Chapter 645 Both losers hurt

West Huang Buddha Boundary.

Mr. Xi and the group followed Fawei King Kong to the Buddhist world of Xihuang. At this time, Xi Xueyi suddenly received a secret message from the Confucian sect.

Unfolding the envelope and seeing the contents, Xi Xueyi's expression changed slightly.

"Tie a snow suit, what happened?"

The knot of grievances has been resolved, and the countless years of fighting against each other, coupled with the time spent together, the two seem to be close friends, so Gusu Huanjian asked directly.

"The Babu people and the Confucian sect started a game of perdition, and they will never die. I must rush back to the Confucian sect to support."

Simply stating the rules of the competition, Xi Xueyi has already ignored the matter of Xihuang Buddhist World and Yan Luo Ghost Prison, because he is a Confucian after all.

After Yiyi Chunqiu passed away in court three times, he was the person in charge and had to take responsibility for Yiyi Chunqiu.


Gusu Huanjian pondered slightly, and could only tell him to be careful in everything, because as a member of the Sword Clan, he was once the enemy of Yan Luo Ghost Prison, so he must stick to it.

And he hasn't killed the Goddess of Death and Silence yet, to seek blood revenge for his friend Zhangchou indefinitely.

Xi Xueyi cast a complicated glance at the Dead Silence Goddess, after all, she was the one she once loved, but after all, it was just a hoax, and then turned around and left with Young Master Xiaona.

When Fawei King Kong heard about this, his expression became slightly condensed, and he was going to return to the West Huang Buddhist Realm as soon as possible to inform Shengheng.

When the group continued to move forward, the seventh battle between good and evil also kicked off.

Jing Tian is pregnant with a pair of Yaksha owl kings.

Yu Junheng's blood feud was in front of him, and Jingtian was burning with anger.

The ancestral sword in his hand bloomed with great light, and the blazing white light covered the entire mountain range.

"Pay for Yu Junheng's life!"

Accompanied by a stern shout, Jing Tianhuai's unique move suddenly unfolded, "Heaven Sends Ten Thousand Dusts to the Holy One!"

Thousands of swords danced for thousands of years, and thousands of dust and sand swirled, turning into sword qi to kill King Yasha Xiao.

The piercing whistle sounded continuously, as if the entire world had no place for Yasha Xiaowang to settle down.

The Babu people looked indifferent, and the ghost unicorn knew very well that Yasha Xiaowang could do something, so he was not in a hurry.

"Hundred Ghosts Night Weeping Blood Wall!"

King Yesha Xiao squinted his eyes slightly, and the blood of the demons danced wildly in his hands, and the scarlet swords gathered densely in front of him, like a city wall.

Boom boom boom!
The majestic and evil qi collided with each other, and the situation suddenly changed, and the universe was in turmoil.

"Absolutely no way, one sword reaches the end of the world!"

Once the move is over, Jing Tianhuai makes another killing move to avenge the Confucian disciples, Jing Tianhuai strikes mercilessly.

The swords of ancestors in his hands complement each other even more, bursting out with outrageous power.

In a blink of an eye, Jing Tianhuai appeared behind Yecha Xiaowang, stabbing down with his sword.

But Yesha Xiaowang has experienced many battles, and at the same time when he sensed something was wrong, his moves also changed, "Yegui·Phantom Sword Flow!"

At the same time as the saber was drawn, King Yesha's body changed into dozens of ways, and Jing Tianhuai's eyes were confused for a moment.

Jing Tianhuai doesn't have special divine eyes, so he can't see through the illusion, so he can only sweep with his sword sense.

The sword qi blew away several phantoms, but Jing Tianhuai's pupils constricted suddenly, "It's an illusion."

Xinfu was startled, only felt the hairs on his back stand on end, and the cold air enveloped his whole body.

At the critical moment, Jing Tianhuai suddenly turned the sword of Zunzu in his hand, blocking the killing move.

This made Yu Lijing and the others breathe a sigh of relief.

The clang echoed loudly, and the two forces collided, and the bandage in the hands of Yasha Xiaowang was suddenly stained red with blood, and drops of bright red fell to the ground along the broken white cloth, and at the same time, a mouthful of bright red overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Yecha Xiaowang was injured when he defeated Mo Qingchi yesterday, and he was blocked by the infantry Shang on the way, which caused him to be seriously injured and almost died. The aftermath of Duan Tiantu's battle with Qi Cheng and the others also affected Yasha Xiaowang.

Therefore, today's Yesha Xiaowang can be said to be wounded on top of injuries. In order to end the battle as soon as possible, he killed Yu Junheng with a single knife, which has already affected several serious injuries in his body.

