Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 631 The first battle between good and evil

Chapter 631 The Fifth Battle Between Good and Evil

"It seems that you are determined to go the same way as the ghost prison. Dreaming back to Gusu today will make you reflect on yourself!"

Thinking that the person who murdered his best friend was right in front of him, Gusu Huanjian rushed towards Mr. Xi.

Just now.

There was a crisp sound, and in front of Young Master Xi, Tan Xiqi drew his sword to block it, "Your Excellency seems to have forgotten me?"

"Since you want to prevent disaster for him, then you should bear the price you should pay for him!"

Gusu Huanjian's hair danced wildly, and the sword force suddenly spit out.

One is the sharp edge of the sword family, the other is the master of the sword tower, who has once defeated Ghost Blade Xihen and Moye Tingjian in sword theory, and has also competed with Jian Feidao.

And at the same time that Xi Xueyi and Mr. Xi looked at each other, a Buddhist voice full of anger came suddenly.


Holy and evil gather together, the fifth battle between good and evil.

Mo Qingchi isolated the battlefield, and the huge mountain peak was stabilized under the joint efforts of Ghost Qizhu and Yu Lijing, turning it into a battlefield for the impact of good and evil.

The head of the evil god dragon has been lost, which is an irreversible situation.

As for the changes in Yuwai, Yulijing has no time to care about it now, all he has to do now is to focus on the battle in front of him.

For the evil kings, this is a game.

But for the Confucian sect, this is a catastrophe for the destruction of the sect and a catastrophe for the common people.

Two to two draws.

Now on the field is Confucian Mo Qingchi guarding the ring.

Lord Guiqi looked around and was about to speak, when suddenly a hoarse voice came from behind, "I accept this battle."

As soon as the words fell, a burly figure entered along with the evil wind, "Millions of corpses stepped on the beacon fire, blood buried dead bones next to mountains and rivers. When knives and halberds sink to sand, we can only ask Chi Luo."

There was an ear-piercing sound of rubbing, but a person was seen dragging a knife.

With a strong breath and terrifying pressure, Yu Lijing's face changed, "Yasha Xiaowang!"

And after Yasha Xiaowang appeared, the inseparable Baichuan Linghua also appeared on the other side of the flower, "A hundred generations of demons are buried in Tiangang, flying light and flowing clouds are left in battle, and the night does not cry blood, only the flowers are hurt."

The enchanting and charming voice made everyone's hearts tremble, but everyone in the Confucianism sect was full of grandeur, and they suppressed the strangeness in their hearts in an instant.

In the center of the battlefield, Mo Qingchi's expression also became serious, and everyone in the Confucian School was full of worry,

They have already seen the strength of Yasha Xiaowang.

If Shengsi was in its heyday, it would be okay, but now the battle with Zonghengzi has already suffered a lot.

More importantly, King Yesha Xiao is one of the Eight Clans. The real lineage of the evil gods will not be as important as Le Xunyuan and Zonghengzi, and their participation in the war is only to cope with a task.

Yasha Xiaowang really knows how to kill.

"Hundred demon blood has been stained with the blood of demons, elves, humans, and ghosts. Let me see if the blood of Confucianism is pure enough today!"

Yasha Xiaowang lifted the evil knife upside down, and a fierce aura lingered around his body, as if there were countless resentful souls roaring mournfully around him.

Mo Qingchi frowned, feeling the invisible evil spirit enveloped, and then said in a deep voice: "That depends on whether your knife is sharp enough!"

'Uh ha ha ha...'

Hearing this, King Yesha Xiao let out a strange smile under his mask, "Arrogance requires the strength of arrogance, do you have it?"

As soon as the words fell, King Yasha Xiao stepped on the ground, and at the same time as the ground cracked, a person appeared in front of Mo Qingchi in an instant, and the evil naginata chopped down with a strong evil force.


After clanging for a while, Mo Qingchi blocked the horizontal sword, and the huge pressure was transmitted from the sword body. Mo Qingchi's feet sank three feet into the ground, and Fang Yuan was shaken for several feet, stirring up dust and sand.

"Five lives destroy the heart!"

Yasha Xiaowang held a knife in one hand and a palm in the other, and hit Mo Qingchi hard on the heart.

Facing the ruthless killing palm, Mo Qingchi let out a deep shout, squeezed the seal with his hand, and responded with a forceful move, "Sacred Seal of Jade Wind!"

Hao Ran's Palm collided with Weird Evil Palm, and both sides retreated a few steps.


Yasha Xiaowang gave an evil laugh, and made another ultimate move, "Crack, Death Break!"

