Breaking through Thunderbolt with martial arts

Chapter 650 Demonic Flame Outrageous 【Please order tickets】

Chapter 650 Demonic Flame Outrageous 【Please order tickets】

"Is this my other side?"

"Or it's just a prototype!"

Liushenzi murmured, the golden light shining on his eyelids, but his expression showed a touch of joy, "The enemy on the bright side is not scary, and if we find you, everything will be easy!"

"Really? Hahaha..."

Zhan Tianjiao laughed wildly, and the entire Dark Demon Realm was in turmoil. After a long time, the laughter fell, and Zhan Tianjiao's eyes turned cold, and he said loudly: "Humble sorrow and anger, after all, I made a wedding dress for him, why not fulfill me!"

"Three swords in the universe, thousands of swords and ten thousand cuts to the gods and Buddhas!"

His eyes froze, and he struck again, and the knife light covered all the scenery in the world, as if the space had become fragmented.

"Six Gods Jue Guanyin Chaos!"

Facing the overwhelming sword radiance, Liushenzi unleashed thousands of blows in one move, and the swift and chaotic vortex moves made it hard to guard against, swallowing the sky full of sword energy one by one, and the strong moves collapsed immediately.

But this is only the beginning.

"Very good—Three Swords of the Universe·Storm Shatters the Universe!"

The ultimate move came out again, and the pitch-black knife wind instantly engulfed the whirlpool in the sky, and at the same time collapsed the entire space, everything became fragmented.

The universe was pierced through, and the destructive storm swept across a hundred miles, and countless plants and trees were directly weathered.

Sensing that the destructive storm was spreading, Liushenzi looked solemn and pressed down with his palm, "Tathagata palm Buddha moving mountains and rivers."

Behind Liushenzi's back was a huge sitting Buddha statue, and at the same time the Buddha's palm was overturned.

With the power of one palm, the mountains and rivers collapsed, and the huge energy forcefully collapsed and destroyed the world.

The mighty martial arts reappeared.

Zhan Tianjiao's pupils shrank, and then he snorted angrily, and the magic knife slashed again, "Three swords of the universe, open the sky, smash the earthquake sky!"

The huge magic knife tore through the sky, as if opening up the world and recreating chaos.

"Tathagata God's Palm Buddha Asks Garan!"

Liushenzi pushed his palms horizontally, and immediately sank three feet, the ground of Fang Yuan hundreds of miles away split open at the same time, the tiger's mouth with his golden palms burst, and cracks appeared in his indestructible body.


The blood falling on the golden skin is so dazzling.

The surface of the body is densely cracked, like a piece of cracked porcelain.

The corners of Zhan Tianjiao's mouth curled up, revealing an evil smile, and then the huge Foshan behind Liushenzi collapsed. At some point, the Tiger Soul Demon Knife broke the seal and penetrated deeply into the dragon's head, making it impossible for him to escape. The power is devouring the flesh and blood essence of the huge dragon head.

At this time, Fawei King Kong and Gusu Huanjian finally got rid of the entanglement of monsters.

Witnessed the collapse of Foshan, and even saw the scene of Liushenzi vomiting blood.

"Nufo, how are you?"

Fawei King Kong let out a deep cry, and shot the golden wheel flying behind him, Zhan Tianjiao snorted coldly, and knocked it away with his hands.

"My lord, go and prevent the dragon head from escaping, I will deal with him!"

Liu Shenzi said without turning his head, and wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth in the next moment, clasped his hands together, and a sword light suddenly ignited between his palms, "Prajna Heart Sword!"

Asking the sword with the heart, the sword light passed through time and space, and directly pierced Zhan Tianjiao's heart.

For a moment, the Buddha Yuan burst out, dispelling the demon energy, and Zhan Tianjiao immediately vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Hahaha! You can't stop me, when Tiger Soul returns, you will definitely die!"

Zhan Tianjiao let out a muffled snort, and the demonic energy in his body swelled, forcefully annihilating the different kinds of Buddha energy in his body. At the same time, he laughed and said, even though he was injured, he was still arrogant.

"My Buddha body can die, and the evil spirits will also be destroyed!"

