Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 604 All are movie emperors

Chapter 604 All are movie emperors

The last word was swallowed in the mouth with majestic power and blood.

"Buddhist friends, if this demon devours the power of blood and darkness, if it is not eliminated today, the common people in the world will suffer disaster in the future!"

The very gentleman occupying the body of a page of the book shouted awe-inspiringly, and at the same time raised his arms again and slammed, the whole earth was trembling.

"it is good!"

Fawei King Kong's eyes turned cold. He was already full of anger towards the demons and heretics because of the death of Qing Sui Buddha, but now the "Zhan Tianjiao" can be said to have hit the knife's edge.

Zhan Tianjiao was full of unscrupulous demonic aura, and thousands of resentful souls wept around him, all of which meant that he was the devil among demons.

"Vajra Sun Wheel!"

Fawei King Kong yelled loudly, and the Buddha Yuan was raised violently, and the revolving eight-path time wheel erupted with golden brilliance, suppressing it like a big sun, and at the same time, it eliminated the devilish energy in Tianjiao's body.

At this moment, the one-page book understands that the explanation is not clear, so I can only leave first, and then find Yun Huizi and others to explain clearly, and explain the conspiracy of the very gentleman, "The very gentleman, I will never let your conspiracy succeed!"

A page of the book occupying Zhan Tianjiao's body shouted loudly, and the demonized Great Brahma Sacred Palm was invincible with surging magic flames, forcefully piercing through a way out.

During this period, Tiger Soul had already started to be agitated, wanting to see blood, but Yi Yeshu knew that if he used this magic knife, his consciousness might be completely invaded by it, so he tried his best to suppress the agitation.

Very Jun and Zhan Tianjiao are naturally aware of the situation of a page of the book, and they pursue it even more fiercely. Zhan Tianjiao can be said to be merciless to his own body, and tricks him to vomit blood.

After all, this physical body was recondensed from the body of Kui Yujiang who swallowed the original demon king with tiger soul, so he didn't care whether it was incomplete or not.

Both Wei Feijun and Zhan Tianjiao are also unfamiliar with the body and energy, so they let Yi Yishu escape after all, and there is nothing they can do about it.

At this time, Fawei King Kong also walked up to the two of them, looked at the place where the stone lotus once existed and asked, "Buddhist friends, what is going on?"


Jun Fei, who occupies a page of the book, sighed slightly, "At the beginning, the earth was mad to promote the blood-dark doomsday plan, to wash the common people with blood, so as to strengthen the power of blood-darkness, which was finally blocked by me, but the power of blood-darkness was also lost because of the loss of land. Ming's control is about to explode.

Reluctantly, Zhan Tianjiao and Fei Jun coveted the power of blood darkness at that time, so I could only use Gu Wei Sheng Lian to trap the burst of blood darkness power with this extremely protective move. "

"Then him?"

Fawei King Kong looked at Fei Jun, and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"I have convinced Mr. Fei that he is willing to work with me to quell the evil disaster of Baqi, so the two of us have joined forces to do something for the common people."

"So kind!"

Fawei King Kong gave away with a tense expression, nodded slightly to Mr. Fei, and then said solemnly: "Now that the evil spirit is soaring, Mr. Zhanlu Wufangyuan has completely fallen into the devil's way, and he joined forces with the ghost prison to kill Qing Sui Buddha, And the eight tribes are coveting the dragon head of the evil god, and even the evil kings of the heavens are born to fight against the Confucian sect; but the West Huang Buddhist world is no longer able to rush to the Central Plains, Brahma, you can return, it is the luck of the common people!"

"Young Master Yuan join hands with Ghost Prison?"

Very Jun was surprised when he heard the news, and Baoxiang's solemn face showed a look of astonishment. He obviously didn't expect Yuan Wuji, a scheming fool, to express his position.It even teamed up with the ghost prison.

After all, in the current affliction, three forces can be divided, namely the evil spirit of Baqi, the righteous way of affliction, and the hidden Yama ghost prison. No matter how you look at it, Yama ghost prison is the weakest.