Now all the injuries in his body exploded in the battle with Jing Tianhuai, and his breath was messy for a moment.

Jing Tianhuai obviously noticed this, and his eyes lit up immediately, he would never miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and he will use the ultimate move in his hand, "Yasha Xiaowang, save your life——Thousands of sharps and hundreds of refining Tianyi!"

Turning back with a sword, condensing thousands of sword lights and one sword, it was like a bunch of sparks sparked by a beam of divine light and blood of a hundred demons, and then pierced into the body of Yasha Xiaowang.


Yasha Xiaowang opened his mouth to spurt blood, and at the same time, the blood on his shoulders remained like silk threads, and the noble energy entered his body, colliding violently with the evil energy in his body, which made Yasha Xiaowang's internal injuries even worse.


The complexion of Bai Chuan Linghua in the back changed slightly. Although his feelings had weakened a lot due to the influence of the Duan Tian Tu Sword Realm, he still couldn't help calling out when he saw King Yasha Xiao being severely injured.

Although King Yasha Xiao was severely injured at this moment, hoarse laughter came from under the mask, "Very good, but if you want to kill me with this, you underestimate King Yasha Xiao too much!"

The hero of the eight tribes, the murder of Leng Can.

Yasha Xiaowang's sword is cold, his heart is even colder, his style is disabled, and his people are even more disabled.

As cruel and ruthless to the enemy, he is equally, if not more ruthless and cruel to himself.

King Yecha Xiao grabbed the blade of the sword with one hand, the corner of his mouth under the mask turned up, and with the cold light in his eyes, the blood of Baiyao with his right hand also struck Jing Tianhuai's shoulder.

A bouquet of blood flowers bloomed on Jing Tianhuai's shoulder.

Jing Tianhuai let out a muffled snort, and wanted to pull out the long sword with all his strength, but King Yasha Xiao did not retreat but advanced, allowing the long sword to pierce the shoulder blade, and the blood of the hundred demons in his hand suddenly pressed down. Jing Tianhuai couldn't bear the force, and immediately knelt down on one knee land.

King Yasha Xiao's ruthlessness towards himself made people startled, Jing Tianhuai let out a muffled snort, and then suddenly turned all his strength to force King Yasha Xiao back.

But Baiyaoxie Knife had already melted a foot-long wound on his chest, his flesh was ripped apart, blood stained his clothes.

"Master, how are you?"

Mu Lingfeng also clenched his fists tightly and couldn't help shouting.

Jing Tianhuai, who was kneeling on one knee, raised his hand, his serious face showed no fear at all, but became even more serious, "Yasha Xiaowang, I said, you will pay for Yu Junheng's life!"

As soon as the words fell, Jingtian suddenly raised his long sword, "The clothes are seamless!"

The Confucian sect's secret technique reappeared, and the sword threads rushed towards Yasha Xiaowang densely, and passed through Yasha Xiaowang's severely injured body in an instant.

"This battle is won by Confucianism."

Sensing that something was wrong, Bai Chuan Linghua opened his mouth directly, blocking the remaining sword energy for a moment, but King Yaksha Xiao, who was behind him, had already knelt on one knee, and at the same time, sword energy erupted from his body, and blood holes burst out of his burly body, and people couldn't bear it. In a coma on the spot.

Without delay, Bai Chuan Linghua turned around and disappeared with Yasha Xiaowang.

The ghost unicorn narrowed his eyes slightly, but did not stop him.

"It seems that we lost this battle, but will Jing Tianhuai survive in the next battle?"

Ghost Qizhu cast a playful glance at Jing Tianhuai, who was also seriously injured, and said.

It wasn't that Jing Tianhuai wasn't strong enough, but he didn't expect that although King Yasha Xiao was seriously injured, his heart was cold enough and his methods were cruel enough.

He didn't hesitate to trade his life for his life, making Jing Tianhuai lose his advantage in a blink of an eye.

"I can still fight!"

Jing Tianhuai, who could not fall down with his sword leaning on the ground, spoke hoarsely.

In his heart, he hated himself for underestimating the enemy, otherwise he would never have suffered such a serious injury in this battle.

The ghost unicorn ignored it and just looked at Yu Lijing.

"This is a draw."

After pondering for a while, Yu Lijing spoke.

With Jing Tianhuai's current state, if another master emerges from the Babu group, even Jing Tianhuai's life will be in danger.

After Yu Junheng's death, he could no longer see someone die in front of him.

 Ask for a thumbs-up in the competition, and you can see our book by choosing the Inner Mongolia division.Recently, Calvin can't guarantee the third one, so I can only try my best!cry……

(End of this chapter)

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