A knife cut in two, like the blade of death, cannot be avoided.

Mo Qingchi forcibly suppressed the turbulent aura in his body, and used his unique move, "Clear Mo·Zhengu Mingfeng!"

The awe-inspiring aura condenses the fire phoenix, and with a loud cry, the fire phoenix spreads its wings and rushes towards the death knife.


There was a huge explosion, and the whole giant mountain began to shake. Gui Qizhu and Yu Lijing, one of them transported Gui Yuan and the other transported Hao Yuan to stabilize the mountain.

In an instant, the huge mountain peaks seemed to be glowing, extremely eye-catching in the dark night.

The tyrannical power overflowed from the giant mountain as the center, ripples appeared in the void, and several figures of watching the battle appeared.

It was Bu Junshang, Bi Xueyan and Qicheng.

In addition, Qin Jiaxian finally waited until he came back with a page of the book, but it was a page of the book that occupied the body of the very king. He came here to obey the order, and planned to inform the Confucianism Sect and the Yunhai Xianmen Sect.

Because now the very king occupying the body of a page book has set off a bloody disaster in the martial arts, and the name of the evil heart demon Buddha has spread throughout the affliction.

Mo Qingchi knew that his opponent was strong, and if he continued to consume it, the situation would only become more and more unfavorable. Then he fixed his gaze and made a decision, "Even if I am defeated, I must also consume the strength of Yasha Xiaowang. If I can kill him because of this Yecha Xiaowang may defeat masters like Yasha Xiaowang from the ring, which will be beneficial to the Confucian sect in the next battle."

Thinking of this, Mo Qingchi's eyes froze, and then he froze, "Jiuxiao Shahan · Lin Fenghanmo!"

Qi condensed with a sword, Fang Yuan's land was immediately frozen, and the ink-colored sword qi condensed into ice swords, following the direction of Mo Qingchi's sword, flying out with awe-inspiring chill.

"Devil Killing Wan Fengliu!"

Yasha Xiaowang also wielded the evil knife, and the dark purple evil blades shot out, colliding with the ice sword that was fired at high speed, making bursts of roars.

The battle between the two sides reached extremes in an instant, and King Yaksha slashed wildly with his sword, and there was a strange force in the opening and closing.

Although Mo Qingchi won the battle with Zonghengzi, Zonghengzi also showed his ultimate move, which made Mo Qingchi already injured, and now facing the top three Yasha Xiaowang among the eight tribes, he was already injured in an instant.

Blood stained the Confucian robe, and Mo Feng in his hand was stained with blood, but Mo Qingchi did not retreat an inch, but took difficult steps, step by step towards King Yasha Xiao.

"Saints can't do it!"

Yu Lijing shouted anxiously, as the master of Confucianism, he didn't want anyone to have an accident in front of him.

What's more, this is his best friend.

But Mo Qingchi acted as if he had never heard of it, and there was only firm will in his eyes.

"Is the Confucianism proud? I like it!"

Yecha Xiaowang narrowed his eyes slightly, and a sneer and sarcasm appeared on the corners of his lips under the mask, "But, no matter how hard your bones are, is it as sharp as my knife?"

"Ghost Wave·Yan Luo Zhan!"

The evil knife slashed vigorously, and finally the knife came as if cutting through many huge waves to take his life.

The hundred-zhang sword slashed the sky and the earth, and the electric current rushed in all directions, as if cutting through the space and opening up the hell of Yama, countless ghosts sprang out, making a screaming sound.

Facing the life-threatening knife, Mo Qingchi's exhausted eyes burst into anger, and his seemingly weak body burst out with a powerful force again, "My will enters the sword, the sword moves selflessly, and the sword is like one!"

The true energy in Mo Qingchi's body frantically poured into the long sword in his hand, strength and qi combined, qi and mind combined, mind and spirit combined, body and sword merged without distinction.


Yu Lijing noticed something for a moment, and suddenly exclaimed, but it was too late, Mo Qingchi burned his blood, put his life into the sword, and created the most brilliant sword in this life.

A sword cut through the night, like the light of the sun, suddenly collided with the Baizhang Dao Gang.

Like two peerless magic weapons, the ear-piercing sound of their clashing spread across the wilderness, the mighty power split the sky thousands of miles away, and the sun, moon and stars moved.

The giant mountain under his feet sank tens of feet in an instant, and the giant peak soaring into the sky seemed to have been cut off.

The blood was covered by dust, the scenery was obscured, and the sound and light were lost for a moment.

 There will be another chapter later.

(End of this chapter)

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