Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 648 Appearance is the end [6.5 tweets added]

Chapter 648 Appearance is the end [6.5 tweets added]

"I didn't expect Confucianism to have such brave people as you."

King Jingxie's voice was hoarse, and he had already had the heart to retreat after fighting so hard.

After all, he is not Andi, if it is Andi, such a bloody battle will only make him more eager to fight and desperate to die.

But Jingxie King has the greed of a wolf, how can a greedy person go to death so easily.

On the other hand, although Xi Xueyi was born in the Confucian school, he has no lack of courage, "It's because you underestimate the Confucian school. The disciples of the Confucian school dare to be the first in the world."

"Jingxie King, it's over!"

Accompanied by an angry shout, Xie Xueyi slammed a palm on King Jingxie's chest, grabbed the hilt of the sword at the same time, and drew back the long sword, "It seems sad but not sad, and the sky is like a loss!"

The last time he was severely injured and fell off the cliff by the ghost pretending to be the master of the ghost, it was the ultimate secret between Xueyi and life and death.

This is his righteous father's love, but he has never mastered it. Now, he has finally displayed this sword.

This is the unique skill of Jian Zong Chang Ri Kunzhen, even if it is not returned, it may not be fully understood. Although Xi Xueyi also does not understand it completely, but this sword is enough to amaze the spot.

With his life as a gamble, King Jingxie didn't have time to react in astonishment, and the withered pine crane bone had already sunk into the center of his eyebrows.

King Jingxie let out a sound and the evil spirit suddenly dissipated.

The smiles on the faces of Gui Qizhu and the others froze. They obviously didn't expect Xi Xueyi to hide such a killer move. Before everyone could react, he killed him with a single sword.

Although it was different from King Yasha Xiao's sword attack when he killed Yu Junheng, it had the same result.

"The driver!"

With a cry of mourning, Dongyue burst into the battlefield suddenly, and knocked away the equally weak Xueyi with a palm.

At this time, Yu Lijing, who was also surprised, suddenly came back to his senses, and quickly brought Xi Xueyi back.

Dongyue Leixiang felt that the vitality of Ailang in her arms had disappeared, and suddenly roared sadly, looked at Confucianism and roared: "I will make you pay for your life!"

The war between good and evil does not distinguish between men and women, let alone love and hate.

What's more, Xi Xueyi's life was also in danger, and Feng Ru took action to keep him alive, and the loss was also heavy.

Yu Lijing suppressed the redundant thoughts in his mind, just stared at the ghost lord and said coldly: "Is this the candidate for your match?"

Dongyue Leixiang didn't wait for the ghost unicorn to speak, and said directly, "Yes, are the Confucianists ready to die?"

Saying that, a trident appeared in Dongyue Leixiang's hand, pointing at Confucianism.

At this moment, the sound of cicadas chirping suddenly came, followed by a strange voice, "The stars and snow are bleak, the sky and the Milky Way hang down, and the wild and beautiful night wanders to cast Chu Ci. .”

As the chills cleared away, a man wearing a dark red robe, with long white hair tied high behind his head, with a touch of blood in his hair, and a handsome and bewitching face appeared on the top of the mountain.

"Little sister, you are too reckless."

The calm and strange voice made Dongyue Leixiang shrink her neck, but seeing Airo's body behind her, Dongyue Leixiang's expression became firm again.

With the sudden appearance of King Asura, the atmosphere in the venue became tense in an instant.

The majestic pressure all showed the strength of the comer.

This kind of coercion is far from comparable to King Jingxie.

"He is the Asura King who has collected ten thousand calamities..."

Yu Lijing murmured, looking at the person coming with vigilance.

This is the master second only to the Heavenly Evil Kings among the Eight Parts.


And when the battle between good and evil is in full swing.

Bai Chuan Linghua returned to the reconstructed Corpse Mountain with the seriously injured Yasha Xiaowang.

But as soon as he returned, Bai Chuan Linghua's expression changed, and he looked forward.

At some point, at the end of them, there was already a familiar figure from behind.

