Chapter 487

"Supreme God Godless!"

Changri Kunzhen finally showed his killing style, with a sword reaching to the god, as if piercing through the void, pointing directly at the primordial spirit.

"The Sword of Guizong!"

Yupo also uses God to control the sword, reappearing the quadruple sword realm.

The two figures flashed and intertwined in an instant.

The divine sword shone with lightning, and the magic sword carried corrosive power. With a clang, an invisible sound wave oscillated, Chang Ri Kun only felt numbness in the palm of his hand, and Mingshen seemed to tremble.

"Hmph! Any divine weapon can only be destroyed by Fengli sword, Jianzong, you are about to lose!"

Yupo sneered, the Separation Sword has two abilities of corrosion and shattering, and it is most suitable for magic weapons. Even though it is famous as the best weapon of Weixuanlong, it is still difficult to escape the restraint of its material.

Of course, the sword made by Ling Jueding is not that simple, even if it is restrained, it will not shatter so quickly.

The Peerless Excalibur is the Peerless Excalibur after all.

"If you want me to lose, you speak too soon!"

Chang Ri Kun's eyes turned cold, and his sword style became more and more fierce and tricky. The supreme sword state achieved at the cost of ruthlessness and ruthlessness was even more ruthless. There were no complicated sword moves, and the moves were deadly.

The two swords kept clashing, and the sword marks on the two of them became more and more, and the blood gradually stained their clothes.

On the mountain peak, Fengyue Morong took a deep look at both sides, and then secretly prepared to sneak into the Earth Sea Castle.

Since he was unable to kill the enemy at this time, he could only use tricks.

For the mother, this is nothing.

And this time, is the best opportunity.

The lonely castle in Earth Sea is the same as before.

The only thing missing is the graceful and luxurious peony Fengyuelin.

"The concubine's hair is the king's silk, the king's skin is my clothes, and the concubine's heart is the king's tailor, and the king's heart can't be summoned."

Suddenly, a faint sound came from behind the rockery.

Afterwards, holding the needle in one hand and supporting the human skin in the other, Di Huyao walked out slowly with her waist twisted.

"It's you!"

Fengyue Morong's eyes turned cold, and said coldly: "Today's trip, anyone who stands in my way will die!"

In addition, Fengyue Morong remembered that the person in front of him tortured him during the days when he was imprisoned.

"Fengyue Morong, you have wasted your master's tolerance for you. Today, I will let you die here!"

Di Huyao snorted coldly, and the flying needle had already shot out along the ten fingers.

"If you want to die, I will send you a ride!"

Fengyue Morong didn't want to waste time here, since he can't move forward now, he can only get rid of those who stand in his way.

The killing intent flickered in his eyes, and the next moment, the Misty Rain sword came out, and the sword energy fell from the sky like rain.

But Di Huyao's Yin-Worship Sword appeared in her hand, and her internal calamity was circulating, her kung fu increased by [-]% in an instant, and at the same time, her eyes shone with strange light. One of the five supernatural powers, the Taixu Eye, was invisible, disturbing the mind and mind, and disrupting the five senses.

"Feng Yan Jian Yu Ren Wuhen!"

Fengyue Morong didn't want to waste time, and the first move was the ultimate move.

But this time, his sword was off.

The sword fell to the ground, Fengyue Morong turned around to block it, and stepped back three steps immediately, "How could this be?"

Fengyue Mo Rongwu felt the influence of Taixuyan's power and invisible influence, but at this moment, he hadn't discovered the source of the influence, but the killing intent in Dihuyao's eyes became stronger and stronger.

"Your strength has indeed improved, but the ending still cannot be changed."

Fengyue Morong's voice was cold, and the next moment, Jiang Chao came out from behind, with the sword in his hand, and a powerful aura erupted, "Tianyun Fulan destroys the residual thunder!"

With the sword and sword coming out, Fengyue Morong's breath became more and more fierce, and the whole body was full of vigor, like a storm sweeping all directions.

"The evil sword steals the heart and kills!"

