Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 397 Resurrecting the Ghost Qi Lord? [July monthly ticket 7]

Chapter 397 Resurrecting the Ghost Qi Lord? [July monthly ticket 7]

Inside the Three Realms Pagoda.

Andi, Mianbianjialuo, and Yinyang Takiyahime return.

But one person has been waiting for a long time.

"The name of Zonghengzi Shenji is indeed not bad, but Qushan Dragon Head has not been unsealed, which is a pity."

An Di clapped his hands and admired, and after talking about it, it seemed a pity.

Regarding this, Zonghengzi smiled slightly, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "This can be regarded as Zonghengzi's nomination certificate, but the wisdom of the Confucian master and the one-page book should not be underestimated. This time, one of them can be unsealed because of unexpected The appearance of the Dark Truth, Human Perception, Zhan Tianjiao, and Jian Dian gave us this opportunity."

This time, Zongyoko, who was handed over to the Eight Buddies by the very king, once again had a day to display his abilities.

At this time, it doesn't matter whether you are voluntary or not, it's just a matter of survival.

Of course, another purpose is to gain an in-depth understanding of Baqi Cthulhu, just like when he became a military strategist in the Youjie.

Regardless of joining or hostile in the future, we need to understand each other, knowing ourselves and the enemy can win every battle.

"You have contributed a lot to this matter. I will recommend it to the evil god, and I will definitely not treat you badly. We will recover from our injuries in the past four days. By then, Daowu Wanggu will have an answer."


On the other side, the defeated generals of the Confucian sect also returned frustrated.

Ji Xuangu protects Mu Lingfeng, while Mo Qingchi runs the inner yuan to help Yuli Sutra.

And Yu Junheng has been taken to rest.

This time, although no one from the Confucian sect was killed, three people were severely injured in a row, especially one was the head of the Confucian sect, and the other was the head of one of the four veins.

Even the sage Confucianist Ji Xuangu was seriously injured, and the strength of the entire Confucian sect plummeted with the addition of Confucian swordsman bewitched.

After a long time, with Mo Qingchi's infusion, Yu Lijing finally woke up faintly, but his breath was still weak, his face was as pale as paper, and his eyes seemed to be closed at any time.

"Everyone, let you worry, it is the fault of Yu Li Jing, which caused the dragon head to be unsealed!"

After waking up, the first thing he said was an apology, which made everyone feel very uncomfortable.

"Master Jade, this is not your fault. If it weren't for you, the result would have been worse." Jing Tianhuai shook his head.

"Hey, regardless of the merits and demerits, are everyone safe?" Yu Lijing asked nervously, for fear of hearing bad news.

"You are the most serious right now, you should worry about yourself first." Yun Wanggui snorted and said angrily.

He was also seriously injured, but he couldn't let go of Yu Lijing's injury, so he kept suppressing it. Now seeing Yu Lijing apologizing and caring for everyone as soon as he woke up, he couldn't help but refute.

"Ha! As long as everyone is fine, cough..." Yu Lijing grinned, trying to laugh, but in exchange for a weak cough.

"Master, you are seriously injured, so don't say any more." Mo Qingchi held the jade scripture steady, then looked at Yuan Wuji, and asked directly: "Master Yuan, the master was injured by Zhan Tianjiao, he is your one Po, you should know what trick the master got and how to treat it, right?"

"Shengsi, don't do this, Mr. Yuan is not a Confucian prisoner, and I have to apologize for what caused Mr. Yuan to be in danger before." Yu Lijing pulled Mo Qingchi's sleeve and said in a low voice.

"This matter is Jing Tianhuai's fault." At this time, Jing Tianhuai took a step forward and bowed slightly to Yuan Wuji.

"Master Jing doesn't have to be like this, you are doing it for the sake of Jade Master, and besides, at that time, Master Jade's life was in danger, your choice is not wrong."

Yuan Wuji shook his head slightly, but his face was calm, as if he didn't care at all.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Yuan." Yu Lijing also bowed slightly, thanking him.

