Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 586 Saying Goodbye and Sighing Strangely

Chapter 586 Saying Goodbye and Sighing Strangely

In the Huanhuang Pool, the empress raised her arms, and as the loose robe slipped off, Ruyu's feet slowly stepped into the warm water.

The mist rises from the pool and diffuses in all directions.

The sky above the entire pool fell into a hazy state, looming.

At this time, there was a slight sound of footsteps, approaching the pool without hesitation.

"Sister, since you're here, let's go together!"

The world leaned on the jade bi, squinted and said.

"Sister is so excited!"

Fu Yeyu Jiao Niang smiled coquettishly, but she didn't shy away from it. After all, the two had been living in the Touching Mountain Nether Palace and had been together for countless years, so they immediately untied their robes and stepped into the pool.

The two greeted each other for a while, and after a while, Fu Yeyu Jiao Niang suddenly said, "Sister, what do you think of Yuan Wuji?"

Yan Tianxia still squinted his eyes, leaned on the jade, and said lazily: "In front of me, Yimei doesn't have to hide it."

"In this way, the younger sister will speak bluntly."

Fu Yeyu Jiao Niang smiled slightly, and said directly: "I don't think this person has any reverence for my sister, and he is glib and likes to show off, so he is not someone who can cooperate stably."

"Oh, even your sister thinks so?"

Zhuo Tianxia raised his arm, and the water flowed down the jade arm, showing a rare lazy posture.

The extremely powerful empress showed such a gesture, but it's a pity that Fu Yeyu Jiaoniang was the only one admiring the beautiful scenery in front of her.

"It seems that my sister already understands in her heart that it is my sister who is talking too much."

Fu Yeyu Jiao Niang's eyes flickered slightly, and she said with a smile.

"How come, I should be happy to have such a caring sister like you."

Ji Tianxia stared at Fu Yeyu Jiaoniang with piercing eyes, and his slender fingers landed on Fu Yeyu Jiaoniang's cheek, falling along the water drops.


the other side.

Yuan Wuji himself is about to rush to the Sword Sealing Pagoda.

The effect of rejuvenation is still the same, but Yuan Wuji's bones squirm, allowing him to restore his original appearance.

"I remember that in the previous life drama, when Que Chensi came to Zanghuiju, Zhe Tianchang gave him the "Ming Qi Wu Dian" for safekeeping, so that he must know the whereabouts of Qi Qi and Wang Xiaoran's family."

Compared to the role of Ming Qi martial arts, it is better to say that it is Yuan Wuji's obsession and interest in collecting martial arts.

He is now taking the road of becoming a god by martial arts, so he has to accommodate all martial arts as one furnace, and it is beneficial and harmless to have one more martial arts that suits his own martial arts and explains the mystery.

Not only Ming Qi Martial Arts, but also other exercises in adversity, he has been collecting.

The martial arts in the system will be deduced by the soul of the earth, and the chaff will be discarded to save the essence, and will be completely integrated into a complete system.

With the eight tribes causing troubles in China and the appearance of evil gods, Yuan Wuji also felt the pressure.

He is not afraid of the evil kings of the heavens, nor the evil god of Baqi, but if disaster occurs, he will be in danger.

What's more, he knew that there must be a god watching him above the six heavens.

Otherwise, Li Yu and Chen Yuan wouldn't have had an extra pair of six-day keys when they were born.

That was not only a warning to himself, but also a certain god in the realm of the six heavens left behind to counter him in advance.

"However, the earth soul has recently started to retreat, and has not checked the recent situation of Hongchenxue, Manli, Yuyu, and Chenyuan. It seems that I need to find time to return with my body and take a look at them."

After all, they are his wife and children, and they are extremely important to him. No matter what the gods of the Six Heavens Realm have planned, he will ask them to bear all the consequences.

At this time, even Yuan Wuji's master soul did not notice the abnormal state of the earth soul.

After all, it is a barrier of gods, and it cannot be easily broken through by mortals.

But as time goes by, Yuan Wuji will eventually notice something is wrong, but at the moment he has no doubts.

"Save the left morning star with one torch, and swallow hundreds of fish, dragons and monsters. Looking at Qi from the central plains at night, and there is Zhanlu sword leaning on the door."

Yuan Wuji stepped into the towering giant tower.

At the same time, a sword qi burst out from between the fingers, piercing through three thousand layers, one step like Qingming.

"Swallowing the vast expanse, spit out neon lights, swords and enemies, and amazed in the chest. Sigh, people are crazy in the sky and the sky."

On the top of the tower, Sword Master Feng Tan Xiqi also turned around slowly, with flowing purple hair and red and white robes, his demeanor remained the same.

"What a rarity!"

Sighing with a smile on Xiqi's lips, he said with emotion, "You have become stronger!"