The Liushenzi's headgear collapsed, but at this moment, there was a golden circle of light condensing behind his head, shining golden lights, supporting Liushenzi like a Buddha.

At the same time, the cracks on the body surface are repairing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"You actually want to kill me by burning the source?"

Zhan Tianjiao showed resentment in his eyes, "Compared to my positive evil, he is more like a devil than me, and you are so helpful..."

Saying that, Zhan Tianjiao's eyes showed a fierce look, "It's better to let me swallow you and become the real master from now on."

"wishful thinking!"

There was a flash of light in Liushenzi's eyes, and he sneered even more in his heart, "It seems that because of the special nature of the Tiger Soul, the evil soul makes him think that the seven souls have self-awareness!"

"Unfortunately, the evil soul is just a special case and accident."

Thinking of this in his heart, Liushenzi's killing intent became even stronger, "We must not tolerate him any longer!"

"The monk is brave enough, I will help you!"

At this moment, Gusu Huanjian also appeared suddenly, killing him with one blow.

"Although I lost my tiger soul, it's not something you can resist."

Zhan Tianjiao let out a cold snort, and with one hand melted the knife, he and Menghui Gusu made the sound of clashing like gold and iron.

"The waning moon · strong sigh!"

Knowing that the devil's strength is frightening, Gusu's return of the sword is the ultimate move.

Zhan Tianjiao rotated the golden body of the demon, and his whole body turned into a dark gold color, invulnerable to swords and guns, his hands collided with Menghui Gusu like knives, but he was not injured at all.

"What a tough demon body."

Gusu returned the sword and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, Zhan Tianjiao's strength was stronger than before.

After all, he once devoured the power of blood darkness, and even though he was calculated to take back most of it by Moshi, it also contributed to the magic power.

The dancing of both fists stirred up the void even more.

Bang bang bang!
During the series of collisions, Gusu Huanjian's expression became more and more dignified, and the powerful vibration made his arms numb.

"What I hate the most is a guy like you who can't be beaten!"

Although Gusu Huanjian is strong and his sword is sharp, he has no choice but to encounter Zhan Tianjiao who has an indestructible demon body.

This is exactly the skill to restrain a swordsman like him.

Unless his sword can also restrain the magic energy, or has a magic weapon that restrains the magic power.

However, Gusu Huanjian does not have this ability.

"go to hell!"

"The demon is furious!"

Zhan Tianjiao sneered coldly, the ultimate move of the Heavenly Demon Wujue, the power of a single blow shook the world, enough to shatter thousands of troops and horses and kill them on the spot. Also disabled.

"Swordsman, be careful!"

The Six God Sons sensed that something was wrong, suddenly shouted angrily, and stepped forward, blocking Gusu Huanjian.

The two fists collided, and suddenly a shocking force broke out centered on the two of them.

The surface of Liushenzi's body was shining golden, and his whole body turned into a golden man, but his golden skin wrinkled under the force of this shock.

puff puff...

The Buddha and the devil retreated three steps at the same time, each spurting blood.

The Sixth God Son was not idle, and suddenly stepped on his foot, and a shocking force forced the unprepared Gusu Huanjian out of the battle circle, "Go and help the Venerable, this demon will surrender!"

At this moment, Liushenzi seemed to show his will to die, and his will was unprecedentedly firm.

"It's up to you!"

Zhan Tianjiao's voice was hoarse, as if there was an echo, "There is nothing but death for stubbornness!"

"Fierce devil, even if Son of the Sixth God passed away on the spot today, he will return to the Paradise of Ultimate Bliss with you!"

Liushenzi snorted coldly, and shouted righteously.

The golden wheel at the back of the head exploded with the light of thousands of Buddhas, and there seemed to be a golden Buddha looming behind it.

On the opposite side, Zhan Tianjiao's devilish energy rose behind him, and a huge shadow was also condensed. The scarlet devil's eyes loomed in the black mist, full of bloodthirsty, ruthless, cruel, and destructive negative emotions.

And this is the manifestation of Zhan Tianjiao's heart at this moment, it is his true state.

This is the evil side of Yuan Wuji, and it is also the evil side of human beings.

 We are Inner, Mongolian, and ancient districts, please praise!

(End of this chapter)

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