Chapter 414

And after the very gentleman left.

Xuanhuang Island is not peaceful.

The blood river paves the way to Xuanhuang Island.

Immediately, a dark red magic car sped up from the end of the blood river.

"Blood and rain are falling to the bone, and the autumn wind is covered with frost and snow is white. People are so crazy that they don't have any regrets. Only Hongfeng has given her life."

Scarlet rain fell from the sky, dyeing the earth a blood red.

The barren Xuanhuang Island instantly became a bloody world.

"It was you who sent back the bones for the ghost? Then what is your relationship with Mr. Yuan?"

The ghost unicorn stood up slowly, shaking the Senluo bone fan from time to time, and asked curiously.

"In terms of transactions, the heroes of the universe have relationships with many people. Is the Ghost Dragon King willing to allow us to have such relationships?"

The blood curtain trembled, followed by an indifferent voice from inside the carriage.

"Deal?" Ghost Qizhu chuckled, "It seems that if I don't complete this transaction, I'm afraid I won't be able to leave this place today."

The blood car was silent, as if acquiescing to what the Ghost Qi Lord said.

The atmosphere in the arena was momentarily cold.

After a long time, a strange light flashed in the eyes of Lord Guiqi, "Ghosts are people who keep their promises, but ghosts don't like to talk to people through the curtain."

As soon as the words fell, the Mori Luo bone fan in the hand of the ghost unicorn suddenly raised high, and at the same time stepped on the mysterious step, "Heavenly Demon Blood Order!"

As soon as the evil move came out, Ghost Qi shot the blood coagulation order in his hand like an arrow into the car.

Inside the Blood River car, a strange figure sat cross-legged, and the light that penetrated into it reflected the corners of the slightly raised lips, seeming disdainful and indifferent.

With the flick of the man's fingers, the blood order collapsed in an instant, and the energy that was eager to explode was wiped out without a sound, without any waves.

The bloody curtain trembled slightly, revealing half of the cheek in the carriage.

It was an extremely strange face, not the person he imagined.

However, disguise is the simplest thing, so what you see may not be true.

"Your Excellency has a deep foundation, but since you are a guest at Xuanhuang Island, it would be impolite not to get off the car, so let the ghost invite you."

As soon as the words fell, the ghost element in Guiqi's main body urged again, and at the same time, his figure spun at an extremely fast speed, and the surrounding rocks were shattered, "Baxuan Dance·Devil May Cry."

Thousands of dark and ghostly aura burst out, enveloping the entire Blood River Cart, as if they wanted to shatter what was in front of them, revealing the true colors of the people inside the car.

"Since Ghost Dragon King invites you so kindly, then I will do as you wish."

Yuan Wuji in the carriage laughed lightly, and then punched out, "Pierce the sun and the moon with one breath!"


The huge shock exploded, Xuanhuang was shaken, the rocks shattered, the earth collapsed, and the power of the blow shocked the stars.

The next moment, a blood shadow flew out of the car.

"Blood and rain are falling to the bone, and the autumn wind is covered with frost and snow is white. People are so crazy that they don't have any regrets. Only Hongfeng has given her life."

Blood rain, flying snow, and falling maple fell at the same time, forming a strange scene.

And in the snow, a young man wearing a red robe, with blood-red hair, a strange appearance, and a blood drop carved between his brows slowly turned around.

He was holding a blood-colored folding fan in his hand, which depicted a tragic battlefield, with corpses piled up like a mountain, broken soldiers standing like grass and trees, and the meandering river was also pooled with blood.

"Blood shadow without a trace Yinqiu Kuang, born in the sea of ​​blood outside the universe, ghost dragon king, long time no see."

Yuan Wuji nodded slightly, with a mysterious smile on his lips.

"It's really hard to see Your Excellency." Gui Qizhu shrugged, "However, what is the sea of ​​blood outside the universe that Your Excellency is talking about?"

"If the ghost unicorn wants to witness, then we must complete our transaction with peace of mind."

Gui Qizhu frowned slightly, but his expression remained unchanged, "It seems that the world of elves will be the key."

"The Ghost Dragon King really deserves to be the wisdom of the Babu people. The gate of the blood universe will open in the elf world. The Babu people are numerous and powerful, and their notoriety spread far and wide. So I chose to cooperate with the Babu people, but my patience is limited."

