Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 549 It’s Not Enemies Who Don’t Get Together [September Monthly Ticket 9]

Chapter 549 It’s Not Enemies Who Don’t Get Together [September Monthly Ticket 9]

"Zonghengzi, what do you think?"

Without waiting for Jiuying to speak, Lord Guiqi suddenly turned his head to look at Zonghengzi with playfulness and scrutiny.

They naturally knew that the relationship between Zonghengzi and Yuan Wuji was delicate.

This is both a test and a conspiracy.

If Zonghengzi chooses not to kill Jiuying, he will naturally turn against the Babu people because of this. This is the way to die.

But if Zonghengzi chooses to kill Jiuying, he is destined to offend Yuan Wuji.

In the view of Gui Qizhu, Yuan Wuji may not have much affection for Jiuying, but now he has one dead body and two lives. Killing Jiuying is equivalent to killing Yuan Wuji's son, even though the relationship between Zonghengzi and Yuan Wuji is not simple , is also destined to turn his face.

"Heh... really ruthless!"

Zonghengzi glanced at Ghost Qizhu and Bianjialuo, Zonghengzi naturally knew what they were thinking, but he was not afraid of offending Yuan Wuji, so he said indifferently, "Since they are enemies, there is nothing wrong with killing them."

"Zonghengzi, you..."

Jiuying's complexion changed, and he pointed at Zongheng and trembled angrily, "You are really unfamiliar white-eyed wolves, Youjie treats you with the utmost benevolence, but you..."

"Holy Mother, when I cooperated with Infinity, I just took what I needed. I got what I wanted, and without you, you also eradicated Kui Yujiang as you wished. There is no debt to each other, so there is no kindness."

Zonghengzi tossed his robe and said indifferently.

Jiuying suddenly looked desperate, "Could it be that I will die here?"

In an instant, Jiuying's mind flooded with memories, from the time when the front demon sword was lacking to slaughter the demon city in Xitu, to marry the demon king to protect the demon city, to give birth to infinite and Suzaku clothes, and then to have an ambiguous relationship with the ghost unicorn master. After the war, he was rescued by Du Yuan, the scar of the wind, and just returned to the Youjie to sleep.

After waking up again and returning, he met Yuan Wuji.

Demon Slayer!
The origin of yin and yang bipolar!
All betrayed!

In the end, he was persecuted step by step and had to succumb to the coercion.

Finally, because of the other party's child, he once again seized part of the rights, but unexpectedly, he was on the way to the end.

In a life of haste, Jiuying thought that his two children were alienated from him.

Or if she didn't even have to plot against her own children, perhaps she wouldn't have betrayed her relatives and ended up like this.

Jiuying's hand landed on her lower abdomen, as if she could feel the little life inside.

In a daze, Jiu Ying seemed to see Yi'er throwing herself into her arms, and Wu Wu was as submissive as before.

In the flowers and green fields, clothes dance gracefully, and the infinite tragedies rarely become cheerful.

And in her hand was holding a small hand.

Peace, tranquility, happiness.

Undisturbed by the world.

Jiuying laughed, she actually had such an idea.

Is it funny, or sad?

"Jiu Ying, it seems that no one will intercede for you, so please sacrifice your life!"

With a ruthless sneer on the corner of Ghost Qi's mouth, he walked slowly to Jiuying, and looked down at Jiuying.

Back then, Jiuying saw him like this, and he had to remain respectful in front of Jiuying, but now that the mission is over, everything is different.

As the ghost unicorn master raised his palm, his strength was secretly stored, and the memories in his eyes melted into coldness.

He thought back then that Huan Ling died in front of him, and everything was due to the scheme of the person in front of him.

The hatred in my heart was ignited again.

"Huan Ling, I have avenged you for my husband!"

The ghost unicorn master's eyes were fixed, and he suddenly swiped down with a fierce palm.

At the moment of death.

A brilliant golden gun suddenly pierced the sky, approaching the ghost unicorn.

As the murderous intent approached, Gui Qizhu stepped a little, and then stepped back a few steps. The Senluo White Bone Fan in his hand slammed like a sharp weapon of a magic weapon, and immediately sent out a deafening blow.


Shen Duo whirled in the air for a few weeks, and suddenly stood in front of Jiuying. Immediately, the cold poetry sounded, and a heroic figure, like Chang'e in the moon, came on the waves accompanied by the sound of the tide.

