Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 497 Ancient Weishenglian 【August Monthly Ticket 8th Plus】

Chapter 497 Ancient Weishenglian 【August Monthly Ticket Fifth Plus】

Very Jun pressed his palm on the huge Anyang, circulated the majestic true energy, aroused the power of Anyang, and pressed down hard.

The blood-red darkness became deeper and deeper, and the power of blood darkness pervading around it became thicker. As the darkness sank, the space below was fragmented. Under this strong pressure, the earth even printed a ten-foot-deep hole The huge round pit, surrounded by round boulders, is extremely strange.

And the lower page of the book is even more trapped in a hundred feet, and the huge golden lotus above the head is covered with cracks, which may collapse at any time.

In the previous life drama, Mr. Fei used to suppress all the cloud whales with dark yang, which shows its power.

Of course, the main reason is that One Page Book wants to control the scattered blood and dark power, otherwise it would not be so embarrassing.

After being oppressed by the very king, Tianjiao Zhan Tianjiao deviates and hits An Yang.

The fierce tiger soul slammed into An Yang fiercely, opening its huge mouth to bite. At this moment, the balance was broken, completely detonating the already surging blood dark power.

In the blink of an eye, waves of majestic blood and darkness surged out, sweeping in all directions.

The terrifying power is obviously intended to devour all living beings in its path.

If this catastrophe breaks out, the impact may be even more terrifying than the five blood-dark catastrophes spread by the earth and underworld before, and it will involve a wider area.

Anyang was originally condensed out of the death, blood, and evil spirits of hundreds of thousands of people who were killed and injured by the five disasters. If it really broke out, Fang Yuan's life would not survive for thousands of miles, and even the entire Shenzhou would be greatly affected, losing balance, causing Continuous ground fissures, sky fires, ecological imbalance, and other far-reaching disasters.

At that time, the casualties will not only be tens of thousands, but will be a catastrophe for the entire Chinese people generation after generation.

But for this point, both the very king and Zhan Tianjiao are unmoved. They have no common people in their hearts, let alone righteousness and kindness, and they still focus on grabbing the control of Anyang.

The two of them ignored it, and a page of books would never allow this to happen.

Looking at the power of blood and darkness pouring out like a torrential river, a page of books must be stopped.

The wisdom of a page of a book cannot be underestimated. He took a deep breath, the thoughts turned in his mind, and he made a decision soon.

"Shackles of the Buddha's words!"

One page of the book narrowed his eyes, and a series of Buddha chains shot out from behind, which directly trapped Zhan Tianjiao and Fei Jun. The three people's Yuan Gong was passed through the Buddha chain, and they were in a stalemate for a while, unable to move.

"One page, what do you want to do?"

At this time, a bad feeling rose in the very gentleman's heart. He wanted to leave here, but the Yuan Gong was sucked, at least for a moment and he couldn't move.Can't help but ask.

But Zhan Tianjiao's eyes were scarlet, resisting the pressure forcefully, and calmly looking for a way to break the move.

Infinity's eyes flickered out of the battle circle, and his mind was inexplicable, watching the development of the situation.

"I think, what did you see in your eyes when you were at the top of the world?"

A page of the book slowly raised his head to look at Mr. Fei. A golden Buddha chain was tied to each of his hands, which connected Mr. Fei and Tianjiao Zhan respectively.

Knowing that he couldn't get out of trouble for the time being, Mr. Wei calmed down, snorted coldly, and said proudly: "Of course it's the scenery, the most beautiful scenery in the world."

At this point, a page of the book suddenly shouted, "Wrong! If you have this thought, you will go astray and you are not worthy of being a human being."

The voice of a page of the book was deafening, and continued: "The mountain below the peak of man has never been a landscape, but thousands of suffering beings stretching out their hands to call. They regard you as driftwood, but you regard them as beautiful scenery. From the beginning, you didn't have the qualifications to be the most human being, Xuanzun Jiutian made the right choice."

"One page book!"

The very gentleman roared, his eyes were burning with rage, and the most human being and Jiutian Xuanzun aroused the greatest resentment and evil thoughts in the very heart of the very gentleman.

"Wrong, you are wrong even with one page of the book." At this moment, Zhan Tianjiao said suddenly, his hoarse voice contained tyranny, "Human nature is complicated, where there is generosity, there is selfishness, where there is light, there is darkness, you have to save the common people It is your way, and it is my mission to kill the common people."

"Evil, until now, is still stubborn. If so, it shouldn't be left in the world."

Sensing the surging power of the blood-dark tide within the huge darkness, it is about to break through the barrier and descend on the world, without hesitation in a single page.

"Ancient Wei Shenglian!"

A page of the book let out a deep cry, and took a step back at the same time, the Buddha seal with the swastika swirls under its feet, and the ground with a radius of a hundred miles unexpectedly made a 'click' sound.

The next moment, in the astonished eyes of the three people, giant lotus petals appeared on the gray and white earth, which looked like a sky-high stone lotus.

This is the ultimate protection of Buddhism.

But this move is an invincible move to protect oneself, and now, Yi Yeshu has decided to use this move to suppress the demon lord who is evil and harms the world.

In an instant, one page of the book exhausted all the strength of his life, and the huge lotus petals closed layer by layer, wrapping the immobile three people and the imminent eruption of darkness.

Looking at the scene in front of him infinitely, there was both joy and gloom on his face.

The good news is that all three opponents will be suppressed, but the bad news is that An Yang will also be sealed among them.

But soon Wu Wu sneered, and murmured: "The power of blood and darkness can burst into the power of being close to God, and there are two of them inside, one page of book, you can't trap them for long."

"The so-called destiny is not glory, but responsibility. Even if there is no destiny, as a human being, you should shoulder the responsibility of being a human being. If you abandon the responsibility of being a human being, then you will perish!"

As the last words fell, the layers of lotus petals were completely closed, leaving no gaps.

The escaping power of blood darkness was cut off in an instant, becoming water without a source, and gradually dissipated.

And that destructive coercion also disappeared as Shi Lian closed.

Inside the huge deep pit, there is only a huge stone lotus growing on it.

"Haha! It's a great way to sacrifice yourself for others!"

Looking at Shi Lian, infinite eyes showed sarcasm, "It's a pity!"


Yuan Wuji naturally sensed what happened to Zhan Tianjiao.

But as the stone lotus closed and isolated from the outside world, the ultimate protection of the Buddhist sect actually cut off the connection between Yuan Wuji and the evil spirit.

This made Yuan Wuji's face change slightly.

"Gu Wei Sheng Lian is worthy of being the ultimate protection method of Buddhism. It is indeed mysterious. Although I can't know everything through the eyes of the evil soul, I can still sense the state of the evil soul. As long as the Gu Wei Sheng lotus is broken, it should be able to recover again. Connection control."

In the end, Yuan Wuji was also a little uncertain.

Because of the nature of the evil soul and the influence of the fierceness of the tiger soul, the evil soul was originally made to act extremes, but it belongs to him, so it can naturally be controlled, but now it is isolated in the ancient Weisheng lotus, Yuan Wuji can't guarantee that it will happen What.

However, these were quickly forgotten by Yuan Wuji. No matter what happened in the end, he was confident that he would return to the original track, which was due to his strength.

"It's infinite..."

 The third update is the fifth update for the August monthly pass!
(End of this chapter)

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