Yuan Wuji turned sideways slightly, avoiding a salute, and sighed at the same time: "Oh! Jade Master has said something serious, and I should be the one to apologize. Although the evil soul is different from my thinking and is a separate entity, it is my soul after all. "

"As for the injury suffered by Lord Jade, it was the bliss of the heavenly demon. The true energy, blood, and spirit in the body were all swallowed up. Although the master Jade broke up at the last moment and broke the connection, he had already damaged his vitality. Hidden danger has been laid."

"This trick can evaporate the blood of the human body. Originally, with Master Yu's cultivation base, this injury can heal on its own, but Zhongtian Demon's bliss is in front of him. This last trick also put his life in danger. Guan Ti, although the evil energy is not strong, it has also affected him, and now there is probably only one way to save his life."

"What method?" Yun Wanggui asked eagerly,

Yuan Wuji looked at the crowd, and after a while, he slowly uttered two words, "Exchange blood!"

"Exchange blood?"

"That's right, use the blood of parents and children to make up for the loss of blood for him, so that he has the opportunity to recover on his own." Yuan Wuji shook his head regretfully, "But seeing that Master Yu is young, I'm afraid he has no children. "

"Nonsense." Yun Wanggui couldn't help complaining in a low voice, and then said to Yu Lijing: "Li Jing, when you recover from your injury, I will definitely find you a wife, get married and have a new generation, save money It’s so tricky to come across this situation once.”

"Ahem!" Yu Lijing coughed a few times, embarrassment appeared on his pale face, Mo Qingchi shook his head slightly, ignoring Yun Wanggui's joke, and asked again: "Then what should we do now?"

Yuan Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Yuli Jing and said, "Before the Battle of Blood River, the Ghost Qi Lord had an affair with Huan Ling, the concubine of the original Demon Monarch, and the son they gave birth to later should be the Jade Master's work, right?"

This blunt question made everyone feel a little embarrassed, after all, things like prying someone's wife are really not very honorable, but it's really not easy for someone like Ghost Qizhu to lose his heart.

As for the true identity of Yu Lijing, everyone present is the core of the Confucianism sect. Although the last time there was a Faru who took the responsibility, in fact, everyone knew it well, and it was just to calm people's hearts.

Yuan Wuji didn't seem to notice the difference in the atmosphere, and continued with a look of regret: "The matter was finally reported by Jiuying, which aroused the anger of the devil, and the ghost unicorn could only escape from the Nether Realm with the concubine Huanling and the newborn child. But Huan Ling was killed on the way, leaving only the Ghost Qizhu and his son to continue fleeing, so now we probably only have one choice—resurrect the Ghost Qizhu!"

Everyone also automatically ignored some inappropriate words in Yuan Wuji's mouth, avoiding the embarrassment of Yu Lijing, and pointed to the point, "Resurrection Ghost Qizhu?"

Yuan Wuji nodded solemnly, "That's right, this is the unique ability of people in the Youjie. The Jade Lord is half of the blood of the Youjie, so this method is feasible. Now that the spirit of the world is dead, the only way to resurrect the Ghost Qizhu is to use the blood of the Ghost Qizhu To make up for the loss and replace the blood that was invaded by the evil spirit, only then can it be completely restored."

"How should the Ghost Qi Lord be resurrected?"

In the silence of the crowd, Yun Wanggui couldn't help but ask.

For Yun Wanggui's divine assist, Yuan Wuji secretly praised Yun Wanggui, but on the surface his face was heavy, "The skeleton of Lord Ghost Qi is in Yupo's hands now, and now the only way to find Yupo is to exchange for the corpse of Lord Ghost Qi. As for the issue of resurrection, I'm afraid we can only find the Babu people. However, as long as the relationship between the jade master and the ghost unicorn is not exposed, I think that if the Babu people get the ghost qi master's bones, they will be very happy to take the ghost unicorn away. The Lord is risen."

"So the ghost unicorn is really related to the eight tribes?" Jing Tianhuai also looked at Yuan Wuji.

Speaking of this, there is nothing to hide, and he said directly: "Yes, the wise ghost dragon king of the eight tribes is the ghost unicorn master. Another purpose of his joining Youjie is to unseal the dragon head of Youjie. Of course, now Youjie The dragon head has been unsealed, so it is meaningless."

 The third update!The title is typo, it should be 4/9.
(End of this chapter)

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