"The sea is vast and the waves are turbulent, and the leftover pearl shines alone in the deep darkness. In the southern and northern corners of the Forbidden City, jade rings turn into the moon to lead the night sky."

"It's you—the Jade from the Forbidden City!"

Lord Ghost Qi narrowed his eyes slightly, he was no stranger to the Jade of the Forbidden City, after all, he had stayed in the world of elves for a while, and the Jade of the Forbidden City was the one he had witnessed ascending to the throne with his own eyes.

The statue of the Eight Banners Martial God was also destroyed once in her hands, the other party's strength is well known to the Ghost Qi Master.

"I didn't expect you to protect Jiuying. It's really unexpected for ghosts!"

The hatred between the elves and the netherworld.

The grievances between Tianzhizhu and Jiuying.

And Jiuying is a stumbling block in front of her to truly unify the Netherworld.

The ghost unicorn really didn't expect that the jade from the Forbidden City would come to Youjie, and even saved Jiuying.

At this moment, Jiuying stared at the seemingly thin back of the Forbidden City Relic in a daze, and his mind was full of thoughts.

She was thankful that the reinforcements had arrived, but also felt ashamed that she was actually rescued by the little baby she could control at will.

However, at this moment, the Forbidden City Relic Jade didn't have the mind to pay attention to Jiuying's thoughts.

"Jiuying is my Holy Mother of Youjie. Since I am the co-lord of Jing, You, and Beiyu, I cannot allow you to hurt my people."

Remaining Jade from the Forbidden City said in a cold voice, these days of training, although her face is still pretty, it also gave her a real majesty.

On the opposite side, Zong Hengzi stared blankly at the young man who was curiously looking around at the Forbidden City Relict Jade.

"Like! Really like!"

Zonghengzi's first impression is that the boy in front of him is very similar to Yulinling when he was young, the same mischievousness, same curiosity about everything.

And the induction between the blood makes him understand that the young man in front of him is his nephew——Yu Xiao.

This is the first time Zonghengzi sees Yuxiao.

Although his heart was full of excitement, Zonghengzi still forcibly stabilized his emotions, not wanting to be discovered by Ghost Qizhu and others, thus endangering Yuxiao's safety.

But even so, he still pays attention to Yu Xiao from time to time.

"Strange, why does this person always seem to look at me? And why do I feel a sense of closeness in him?"

Yu Xiao was also full of doubts. After a while, a terrifying thought suddenly appeared in her mind, "Could he be the irresponsible villain that mother said? Could he be my father?"

Thinking of her mother's frequent curses, Yu Xiao didn't have a good impression of her so-called father, and she was even more affectionate than He Yiyu's adoptive father, who was also the uncle.

And that uncle treats him better, if only the uncle was his father, as for his irresponsible real father, if he meets him, he must arrest him and let his mother vent her anger.

At this moment, Yu Xiao looked at Zonghengzi with unkind eyes, which made Zonghengzi stunned, feeling a little baffled.

"Little girl, since you insist on getting into this muddy water, don't blame the ghosts for being merciless."

The ghost unicorn snorted coldly, hiding his killing intent.

After finally having this opportunity to get rid of Jiuying, how could the Ghost Qi Lord let it go easily.

Missing this opportunity, with Jiuying's prudence, it may be even more difficult to do next time.

"The little ghost of the fairy gate."

At this moment, Dian Bianjia Luo's eyes also fell on Yu Xiao. Although Yu Xiao had grown up a lot since he captured him from the fairy gate, he still recognized at a glance that this was the person he had grown up with. The little ghost snatched by Xianmen sneered twice, "Yun Huizi dared to kill Yuxie King, I will make him regret it, let's sacrifice your little life today!"

At this moment, Yu Xiao didn't care to pay attention to the person who was suspected to be her biological father, and her eyes fell on Mibian Jialuo. Not only did she not have any fear on her face, but she felt eager to try, "So it's you, the bone bird man, but you didn't Have you ever heard the saying '30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor'?"

"My young master is no longer what it used to be, and today I just want to seek revenge from you."

Yu Xiao was catalyzed by Long Yuan, and her foundation also exploded, appearing full of confidence.

"Huh? Dian Bian Jia Luo targeted Yu Xiao?"

On the side, Zonghengzi narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold light appeared in his eyes.

This is the younger sister's son, he had already sorry for the younger sister once, but now there are still people who dare to bully the younger sister's son.

 The third change, the September monthly pass is completed, and the fifth change of the monthly pass is still short, but it will be added tomorrow!
(End of this chapter)

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