"Yuan Wuji."

Bai Chuan Linghua shrank his pupils, and asked in a concentrated voice, "What are you doing here?"

Although she and Yasha Xiaowang have become much weaker due to the influence of the special sword realm, they are very comparable. What's more, apart from love, they also have a relationship between master and apprentice.

Therefore, he was full of vigilance for Yuan Wuji who suddenly appeared here.

Especially at this time.

King Yasha Xiao was seriously injured. If the opponent really wanted to attack, she couldn't resist it with her strength.

Although it was said that when she sent back Duan Tiantu's relic before, the other party promised to do her a favor, but the reputation is full of variables, and it will change at any time according to the strength.

Thinking of this, Bai Chuan Linghua had no choice but to bring up the name that she hated, and wanted to threaten Yuan Wuji, "Yuan Wuji, the evil god of Baqi is about to appear, so don't make a decision at this moment to block your way out."

"Miss Bai, don't worry, I said I will help you once."

Yuan Wuji turned around slowly, looked at Bai Chuan Linghua and said: "I know that Miss Bai has always hoped that Chi Luo can kill you, completely sever love and sex, and complete the way of life and death, and I can help you with this favor."


Hearing this, Bai Chuan Linghua's expression relaxed at first, then he narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked up and down at Yuan Wuji with a pair of phoenix eyes, because she didn't know what the other party's purpose was.

Bai Chuan Linghua does not believe that there is a free lunch in the world.

Is it really worth the other party's return to send a relic once?
As if seeing Bai Chuan Linghua's doubts and vigilance, Yuan Wuji continued: "Besides this matter, my other purpose is to help you realize your long-standing wish."

Having said that, Yuan Wuji's voice paused, and after a moment of silence, he said something that made Bai Chuanling's face change, "Get out of control, and be yourself again."

"How would you know?"

Bai Chuan Linghua blurted out, and then his lips were tightly closed. After a long time, he suddenly let out a laugh like a silver bell, "Master Yuan is indeed Mr. Yuan, but are you really sure that we will betray the evil god? Instead of reporting this matter to the evil god in exchange for trust? "

"Do you know?"

Yuan Wuji took a step, and appeared directly in front of Bai Chuan Linghua, stretching out his hand to pick up Bai Chuan Linghua's crystal clear chin, and between the two was the comatose Yasha Xiaowang.


Bai Chuan Linghua snorted softly, took a step back, and said coldly: "Tell me your solution."

Hearing what Bai Chuan Linghua said, Yuan Wuji smiled even more, "The way to life and death is to cut off all emotions in the world, and to kill family, friendship, and love to achieve a state of unfeeling can truly break out a god-killing blow."

"And Chi Luo's father, family members, and friends have long since fallen, and now, you are the only one left, so as long as he kills you, he can achieve the perfect way of life and death."

"But the main reason why he can't do anything to you is because you love him too, so he can only make up his mind if you are unfeeling and hurt him."

"What do you mean?"

Bai Chuan Linghua's brows furrowed even tighter, and a pair of beautiful eyes fixed on Yuan Wuji, not knowing what the other party was planning.

"It's simple."

Yuan Wuji took a step forward and got closer to Bai Chuan Linghua. He leaned over and whispered in Bai Chuan Linghua's ear: "Tell him, and he will truly love you!"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Chuan Linghua's pupils constricted immediately.

She had used the method of killing Chi Luo before to force him to kill her, but the other party never hit her hard.

It's not that she didn't think about this method, but she was full of love for Chi Luo before, so she couldn't make up her mind.

She could accompany him to death, but she was unwilling to hurt him.

And now.

After the relationship weakened a lot, Bai Chuan Linghua felt a little moved, "Perhaps this is indeed a solution."

After pondering for a while, Bai Chuan Linghua looked at Yuan Wuji again, "It seems that you have prepared a plan."

 The third update.Although we may not be able to compete for the fifth place this month, we still require a monthly pass. After all, the 100-chapter monthly pass plus one update still counts.

(End of this chapter)

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