"An Di, it seems that you are destined to die under Taiwei Yuan's sword!"

Yuan Wuji murmured, the first time in the drama of the last life was the Dark Truth who was killed by Arthur II, who was incarnated by Earth Underworld, and now,
Taiweiyuan pierced through Andi's chest, and the holy air in the sword body circulated throughout Andi's body. The fierce and mighty aura of Andi before was gone, and a pair of eyes dimmed.

Although this sword is not a supreme weapon, it is indeed easier to use than other weapons when dealing with the evil spirits, saving time and effort.

At this time, Yuan Wuji's sea of ​​consciousness also sounded a system prompt, proving that An Di's body was dead.

"Two against one, they didn't even keep the bird man behind. The combat strength of the Yunhai Xianmen is a bit worrying!"

Yuan Wuji pulled out the Taiwei Yuan slowly, and looked at Tianji and Yun Huizi with a half-smile.

"This, this..." Tianji was at a loss for words for a moment, because he only wanted to ask about the relationship between Mibian Jialuo and the Desert Goshawk, so he didn't kill him, which gave the other party a chance to escape.

"Forget it." Yuan Wuji didn't mean to pursue it. After all, he can't control the fairy gate. Just go out and see his luck!"

And at the moment of Andi's death, Fengmojian, who was merging into a new body, looked stunned, and looked up at Mo Dharma's vast reassurance, "The breath of Andi disappeared? How could this be?"

"Father, what happened?"

Jian Langya, who was standing guard outside, asked doubtfully.

Jian Shangque shook his head, "It's nothing, I will take you back to the Nether Realm next, to seek justice for you, and everything for the Demon Lord!"

After speaking, Jian Shangque closed his eyes again.

In addition to the lack of sword, the feeling of being a member of the eight tribes is even deeper. King Jingxie, who just killed Xiao Liuguang and merged with Sanyao and captured Jing Chuyi, also sensed the fall of the dark truth.

And in Shiliu Island, the evil god of Baqi danced wildly with its dragon head, and the monstrous evil energy accumulated in the core of the earth, "The dark truth has fallen so quickly, it seems that there are still capable people in the affliction, but dare to kill my subordinates!" , when I return, it will be your death..."

The terrifying aura reverberated under the ground, and the entire Shiliu Island trembled.

But in the world of elves, Chi Luo looked up at the sky, watching the disaster star fall, his eyes narrowed unconsciously.

"Ha! The once invincible Eight Members are back again now. I didn't expect to be broken so soon, which makes people sigh!"

Bai Chuan Linghua chuckled, the peaks trembled slightly and rippled.

Chi Luo's expression remained unchanged, and he continued to look at the battlefield below, "The Babu people are not so easy to kill!"


"you again?"

Contemptuously swept Duan Tianlu, Zhan Tianjiao sneered, "It's also vulnerable!"

"And what about us?"

Before Zhan Tianjiao finished speaking, a crisp voice came from behind.

"The sea is vast and the waves are turbulent, and the leftover pearl shines alone in the deep darkness; the forbidden city is south and north, and the jade ring turns into the moon to lead the night sky."

Accompanied by a roar, a golden gun pierced into the ground, and then two figures walked slowly.

It was the Forbidden City Relic Jade and Yu Xiao.

"Haha, Xiao Yu'er, is this your hometown? It looks like the situation is not good!"

Yu Xiao laughed out loud, acting like no one else was there.

"This is?" Lord Shenhui looked hesitantly at the jade left in the Forbidden City and the pair of pointed ears.

"She has the aura of profound vein essence." Sheng Yuchen narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a deep voice.

"Is she the descendant of the Profound Vein Master?" Bi Xueyan asked curiously.

Among the seven elves, except for the master of the four veins who participated in the war at the beginning and was sealed for various reasons and survived to later generations, the gods, saints, and royals who stayed behind in the elves world have already been updated and are no longer the original people.

Even in the entire world of elves, only Ni Shenyang has the highest seniority and the strongest strength, so he is also called the god of elves.

Therefore, Sheng Yuchen and Lord Shenhui could only feel the aura of the essence of the profound veins, but they did not realize that the jade left in the Forbidden City was actually the blood of the Forbidden City.

"Two little kids dare to stand in my way?"

Seeing the Forbidden City Relic and Yu Xiao, Zhan Tianjiao's eyes flickered slightly, but the expression on his face did not change at all.

Naturally, Remaining Jade of the Forbidden City didn't know Zhan Tianjiao's true identity, but she knew that this would be her chance to complete the task.

"Evil devil, today's treasure from the sea will break your path of crime!"

Yujiao, a relic of the Forbidden City, gave a yell, and the envoy of the Imperial Seal of the Forbidden City came out.

"This is the Jade Seal Seal! It is the unique art passed down from the master of the profound veins!"

Lord Shenhui couldn't help shouting.

at this time,

"Boy, you're not bad at courage, but it's a pity..."

An evil light flashed in Zhan Tianjiao's eyes, he flipped the tiger soul in his hand, and the majestic sword swept across the sky.

"Jade Seal Forbidden Chapter Six Gods Chapter!"

The Forbidden City Remains Jade's moves changed, one person with six points, the sky and the ground, surrounded by Zhan Tianjiao.


A gleam of light flashed across Zhan Tianjiao's eyes, he could see through reality with a single glance, and in an instant the swords and guns clashed, shooting out the most intense sparks.

(End of this chapter)

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