Chapter 547
On Shiliu Island, the blood sacrifice plan of Gongsunyue and Die Xiaoyue by the evil god of Baqi was terminated by Heidi.

The Ming King of Xie Prison and the King of Yu Xie fell one after another.

In particular, the evil soul of the dark truth was purified, and the other eight tribes lost a general.

Repeated failures caused the evil god of Baqi, Xiao, to fall into a rage.

Xiao was already impulsive and irritable, with a violent personality, how could he bear such stimulation.

"Damn Yunhai Xianmen, damn Jiutian Xuanzun!"

"When the deity returns, the first one to be destroyed will be your Yunhai Xianmen!"

The huge dragon's head swayed wildly under the ground, causing the entire Shiliu Island to be turbulent and turbulent.

And inside one of the dragon heads, the two consciousnesses continued to clash.

"No wonder you sit back and watch Fengdu Xie Shao's death, it turns out that there is someone behind you."

Tian Huizong said indifferently, during this time, Yuan Zheng had recovered with the dead puppet and got rid of the control of evil energy in his body.

As for the fall of the dark truth, it has no effect on him. Even if the king of the evil prison Ming that he hand-picked was killed, Tianhuizong remained calm as usual.

And this is the character of Tian Huizong, who has nothing to do with himself.

Therefore, except for himself, other souls do not know Yuan Wuji's existence, because he is very curious about what Yuan Wuji wants to do.

"The eight tribes lost the second in a row, but the Tianhui Sect is indifferent." Fear manifested Yuan Wuji's image, and replied indifferently.

"If your strength is weak, you will not die unjustly. I am very curious. How dare you, a human being, plot against me? Who gave you the confidence and what is your purpose?"

Tian Huizong was full of confidence. He was influenced by Yuan Wuji without knowing it before, but now that the other party has been exposed, he will never give anyone another chance.

Moreover, he was not worried about what Yuan Wuji's soul could do here.

Because, his soul alone is enough to suppress Yuan Wuji's soul, this is the confidence of being a god.

"Ha! Then I can't let Tian Huizong down!"

Although it is said that Horror has made great progress during this period of time, but the Eight Qi Cthulhu, or the ultimate physical misfortune, is the true god, so the Eight Paths Separation Soul is close to the god level.

Yuan Wuji's soul strength has not yet reached the god level, so naturally he cannot have a real impact on the evil god Baqi, and it is even more impossible to completely occupy the Tianhui sect.

But Yuan Wuji never thought about what he could do with a single soul. He is here mainly to analyze the source of the power of the evil god and the special nature of the god. If he faces the evil god of Baqi in the future, he will also be able to know himself and the enemy.

The two souls continued to be deadlocked.

One is curious, the other is spying.

A special calm was formed.


the other side.

The Youjie, which has been silent for a long time, is rekindled today.

Accompanied by a huge roar, unprecedented shocks occurred in the entire Netherworld.

"In the age of the end of the Dharma, evil wings swept across the world and the sea of ​​hell. The heaven and the earth mourned, and the flames of war ignited the fire and the dragon disaster."

The violent evil wind swept in along the entrance of the Nether Realm, and the brutal force tore through layers of barriers, hitting the core of the Nether Realm.

In an instant.

Earthquakes and storms struck at the same time, countless buildings were destroyed, and ghosts were blown into dust by the bone erosion storm.

"Who dares to invade the Netherworld?"

In the Holy Land of Pregnancy and Birth, Jiuying was furious.

After all, pregnant women are always irritable.

Without hesitation, Jiuying stepped forward.

"Blood is flowing all over the country, and thousands of miles of red land are cold. The devil is a sin of nature, and the lives of the people are burned."

Cold words came from the depths of the Netherworld, and immediately a woman in a luxurious dress stepped out coldly.

And behind her, there are many Youjie demon generals and demon soldiers. For today's situation, they are all monsters.

But, besides that, Mo Rong has long been waiting in secret, which is another trump card and confidence of Jiuying.

After the death of the Demon King, she is the only one who can mobilize the Demon King.

"Jiuying, you actually joined forces with the Righteous Path to plot against the Eight Tribes. Today you will pay for your mistakes!"

Dianbian Jialuo snorted coldly, and said directly, the words were filled with murderous intent.