Having said that, Yuan Wuji raised three fingers, "Three days, if you don't complete the task in three days, you will feel the real anger of Xueyu. Don't forget, the dragon heads of the Elven World and Tianwu Canyon can be unsealed." , Whose help did you get?"

As soon as the words fell, Yuan Wuji suddenly raised his arms to the sky, and then one day the blood-colored dragon jumped out, and the whole Xuanhuang Island was attacked by a powerful storm again, and then the angry dragon roared, and suddenly rushed towards the ghost lord.

"Huh?" The ghost unicorn asked in surprise, before he had time to think about the meaning of the other party's words, the extreme move had already been used, and at the same time the Senluo white bone fan disappeared in his hand, replaced by a dark and evil blade, "Baxuanwu·Yan Huangzhan! "


Once again, the shocking explosion, the powerful impact of both sides, the sea around Xuanhuang Island boiled for a moment, bursting into the sky, countless creatures died at this moment, and the blood stained the hundreds of miles of sea.

After the explosion, the Blood River Chariot has disappeared, and Yin Qiukuang has also disappeared. As for a voice echoing, "Ghost Dragon King, I will come to Xuanhuang Island again in three days. I can give you a chance to be reborn, and I can take it back again." your life."

After a long time, the violent sea gradually returned to calm, and the scarlet blood gradually dissipated with the surging water, making Xuanhuang Island even more messy.

"It's interesting to threaten the eight tribes."

The evil blade disappeared from the hands of the ghost unicorn master, and the Bone Senluo fan shook gently, his eyes revealed deep thought, "Is it the blood universe? The hidden power of the plight, the ghost is curious if it is true as you said, and there are two dragon heads that seem to be unsealed." It has something to do with him, what does it mean? Maybe it's time to talk to Chi Luo."

Just as the ghost unicorn was contemplating, he heard a cold and solemn voice again.

"What is wrong with the heavens and the earth is not judged by black and white, what is not committed by criminals and ghosts, what is broken by the sun and the moon is not broken. Confucianism, ruthlessness, Confucianism and selflessness."

The sonorous poem came, and a majestic figure approached with strides.

"Yu Ming Dan Xin Jun Feng Tian, ​​see you again after a long time."

The ghost unicorn looked at the person in front of him, and seemed to be full of emotion.

"Where's the jade scripture?"

Jun Fengtian's expression was indifferent, and the righteous sword behind his back was agitated. If it wasn't for Yu Lijing's safety, he would have cut it down with a single sword to clear away the evil atmosphere.

"Ha, Yu Lijing is the son of the ghost, so don't bother the young master of Xianmen to worry about it."

Ghost Qizhu let out a chuckle and said flatly.

"Huh?" Jun Fengtian frowned, and said indifferently, "I'll ask you again, where is the Jade Lijing?"

"Ouch!" Ghost Qizhu took a step back and said in surprise: "Jun Fengtian, you are so majestic!"

Looking at Jun Fengtian whose eyes were getting colder and colder, the ghost unicorn suddenly sneered, "Yu Lijing is my son, why is it not your turn to take care of Jun Fengtian, I'd better leave if I lack you, otherwise, you I am afraid that the young master of the Xianmen will stay here forever."

"You can give it a try."

Jun Fengtian's expression remained unchanged, and he shouted, with a magnanimous momentum.

Now he is countless times stronger than before.

"Hmph!" Ghost Qizhu snorted coldly, "I want to save my son now, I don't have time to play with you, so I will spare your life for my son's sake today."

"To save Li Jing, I have to be present."

Jun Fengtian didn't take half a step back, because he didn't trust the ghost unicorn master.

At the beginning, the ghost unicorn threatened Li Jing with his life, but this time, it would never be so simple. With his character, he would definitely tamper with Yu Li Jing, which was something Jun Fengtian would never allow to happen.

Although it is said that Yulijing is the son of his enemy, Guizhu, Yulijing was raised by him since he was a baby. Although Yuxiao died, in his opinion, Yulijing is the child of him and his junior sister .

Even the ghost unicorn can't take it away.

 It's the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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