"Alas! This starts with the birth of the evil kings of the heavens. There was news from the Central Plains that the heavenly traces had been instigated by the evil kings of the eight tribes. After Tianji was seriously injured, they were finally taken over by the evil kings of the heavens and returned."

"Afterwards, Fengtian, the Royal Danxinjun, went to the Zhongtian Xie King alone to save the Tianji, and finally fought with the Zhongtian Xie King. His whereabouts are unknown, but judging from the state of the Zhongtian Xie King, it is obvious that Jun Fengtian is already in danger."

"Not long ago, the evil kings of the heavens invaded the Buddhist world of Xihuang, and they were blocked by the Buddhist friends of the evening drum and the morning bell. We waited for the Four Zen Heavens to protect the tranquility of the Buddha's realm and defend the peace of the Buddhist realm. Wuji hits the chance to kill Qing Sui Buddha."

Following Fawei King Kong telling what happened these days, Mr. Fei also understood everything, but he didn't believe that Yuan Wuji would fail so easily.

"Does he have any unknown plans?"

Although he was skeptical in his heart, he remained calm on the surface, "Buddha friends, don't worry, Brahma will not let evil spirits harm the common people as long as Brahma is alive, so I will go to Confucianism now."

After a few people parted, the infinite in the dark also came out.

"This matter is weird, but now my identity may have been exposed, and it will be difficult to escape if I go back to the Xianmen or Confucianism. I will stay here first, find Yuan Wuji's soul, and completely erase it."

"Then return to the Nether Realm by turning into a lurking head, bring the devil's brain to join the bodies of the heavens, and then find a chance to kill Tianjiao and others. Even if only half of the power of blood darkness can be recovered, it is enough to cooperate with the essence of death that I kept before. I have crossed the threshold of approaching God."

According to Moshi's original plan, in order to enter the God of Approach, he must reach the peak of the God of Approach, but now, in order to enhance his strength, he has no extra time to plan, and he can only face it better if he crosses the threshold of God of Approach. Many enemies.

"Yuan Wuji!"

Thinking of this, the hatred in Mo Shi's heart blazed wildly. If it wasn't for Yuan Wuji's sabotage, how could he have fallen to such a state.


German style ancient road.

Yu Lijing has returned, but behind him there is an extra follower, Suzaku Yi.

In order to avoid being taken away by that horrible villain, Ghost Qi Master, Suzakuyi followed Yulijing closely, never leaving. Fortunately, Yulijing was gentle and didn't feel disturbed, which made Suzakuyi feel that Confucianist was a good guy Yes, very similar to Jian Feidao.

"Ha! The boss went out and abducted a little beauty, haha..."

Yun Wanggui is an optimist, even if the war is about to break out, he still can't help but tease Yulijing.

At this moment Yingshuangqing was also there, and couldn't help covering her mouth with a smile, "It seems that Master Jade's affairs have rarely touched Fan's heart."

As she said that, she looked at Yu Lijing full of interest. After all, she was a married woman, and she was bolder than before.

Even though Yu Lijing was calm, but being ridiculed by everyone like this, he couldn't help but blush slightly.

"Fengru, don't talk about others, you have been married to Shengru for so long, when will you add new members to my Confucian school!"

At this moment, Huangru's supreme voice suddenly came, but it was mocking in its majesty.

Ying Shuangqing's expression froze, embarrassment appeared on his face under the veil, and he was even more angry in his heart, "Uncle Lin is really serious, saying such things on this occasion!"

After the interesting story was revealed, Yu Lijing and others began to discuss the strategy against the enemy again.

After all, this time, the ghost unicorn revealed that King Ashura, King Jingxie and others will also participate in the battle. These two people have never been in contact with each other, and their strength is unknown, so they must not be underestimated.

 Thanks: Tall Throne, Si Ren Haggard, Du Tian Shen Sha Zhou Tian Xing Chen and other Taoist friends for their rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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