Jiu Ying frowned first, but then thought of some possibility, "Is it infinite?"

Jiuying knew that Yun Huizi had to rely on infinite power, so this was the only place where he would provoke the Babu people.

Thinking of this, Jiuying couldn't help but sink in his heart. If this is the case, the Eight Tribes must be more than just Mianbian Jialuo. Jiuying secretly notified Yuan Wuji and Infinity immediately.

After Teng She, who was secretly monitoring Youjie and Jiuying, noticed the situation, he used the power of the dream world to show everything that happened in Youjie to Yuan Wuji's mind.

Yuan Wuji who was lying on the hospital bed frowned suddenly.

"The eight tribes didn't continue to target the dragon head, but ran to Youjie instead."

Yuan Wuji murmured, and then his eyes fixed, "Youjie still has value, but we can't tolerate the destruction of the Eight Tribes, um..."

"Furthermore, Youjie has already belonged to Yiyu's subordinates in name, and Yiyu is my disciple. The Eight Tribes want to destroy Youjie, so they want to slap me in the face!"

"However, with Jiuying's character, he will definitely notify Unlimited."

With a thought in his mind, Yuan Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly, "Unlimited, it's time to test you, but I don't think you will reveal anything here, so Confucianism may also participate."

"Well... Tell Yi Yu the news again. No matter what, Yi Yu is now the co-lord of the three clans, so she should take this responsibility."

"I'll guide Hua Xiao Chaowu to accompany me to Youjie to watch the excitement later."

Yuan Wuji made a decision and started to act.

Seeing that Yuan Wuji, who was still lying on the bed just now, could move freely now, Hua Xiao Zhaowu suddenly realized that she had been cheated and made herself feel sad, so her small mouth couldn't help pouting.

Hua Xiao Zhaowu has been a beauty embryo since she was a child, especially her small mouth was very small even later, and now it is even more cute when she pouts.

This made Yuan Wuji's heart itchy, and he always wanted to taste the red rouge secretly, but Hua Xiao Zhaowu would not give him a chance to take advantage of it, instead he 'beat' him violently.

Soon Yuan Wuji led the matter to You Jie.

Although Hua Xiao Chaowu was worried about Yuan Wuji's injury, but under Yuan Wuji's repeated assurances, he would never do anything, so he agreed to go with him.


On the other side, Unlimited, who was waiting for Yun Huizi to recover and would lose his dragon head, first received a message from Baiyi Xuehun, and soon received a message from the Nine Infants Secret Technique, which made him unable to continue to ignore it.

If Jiuying didn't tell him, he could pretend that he didn't know, but if he told him, he would pretend that he didn't know, and it would definitely become the biggest flaw in revealing his identity.

Unless Jiuying falls in this battle, don't give her a chance to speak.


Infinity narrowed his eyes slightly. He must be a person who puts his hopes on others, and he doesn't think that Jiuying will not inform Yuan Wuji about such a big matter. If he ignores it, he will be exposed.

Thinking of this, Unlimited pretended to be shocked and got up, "It's not good, the Holy Mother has sent a message, the eight tribes have invaded the Nether Realm, and the Nether Realm is in danger."


Yun Huizi, who was on the sidelines, opened his eyes, with a serious expression on his face, and he understood the reason after a little thought, "It seems that I asked you to prevent King Yasha Xiao from helping Andi and others last time, so that Andi died here This matter completely enraged the Babu people."

"Eight tribes."

Yu Lijing was also discussing with Yun Huizi at first, but when he heard about this, he couldn't help but think of his father, Gui Qizhu.

The ghost unicorn was born in Youjie, and now that the eight tribes have started to target Youjie, it means that the ghost unicorn also acquiesces and even participates.

Having figured this out, Yu Lijing suddenly said solemnly, "Yun Zun, it's important that you recover first, and I will settle this matter with Infinity and the others."

Soon, Yu Lijing went to Youjie together with Infinity and Jian Langya.

The others did not bring the Jade Lijing, because he was worried that he would be transferred from the mountain by the eight tribes.

This kind of thing has already happened once, and the Confucian sect must have enough power to deal with various accidents.

 Thank you: Dao Dao Throne, God Demon Saint King are occupied, Du Tian Shen Sha Zhou Tian Xing Chen and other Taoist friends for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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