Di Huyao snorted coldly, and with the same luck, a strange sword energy shot out.


There was a loud noise, forcing the same move.

If it was before, Di Huyao would never be able to fight Fengyue Morong without helpers, but now it is different from the past, the Hei Tianshu has a unique robbery power, the stronger Yuan Wuji is the robber, the stronger the true energy that penetrates into the robber's body, making Di Huyao had a qualitative change.

It was only three steps back, and there was no obvious trend of defeat.

"Too blind!"

Di Huyao's eyes shimmered again, and she looked at Fengyue Morong for a moment, and the invisible influence was produced again. Immediately, the two swords exchanged swords, but it was only dozens of moves. It doesn't feel right.

If it was the opponent's ability for the first time, the next few times were coincidences, but the continuous mistakes proved that this was not a coincidence, but a calculation.

"Small tricks don't make it into the hall of elegance!"

Fengyue Morong snorted coldly, as if aware of her opponent's eyes, and then her eyes were closed suddenly, she no longer relied on her eyes, only relying on the sense of the sword, after several moves, it was difficult for Di Huyao to hurt her opponent.

"What a Fengyue Morong, I didn't expect you to break the trick with this."

Di Huyao's expression was a little dignified, and the robbery power in her body was raised again, filling the hidden veins all over her body, "Juexin sword!"

The next moment, Di Huyao took the initiative to strike out, this sword was actually a sword move of Splitting Fengyue Morong, wanting to pierce the heart with a sword.

Just when the two were about to win, the battle of the supreme swordsmen outside the isolated castle in the sea of ​​land also reached its final moment.

"Three realms in one form, as if lost in the sky!"

Chang Ri Kun's eyes froze, body and sword merged, sword and heart merged, heart and spirit merged.

In an instant, the wind stopped, and everything seemed to be stagnant.

What is the sword of lore?

It was a sword that could kill even himself.

Unfeeling, desperate, desperate.

The world was divided in an instant, as if turning into black and white, and life within a hundred miles was extinct.

Chang Ri Kunzhen disappeared, because now he has completely become a cold and ruthless sword, not a human being.

At this moment, there is only one sword in the world.

Yupo looked appreciative, but at the same time Changri Kunyi made his move, he also no longer kept it.

"All Laws Return to the Source · All Things Transformation Sword · Breaking the Pole!"

The fifth level of the Invisible Sword of Congenital Breaking Body is also the first time the last sword has appeared in the world.

The moment the sword came out, the entire void was cracked inch by inch, and the two of them were directly in the void universe.

The word "broken" does not break the body, but the celestial body and space.

This sword directly shattered the void.

Even the void storm was silently disappearing in an instant, unable to disturb the two of them.

"Hahaha! Your strength really amazes me, so I'm so happy!"

Chang Ri Kun was laughing, but there was no emotion in the laugh.

"I am equally happy to fight with you!"

Yupo's words were equally icy cold, at this moment the formless essence in his body completely turned into sword energy, and the person became a sword man.

The two voices just fell.

At the same time, it turned into a divine sword that opened up the world and came to hedge.

One has the power to kill the sky, and the other breaks the pole, as if it can penetrate time and space.

At this moment, all the people in adversity seemed to see two meteors colliding.

The successive changes are unexpected.


Accompanied by a silent roar.

In an instant, the sky and the earth were blazing white.

The night seemed to turn into day.

Inside the Solitary Castle of Earth Sea, Di Huyao and Fengyue Morong, who were on the verge of performing their unique moves, vomited blood at the same time. The next moment, the acupuncture points all over their bodies burst, and the blood stains in the depths stained their entire bodies red, and the two were thrown without any resistance. out.

And in the dungeon, because of the special boulders blocking them, although Fengyuelin's daughters died, they all vomited blood under this invisible shock, and the confinement in their bodies was also shattered under this shock.

The power of a sword shakes the stars and shakes the ground, enough to be close to God!
 Starting early in the morning, it will be a double monthly ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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