When the chess player left the scene, the cooperation between the two also ended. They haven't seen each other in just a few months, but the other side has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In Tan Xiqi's eyes, the person in front of him has been making progress since he was born, and he, who was at the peak when he debuted, seems to have no end until now.

Although he learned the "innate body-breaking and invisible sword energy" from Yuan Wuji and perfected his own swordsmanship with the help of its mysteries, making himself a step above the swordsmanship, but his growth is not worth compared with the other party. Sneer.

He is advancing steadily, while the other party has been leaping forward.

Even with Tan Xiqi's keen sense of sword at this moment, he couldn't detect the opponent's depth.

"The progress of a swordsman requires the certification of a master, and it's time for you to go out."

Yuan Wuji glanced at Tan Xiqi, and he knew the details of the other party. Obviously, Tan Xiqi had reached a bottleneck again, that's why Yuan Wuji said so.

"That's exactly what I mean, but it seems that you have already picked an opponent for me!"

Tan Xiqi narrowed his eyes slightly, and said calmly, apparently thinking that Yuan Wuji's visit this time was for him to make a move.

"Wrong, I said that the kindness between me and you is over, so I won't ask you to do things for me. This time, I need you to send a letter to Que Chensi for me. You don't have to refuse. I know you must know the whereabouts of their father and son."

As he said that, Yuan Wuji already had an extra letter in his hand.

Tan Xiqi was silent for a long while, if he was asked to contribute, it would be a very simple matter, but if it involved the eldest brother and his father and son who had finally retired, Tan Xiqi could not agree.

Seemingly seeing Tan's strange doubts, Yuan Wuji continued: "Don't worry, this matter has nothing to do with Wang Xiaoran's family, it's just that Echensi is holding something that shouldn't belong to him, so I handed the letter to him, but I believe it's nothing to do with it." Chensi will understand the seriousness."

"In that case, I will act as a messenger for a while."

At this point, Tan Xiqi can only agree, because he is very clear about Yuan Wuji's means, if he doesn't agree, he will probably go to his elder brother and the others himself, and at that time, the trouble will be even greater.

"Let's talk about the opponent you picked for me."

Putting away the envelope, Tan Xiqi asked again, he didn't think Yuan Wuji's trip would be just like that.

"I will not interfere with your choice, but since you want to prove the pinnacle of swordsmanship, I can make a list for you."

Yuan Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly, without delay, "Do you know the Sword Clan?"

"Sword clan?"

Tan Xiqi murmured, "I seem to have heard that Xi Duanhong's mother clan seemed to be the sword clan."

"That's right, but Xi Duanhong doesn't rank well among the sword clan. Nowadays, there are several masters of swordsmanship in the Buddhist boundary of Xihuang, and one of them is from the Confucian sect. You should have heard of his name beforehand, Qingfengbi Crane is a snow suit."

"Oh? I've heard about Bacai Confucian Crane of the Western Confucian lineage, but unfortunately I didn't have the chance to see it."

Tan Xiqi nodded slightly, expressing his approval of Xi Xueyi.

"The other person is the waning moon · Gusu Huanjian, one of the three sharpest sword clans in the past; if you have the chance, you may still hope to meet another three sharp edges, Shou Ma Guan Shan · Zhang Qiu WuQi, he is very close to the sword The same, both are the innate sword embryos of the Sword Clan."

"Innate Sword Embryo!"

At the beginning, he almost died under the sword, but Tan Xiqi still remembers it vividly. It wasn't that he was invincible, but because the sword was broken, but he also understood the power of the sword embryo.

At this moment, Tan Xiqi's eyes were full of fighting spirit. Fighting against masters, especially sword masters, was Tan Xiqi's favorite thing to do.

Because only in this way can he prove the pinnacle of swordsmanship.

Moreover, integrating the innate body-shattering invisible sword energy into his own swordsmanship, Tan Xiqi couldn't wait to verify his swordsmanship.

"The last person is also the pinnacle of swordsmanship far surpassing the three of them. He also comes from the sword clan, and he also had a congenital sword embryo, and was even revered as the sword sect."

"Who is he?"

Tan Xiqi couldn't help asking, although he had never met Xi Xueyi, but he had also joined Confucianism and heard some legends about the other party, and the juxtaposition of Gusu Huanjian and Zhangchou Wuqi was enough to surprise people, but Now, another swordsman stronger than these three appeared, and Tan Xiqi's blood was boiling.

"Long day Kunyi!"

Leaving four characters behind, Yuan Wuji has drifted away.

Soon after, like a sharp sword piercing the top of the Sword Sealing Tower in the sky, a beam of bright sword energy shot straight into the sky, and the gate of the Sword Sealing Tower closed slowly.

In a blink of an eye, Tan Xiqi disappeared.

 The third update!Get ready to rest!

(End of this chapter)

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